February 1st Weigh-in

lore2810 Posts: 57 Member
Well here goes!
Today I am 197.0, going to be 187.0 (or lower) by February 29th.

Any ideas for weigh-ins? Or does everyone have their own days?


  • Karoline01
    Karoline01 Posts: 41 Member
    I'm still at 170 lbs... so that's my weight in as of today :-(
  • cjgsmg
    cjgsmg Posts: 131 Member
    02/01: 158.0
  • hauer01
    hauer01 Posts: 516 Member
  • tigerlilydina
    tigerlilydina Posts: 46 Member
    242lb's its coming of slowly :smile:
  • lookpretty
    lookpretty Posts: 276 Member
    146.6 was 150.2 when she posted the challenge
  • tknnwatkins
    tknnwatkins Posts: 135 Member
    Everyone weighs on different days so I just requested everyone post when they can... I weigh tomorrow and I am ready to see how my week has gone!! I have made successful choices, lowered my sodium intake, haven't eaten out at all and I've exercised 5 out of 7 days. So, I consider that success in itself! I still want the scale to agree with me though!
  • Tupeloblossom
    Tupeloblossom Posts: 142 Member
    Weighed in yesterday at 184. Lookig forward to wathing the pounds leave!
  • tknnwatkins
    tknnwatkins Posts: 135 Member
    Lost 1.4 this morning...woohoo!!! I am going to cut my calories for this week to shoot for the 2 pounds per week so I can hit my 10 pound goal by Feb. 29th. If I don't, I won't make it to the 10 pounds and I WANT THAT MASSAGE!! (and that extra 10 pounds GONE!) I was 262.0 even this morning down from 274.6 Praise God!
  • lookpretty
    lookpretty Posts: 276 Member
    146.2 today
  • Still 182 but my cloths are getting loose, specialy at the bottom part were I don't want to loose it.
  • lookpretty
    lookpretty Posts: 276 Member
    stayin around 146, havent seen 149 or 148 or even 147 lately in the morning, so yesterday was 146.2, today 146.4 and not bad considering its my time of the month
  • csouto
    csouto Posts: 30
    weight in on for febuary 3 is 267
  • csouto
    csouto Posts: 30
    I startedat 283 on january 3 and I am down 16 lbs in one month so I am excited to lose at least 10lbs this month! Thanks again for this challenge:) Good luck to you, I know you can do it!
  • @ csouto, This is awesome, could you please share how you did it? Wish you all the best and hope to hear more about your success.
  • ML0305
    ML0305 Posts: 227 Member
    Weigh in on Sat 02/04 135.4...only a few more lbs to go!!!!
  • cjgsmg
    cjgsmg Posts: 131 Member
    01/26: 158.8
    02/02: 157.8
    02/07: 155.7