
How about in our Jumpstart group we share what we are dong to get moving. My nurse practitioner told me the other day she tells people just like a car that is fueled up and doesn't move the gas just sits there so is it with us if we fill up and not move it just sits there. So I am trying to exercise some each day. Two days a week I go to a Senior exercise class for 45 min. and one day a week I do line dancing the other days I try to walk 30 min. It isn't easy and I'm just starting but I am hoping to be accountable to you guys that I continue moving. How about you??


  • ice99706
    ice99706 Posts: 155 Member
    I joind MFP on 1/10 and was pretty sedentary. I've since been exercising 30-45 minuntes 4-5 days a week (with the help of my husband & kids). I've lost 6 lbs so far. Sooo, I've made a goal to myself to exercise everyday this month.

    I've been doing Just Dance on the Wii and just started Kettlebell Training yesterday. Boy could I feel it today. So this morning, I thought I would just do the dancing. When I told my husband about it, he suggested that I do the routine again. I like that I could feel it right away and am anxious to see what happens at the end of the week, month.

  • deluda
    deluda Posts: 146 Member
    I joined MFP a week ago today. My exercise, for the moment, it walking only. I will be moving states this month and will be packing and cleaning the apartment. That alone is enough exercise right now. However, every little bit helps!
  • I've had the Biggest Loser Last Chance Workout dvd for over a year now and started it last week. For the past month I have been going to the gym and sweating my butt off on the treadmill for an hour at least 3 times a week, but I just didn't feel it. Once I started the dvd I could DEFINITELY feel it! The dvd has an exercise program for 6 days each week (I guess we get to rest on Sunday! yay!) and I'm hoping I can stick with it! I'll still be going to the gym as well!

    @ice99706 I LOOOVE Just Dance!!!

    Good Luck, Everyone!
  • jwpe
    jwpe Posts: 77 Member
    I try to do a weight dvd 2 or 3 times a week, treadmill 3 times week, I take a yoga and tap class once a week. and I teach dance monday evenings for 3 hours. I just got my Zumba instructor license so hoping to start teaching that soon atleast 2 times a week (which will replace some treadmill time)