Men on a Mission thread



  • whoreheyR1
    whoreheyR1 Posts: 135 Member
    Hi Tim,
    When you have time would you please update the chart with my new goal weight of 200. I recently changed it because even though I'm 6' tall and only 10 pounds away from my original goal of 215 right now, when I look at myself 215 just wasn't going to do it for me.

    Thanks brotha,
    Jorge R ; )
  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    Hi Tim,
    When you have time would you please update the chart with my new goal weight of 200. I recently changed it because even though I'm 6' tall and only 10 pounds away from my original goal of 215 right now, when I look at myself 215 just wasn't going to do it for me.

    Thanks brotha,
    Jorge R ; )

    Absolutely brother,
    I love seeing someone reevaluate and push themself to a higher goal.
  • gpbaldwin03
    gpbaldwin03 Posts: 44 Member
    Hi Tim,
    When you have time would you please update the chart with my new goal weight of 200. I recently changed it because even though I'm 6' tall and only 10 pounds away from my original goal of 215 right now, when I look at myself 215 just wasn't going to do it for me.

    Thanks brotha,
    Jorge R ; )

    Absolutely brother,
    I love seeing someone reevaluate and push themself to a higher goal.

    Same here. Great job. Can't wait to get to 230 and say, "nah I can do better than that!"
  • toddhbrown
    toddhbrown Posts: 82 Member
    Wow, looking through what you guys have accomplished since you started, it's pretty impressive and I can tell that I'm battling along side the right group of guys!

    Super Bowl Sunday will be a sweet reward day! Then it's back to the insanity.

    Here are my numbers for the report.

    SW -381
    GW - 215
    LW - 347.5
    CW - 340.25
    WT - 7.25
    TWL - 40.75
    DLP - 02/01/12
  • UFC fight on Saturday. Superbowl on Sunday. Not sure if I'm going to survive this weekend. It's going to be tough but I can do it.
  • trelm249
    trelm249 Posts: 777 Member
    Checking in for the week.

    LWW - 249 lbs
    CWW - 250 lbs

    This is why I don't just use just the scale. Over the past 3 weeks I have lost a half inch off my waist (i actually have a waist now) and gained a half inch on my chest and shoulders. Use the tape measure as well as the scale. That will let you know if you are doing the right things even when the scale doesn't.

    On another note, I hit a personal milestone last night at the gym. I deadlifted my body weight for 4 reps on the final set. I was pretty stoked about that.
  • dbw1976
    dbw1976 Posts: 359 Member
    Reporting in LWW: 191.6
    CW: 189.0
  • tllstaco
    tllstaco Posts: 133 Member
    lww: 255
    cw: 257

    I'm feeling smaller, clothes look looser, weight goes up. I did take a day this week and had one day where I ate whatever I wanted.
  • peteb79
    peteb79 Posts: 386
    LW: 242.7
    CW: 242.1
    Loss: 0.6

    Not much.. but I'll take it.
  • StevLL
    StevLL Posts: 921 Member
    Doing good this week guys! WTG! I think the scale can be a misleading sometimes. I enjoy the NSV's much more than the scale victories. LWW 305.8 CW 304.2 down 1.6. I can fit into my 42's now. Can't wait till they fit with no spare tire overage. Then I'll toss the 44's and go shopping for 40's. I love being a loser. Haha where else can you say that but here and it be a good thing?!!:laugh: :bigsmile:
  • shabbarshaikh
    shabbarshaikh Posts: 136 Member
    As our Friend's said I too don't believe Wt Scale Values... Now a days I am just enjoying the NSV's every day.

    Any way this week I happy to say I lost 0.5 kg (1.1 lb) :smile:

    LW Wt : 78 kg (171.96 lbs)
    CW Wt: 77.5 kg (170.86 lbs)
    LOSS: 0.5 Kg (1.1 lbs)

    Congratulations for all our Friends... :flowerforyou:
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    LW: 318
    TW: 318
    The same again for 2 weeks in a row. But not going to stress. I am starting to find 2XL shirts are getting just a teeny bit too loose now and I had to make a new notch in my belt since it was too big earlier. Also I am borrowing a friends Bodymedia Fit device. According to it's data I maybe under eating, henche the slow weight loss. I'm going to keep a eye on it for another week and see how it stays.
  • gpbaldwin03
    gpbaldwin03 Posts: 44 Member
    LW 372.8
    CW 370.2

    Down 2.6. Back on track. Good week of logging and some exercise.
  • bmirob
    bmirob Posts: 57 Member
    hi guys,

    Hope everyone had a great weekend.

    Last weight: 234
    Current weight: 231
    loss of 3 #

    Have a nice week!
  • whoreheyR1
    whoreheyR1 Posts: 135 Member
    LW: 227.8 (1/29/12)
    CW: 228.6 (2/6/12)
    Gained: 0.8

    So this week I was down up until Friday, then I went to a B'day party on Saturday, a Super Bowl party on Sunday and ended going up a bit... oh well, I'll try harder this week and get back on track. ; )
  • Sorry for the late check-in, no change this week.
  • djsysstem
    djsysstem Posts: 115 Member
    Not the best week. Weight has been up and down.

    LW: 152
    CW: 153

    Gain 1 lb

    Sorry for late check-in
  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    Howdy gentlemen,

    Several of us did an outstanding job this last week. toddhbrown continues to take the top spot with 7.2 lb loss. I have to say that I have known Todd and his wife Heeb67 for many years. I have never seen him this motivated, energetic and simply just full of life. I truly admire all the work he has put into this and it is amazing to visibly see the pounds disappear. We are going to Hawaii this fall and he will definately be beach ready. I need to get on the ball.

    I am up 1.9 pounds this week and have no excuse. I am sure most of that is from yesterdays Superbowl extravaganza where I just grazed from the food trough all day. Back at it today. Todd and I did get on the racquetball court yesterday morning for a bit though.

    I know more than a few of us saw an increase this week but I am really happy for the guys with the NSV's. Way to go guys. Here is this weeks chart.

  • Whew I made it through the weekend.

    LW: 247lbs
    CW: 246lbs

    I even managed to lose a pound. This week should see a big loss. I start Crossfit today! Wish me luck!
  • bmirob
    bmirob Posts: 57 Member
    I also have a new goal weight of 190#.

    THanks guys,