Sunday Feb 5 Weigh In

Yeah it was a good week...
Weigh In: Jan 29 180 lbs
Weigh In: Feb 5 177.5 lbs :heart:



  • Worked hard all week!
    Weigh in Jan 29: 144.8
    Weigh in Feb 5: 141.2

  • mdtoll
    mdtoll Posts: 39 Member
    I've been sick all week so i have lost more than is should and it really wasn't worth it! think im about ready to breakdown and head to the doctor :(
    last week:212.6
    this week:207.8
  • mdtoll - hope you are feeling better!! You need a nice bowl of chicken soup :(

    Last week: 145.5
    This week: 141.0

    I'm so happy I was able to get rid of all the excess from last weekend's overindulgances. I want to see the 130s by next weekend! I think I can do it!
  • derra99
    derra99 Posts: 54 Member
    WOW! Everyone has done AWESOME!
    Last week: 193.6
    This week: 192.6
    So, I am down a pound. Wish it was more, but happy with that! Have a great week everyone!! :wink:
  • amammaa4
    amammaa4 Posts: 176 Member
    Good job ladies :)
  • nice job everyone, keep it up!:)