Weigh-In 2.3.2012

I'm at 151.4, which is a .6 lb loss for me. Nothing major, but it's nice to see the scale move nonetheless! :)


  • myltlisa24
    myltlisa24 Posts: 242 Member
    yay! I am -2 lbs, puts me at 150! :) Next week I hope to be in the 140s!!
  • 149.0 this morning. A drop of 0.6 lbs from Tuesday. I'll take it!

    Great job on your progress this week, ladies. Let's keep it up!
  • vzucco
    vzucco Posts: 229
    I didn't lose at all, still stuck at 150. I don't know what to do anymore, I'm out of ideas and very discouraged.
  • myltlisa24
    myltlisa24 Posts: 242 Member
    I didn't lose at all, still stuck at 150. I don't know what to do anymore, I'm out of ideas and very discouraged.

    Hey V - what about switching your meals a bit? Eating the most at your breakfast, and then less at night? I know for me, it was an adjustment, because my parents are late night eaters (you know how uruguay is! :) ) When I was growing up, we didn't eat dinner until 10 sometimes (no joke), and even then it was not a 'light dinner', not saying you do this now, but perhaps you need reverse your calorie intake, so higher in the morning, then lighter in the evening. Just some thoughts.

    I know what is working for me (And I LOVE FOOD, don't get me wrong), we a ton of food growing up...but I had to train myself to eat a lot in the morning, and not at night, because that is where I gained the most, and my body stops working.
  • vzucco
    vzucco Posts: 229
    Yeah I could try that, we usually eat dinner between 6 and 8, and it is my biggest meal of the day because it's the only one I get to eat with my husband. Plus when I have a big breakfast and I see how little calories I have left for the day I panic because there's no room for messing up, so I'll either go over or be hungry all day. I will give it a try though, like I said, I am totally out of ideas and I'm starting to feel like this is never going to happen :(
  • I didn't lose at all, still stuck at 150. I don't know what to do anymore, I'm out of ideas and very discouraged.

    Hey V - what about switching your meals a bit? Eating the most at your breakfast, and then less at night? I know for me, it was an adjustment, because my parents are late night eaters (you know how uruguay is! :) ) When I was growing up, we didn't eat dinner until 10 sometimes (no joke), and even then it was not a 'light dinner', not saying you do this now, but perhaps you need reverse your calorie intake, so higher in the morning, then lighter in the evening. Just some thoughts.

    I know what is working for me (And I LOVE FOOD, don't get me wrong), we a ton of food growing up...but I had to train myself to eat a lot in the morning, and not at night, because that is where I gained the most, and my body stops working.

    I think I may take this advice as well. I tend to eat a light breakfast and then a lot for dinner, so I think switching it up will expedite my weight loss.

    And V, don't get down on yourself. I know the numbers on the scale aren't moving much, but you are still active and eating well, which a lot of people can't say about themselves!
  • I didn't lose at all, still stuck at 150. I don't know what to do anymore, I'm out of ideas and very discouraged.

    Hey V - what about switching your meals a bit? Eating the most at your breakfast, and then less at night? I know for me, it was an adjustment, because my parents are late night eaters (you know how uruguay is! :) ) When I was growing up, we didn't eat dinner until 10 sometimes (no joke), and even then it was not a 'light dinner', not saying you do this now, but perhaps you need reverse your calorie intake, so higher in the morning, then lighter in the evening. Just some thoughts.

    I know what is working for me (And I LOVE FOOD, don't get me wrong), we a ton of food growing up...but I had to train myself to eat a lot in the morning, and not at night, because that is where I gained the most, and my body stops working.

    I think I may take this advice as well. I tend to eat a light breakfast and then a lot for dinner, so I think switching it up will expedite my weight loss.

    And V, don't get down on yourself. I know the numbers on the scale aren't moving much, but you are still active and eating well, which a lot of people can't say about themselves!

    Try not to get down on yourself! Out of curiousity, how many carbs are you eating daily? Sometimes a different mix of nutrient macros can make a big difference, depending in your body type and biochemistry
  • vzucco
    vzucco Posts: 229

    Try not to get down on yourself! Out of curiousity, how many carbs are you eating daily? Sometimes a different mix of nutrient macros can make a big difference, depending in your body type and biochemistry

    My carbs are set to 165 but I am almost always under, about 50 under I'd say. And it is very rare that I eat carbs that are not whole grains or vegetables. I am usually over on sugar though, that is a problem. It's mostly from yogurt, fruit, almond milk, protein or granola bars, but I am consistently over. I'm so tired of obsessing though that I figure as long as I'm eating healthy food and coming in under my calories I should be okay, but I guess not since I'm not losing any weight.