Superbowl Challenge

Hi everyone!
I know we have some people that are outside the US but most of us are here in the states.
I thought it would be cool to do a "Superbowl Challenge"
This is due Monday, 8pm 2/6/12
This will apply to everyone in the challenge.
If you are an at home player, winning one of the below get you back into the challenge.
If you win Challenge 1 or Challenge 2 - You get Immunity for the following week (as long as you report your weight on time to your captain on 2/10/12.
If you win both, I WILL give you the chance to have immunity two weeks in a row or give one week to yourself and one week to another for the week of 2/10/12

Challenge 1. -
Plié squats. Point your toes outwards and take a wide stance. Slowly bend your knees in the direction of your toes. Once you can no longer see your toes, slowly stand up. Make sure you send me how many you did in the full time frame. IE, I did 235 Plie Squats.
An example video is below.

Challenge 2. -
Cooking challenge. Pick a recipe that people cook for Superbowl Parties. It can be anything that you want it to be but find a better way to make it healthier. I did find a website below with some recipes on appetizers.
IE... Potato skins. Instead of using potato's for the potato skins, try to make them with Squash. (just an idea of what I am looking for.) You must submit pictures to me like usual, as well with the calories.
