week 1

So how are you girls doing so far ???

For me : Its a very good week! :) I feel motivated and I eat well. I was also able to exercise a bit everyday. So far so good. =)


  • cds2001
    cds2001 Posts: 769 Member
    This has been a great week for me! I've logged every day and have been under on calories each day and have exercised at least an hour each day. Looking forward to my rest day tomorrow :happy:
  • WinterB2003
    WinterB2003 Posts: 26 Member
    This week has really been a work in progress. I'm learning so much on here and really applying it. But I'm pleased...so far so good :)
  • Tina0807
    Tina0807 Posts: 212
    Not such a good week here for me. I finally went to the Dr yesterday and found out I have pneumonia. I figured as much, but having it confirmed kind of sucks. LOL. I can't exercise right now, heck I can't even walk from one room to the next without a coughing fit. Resting a lot and eating chicken soup because all the coughing has caused my vocal cords to swell and now I'm told to limit my talking. (Sure, easy as cake with 2 kids under 5) Ugh!
  • jenlarz
    jenlarz Posts: 813 Member
    Pretty good. I had my weigh in yesterday and was down just over 2 lbs from last time. It hadn't changed at all last week and then a big change for this week! Gonna have to watch it with superbowl on Sunday though :)
  • tmortica
    I am doing well for my first week.

    I am very concern3e for next week. I have to travel for work and it sounds like they are going to put us in a room with food all day long each day for 4 days! They have huge lunches and dinners planned for us. It also sounds like we get no down time so no time to work out or relax.

    Lord give me will power next week.

    Great to see everyone having a good week - Tina hang in there and get better.

  • Tina0807
    Tina0807 Posts: 212
    I am doing well for my first week.

    I am very concern3e for next week. I have to travel for work and it sounds like they are going to put us in a room with food all day long each day for 4 days! They have huge lunches and dinners planned for us. It also sounds like we get no down time so no time to work out or relax.

    Lord give me will power next week.

    Great to see everyone having a good week - Tina hang in there and get better.


    Thank you. Not doing so good. Had to go get a steroid shot to help out today. I ruptured a vocal cord while coughing. :(
  • Shanney77
    Shanney77 Posts: 8 Member
    I lost 2.3lbs this week so I'm doing pretty darn good!
  • Shanney77
    Shanney77 Posts: 8 Member
    Load your purse to the max with good healthy stuff to take with you! Travel is a what is hard for me too.
  • tmortica
    Take it easy - you will never be able to do healthy weight loss if you are sick!

    It has to be frustrating. I feel for you. Sending postitive thoughts your way.
  • tmortica
    Yeah I am thinking of a couple of bags of popcorn to help me.
  • Tina0807
    Tina0807 Posts: 212
    Not able to workout yet, but this is week 1 of back on a diet. I was living on chicken soup and mashed potatoes last week. Back to a low-carb, high protein diet.
  • BackInAFlash
    BackInAFlash Posts: 68 Member
    Doing pretty good! I am FINALLY starting to see some results...the scale seemed STUCK for so long!! I have been under my calorie goal for over a week and things seem to be going in the right direction!! Hope I can keep it up!! Thank God for MFP!
  • cds2001
    cds2001 Posts: 769 Member
    Today was weigh day. 1/31 = 210 and today was 204!! Down 6. I hope that will help keep me motivated and to stay on track. My toughest obstacle will be this weekend when I visit my mom. I have to learn the art of NO! NO! NO!
  • viv_80
    viv_80 Posts: 20 Member
    Today was weigh day. 1/31 = 210 and today was 204!! Down 6. I hope that will help keep me motivated and to stay on track. My toughest obstacle will be this weekend when I visit my mom. I have to learn the art of NO! NO! NO!
    awesome job! keep up the great work :-)