


  • hi 21 here gonna be 22 soon and have a daughter that is almost goin to be 5 and have been settled down with her dad almost 7 years crazy huh. i tink it would be helpful to have people just like me help with the support i had a misscarriage last year in jan and since then i have gained so much weight i went from being at the highest 135 to 182 iam now down to 173 and my daughter broke my scale so i have yet to see the latest results. so exited for the rest of 2012 can't wait to show my hard work off my hubby is already loving it!
  • hi guys, i'm new to the group. i'm 28, i'll be 29 on the 28th of this month. i have three kids, all boys. Hunter, Joseph and Ethan. two of which have ADHD. i wish i could say i was living in my own place, but due to circumstances i am living with my parents. and my husband and i are seperated. i am going to school to become a pharmacy tech, and only have 4 months left. i can't wait to be finished. i live in arkansas and i am an anime/gamer chick. i also write fan fiction. i am a member of a few fan clubs that are anime related. The Risembool Rangers, Miniskirt Army, Shakujo Rogues are just a few. - my blog - my writings

    i can't wait to get to know you guys better. i've read a few of the posts already before i decided to join, and i agree with some what's already been said. so i figured i'd join and add to the conversation. :)
  • Hi I'm April 24 married and wanting to start a family.... My problem ....My weight is the reason why I cant have kids. I'm ready to get my life back on track.
  • allybally6
    allybally6 Posts: 142 Member
    Wow.... This group basically describes my life. I'm 22 just got engaged, been living with my fiancé now for the past...2 years. Oh and I'm Alex. I just started working and a the workforce weight gain is not a joke :)
  • Hi there! My name is Meghan. I'm 22 and moved about 14 hours away from my parents 6 months ago. Still missing them like crazy, but happy to be on my own. I live with my gorgeous boyfriend of three and a half years with our perfect cat, Tony. I work 60 hours a week at a job that I love, but that doesn't leave a lot of "me time." I need to start living healthier and losing some of that college weight so I can fit in that wedding dress soon. :)

    I could use all of the support I can get on this journey because I have no willpower when it comes to junk food and taking naps instead of working out. Feel free to friend request me and I'll support you right back! :)
  • cowgirlslikeus86
    cowgirlslikeus86 Posts: 597 Member
    Hi there,
    I'm Stacey. I will be 26 in a few days. Im on my second marriage, no kids, have step kids that visit sometimes:heart: am a home maker and need to loose about 30-40 lbs in all. I want to run a half marathon this year,and a full next year. We lead a very active lifestyle so, Im working hard to be lighter on my feet. You can view my blog on MFP to read the rest after you friend me :)
  • DelilahFreeman
    DelilahFreeman Posts: 29 Member
    Hi, I'm Delilah, I'm 27 facing the big 28 in May. I am married for almost 4 years, while we've been together for almost 8. We have 2 beautiful & active girls. I have 20 more lbs that I want to lose- the sooner the better. I have been dieting and working out for a year now (with a couple breaks from counting calories) and I am so much happier with my body, my lifestyle, and my new activity level.

    I'm looking forward to being inspired by this group :happy:
  • strunkm4
    strunkm4 Posts: 265 Member
    Hi all! I'm Megan. I'm soon to be 24, getting married in August and proud parent of a 3 year old boy. I always seemed to be ahead of the game, I graduated college a year early, started a high intensity full time job at a brokerage firm by the time I was 21. Sometimes I feel like I'm 24 going on 34!

    I'm really happy I found this group! It's nice to see some people out there in the world who share the similar lifestyle as I do.
  • lwalters5
    lwalters5 Posts: 37 Member
    Hi, I'm Lauren. I am one of those people who joined this group even though I am not married, nor do I have children. I am 21 years old. I am currently a full time college student. There are only two things that are important to me: my family and my schoolwork. I consider myself "settled down" because I have no interest in going out in partying, hooking up, or the general drama that seems to accompany many of "unsettled down" peers.
  • Hi everyone! I'm Brittany, 27, married mom of 2 girls. My DH and I have been together 12 years this month (married for almost 5). Our daughters are 4 and 2. I gained a TON of weight with my pregnancies, and I'm finally shedding the baby weight! I'm almost halfway to my goal of 60 lbs lost. I hope to gain a lot more mommy friends with this group! Most of my friends are still single, or at least don't have kids, and I sometimes feel like the "old lady" of the group, even though I'm not older.
  • Hello All! :-) My name is Bethany and I'm 24 years old. I'm so glad I found this group! My husband and I have been married since October 2010. Since our wedding day a little over a year ago, I've gained 40 pounds. I've finally admitted to myself that I need to lose the weight and though I know this journey won't be easy, I know I have to do it! My husband and I would really like to have kids soon, but for us to do that, I need to be fit and healthy so that I'm not putting myself or my baby at risk by being overweight. I need all the support I can get- so feel free to add me (just let me know that we are members of the same group!) Looking forward to meeting everyone!
  • My name is Ashlie. I am 25 yrs old a wife and mother of 2 boys. We recently bought our first house and I am just a stay at home mom for now. I am not new to MFP but I am new to being active in the community part of it. Please add me =)
  • cbashful
    cbashful Posts: 29 Member
    Hi, my name is Christina and I am 24 years old with one son and I also take care of my fiance's daughter. I think this group would be a very good support system for me because most people that are my age are still living with their parents and do not have as many responsibilites as I have. I am excited to network with you all and happy to be here.
  • arfog
    arfog Posts: 70 Member
    Hi all! I'm Amanda, and I am 25 and married a little over a year. I hope to get to know some like minded people through this group! :)
  • leemiya23
    leemiya23 Posts: 16 Member
    I am 25 and married with 1 daughter who is 6. I am actually trying to have more children with my husband who has no children except my daughter who he claims as his daughter. I know he loves her but the love of his own child will be a love totally different. I can't have children at the moment because I have PCOS and I need to lose weight. It's not fair to him. That plays a big part of my motivation to lose this freaking weight. Wish me luck because I am just starting out ! I am also looking for friends so request me if you wish and we can support and motivate each other! Good Luck!
  • hey im siobhan , bon for short! im 26 and have two daughters 6 and 5 been with my boyfriend nearly 2 years don't live together yet due to work commitments but hopefully by the end of the year! :) i also have two cats who are my furry babies buttercup is 2 and pablo is 1 :)
  • Hello! I'm Jillian, going on 24, and I live in Apollo Beach, FL with my boyfriend. We've known each other for 9 years and have been together for 5 years in August. No kids, but a Siberian Husky who we absolutely adore!

    This group is great! I only have friends in Syracuse, NY (EmilyDuby is one of them on here! <3) so I hope this will help me become familiar with people and hopefully make new friends along this weight loss journey! :smokin: :heart:
  • hilaurious
    hilaurious Posts: 6 Member
    I definitely fit into this "category". I'm 28 - got married at 22, adopted our son at 26 and gave birth to our daughter at 28. We live in a split-level house in the Twin Cities area.

    I've had my fair share of crazy nights out - and I still like to every once in awhile - but there is nothing I would rather do than be at home with my fella and our 2 little ones. What a lame-o. ;)
  • RunsForFood
    RunsForFood Posts: 110 Member
    Hi, I'm Ami, 24 and married with an almost 2 year old boy. I gained 30lbs after I graduated, after I had my son I lost 15lbs of that extra weight, and now almost 2 years later I am trying to rid myself of these stupid last 15lbs. I love to run and stay active, I just love to eat as well. Hoping that with support I can find the right balance and start living a healthier lifestyle!
    Feel free to add me!! And good luck to everyone, we can do it :)
  • BlessedShauna777
    BlessedShauna777 Posts: 118 Member
    Hello :) 22 yr old single mother of two. I have a 2 yr old boy and a 2mo old little girl. The father left me a few mos when i was 9mos with the little one. Loser i know right? anywho, on a mission to eat healther. I actually counted my calories and ate extremely well in highschool and would like to get back to that lifestyle. Feel free to add me folks :) Until then, happy counting!