I'm starting phase one Today

:wink: Is there anyone else who is starting today or who has recently just started?


  • cdemers023
    EEEK phase I....good luck. I'm trying to recruit more peeps so hang in there, hope to have more support soon..
  • Hayley2354
    I started getting serious again January 1. Not following SB exactly, but using a lot of what I learned when doing it. Counting calories along with healthy eating
  • cdemers023
    that sounds like a great plan! you can do it...drink that water
  • Thelala
    Thelala Posts: 47 Member
    I'm IN! not doing sbd but counting calories with the help of myfitnesspal and eating REAL, healthy foods.
  • sipe70
    sipe70 Posts: 16
    I am doing phase 1.5...some fruit, a glass of wine and carbs before running:smile:
  • cdemers023
    I was doing well, then chocolate found me...i'm learning being tired and stress lures me to evil foods
  • alibarue
    Well I have lost 8 lbs so far in 10 days on phase one. My cravings have been more controlled & I'm pretty proud of myself. :blushing:
  • aurose
    aurose Posts: 3 Member
    I started phase 1 four days ago and I am hanging in there. I am constantly searching the internet for recipes that are fast and easy. What has been your favorite recipe?
  • punkinbaby1
    punkinbaby1 Posts: 36 Member
    i am shopping to start phase 1 today. i have been on atkins, so shouldnt b to difficult since i am used to 20 carbs a day anyway. :)
  • cdemers023
    I wish I could do Phase I but I'm under too much stress right now...great job for those of you who are sticking with it!
  • katelaura
    I did phase one in January after Christmas and have managed to lose the festive flab! I'm onto phase two now. Having done this diet on and off for a few years there's been this one website that's helped: www.kalynskitchen.com It has recipes for all phases and really makes it easy to spice up the variety. :) Hope you can find something tasty!! x
  • Thelala
    Thelala Posts: 47 Member
    I give up! I have to do phase 1 and get this monkey off my back and my front and my *kitten*!:laugh:
  • Thelala
    Thelala Posts: 47 Member
    Oh Carla, get on it! I know it's tax season but there's always a reason not to do it, You made me.
  • sipe70
    sipe70 Posts: 16
    I started yesterday and so far so good!!
  • Thelala
    Thelala Posts: 47 Member
    Hey Sheila!:heart:
  • my_username_was_taken
    Hello all. I am a Former SBD girl who had lots of success on the plan last year. After my father in law was killed (run over by a car) I packed on all the weight I once lost. I know it worked for me in the past so I can do it again. I am starting with phase one as of today at least for a few days. I am not so sure I will do the full two weeks again as I don't know that I need to - we'll see. Anyway, I have my fitbit that I got for Christmas and love it. I have this site which will help me not eat too much of the good food (a problem I did have at one point) and motivation to get healthy. My doctor actually suggested SBD to try as my HDL is virtually not present. After I had done it for 6 months, my HDL did rise almost out of the danger zone.

    Anyway, I just thought I would say hello and check out what works for others.

  • Thelala
    Thelala Posts: 47 Member
    Hello L, So sorry to hear about your dad, That is some serious emotional stress honey.

    We can do this. I know it.