Where are you?



  • I believe I would achieve so much more from this site if there were a local group to reinforce all the great stuff on here. Having virtual support is really convenient but it cannot be beaten by face to face support. I am interested to see if other people in the UK also feel that this is something they would like?

    So much could be gained from local meets; one example is a fitness group…. Run around the park anyone?

    I am fairly new to the website so please do tell me if there is already a way of connecting with people in your local area. I have used the ‘search for members’ tool but without success!


    Hey, if you're looking for a fun, free and local run in the park - pop along to your nearest parkrun on a Saturday morning. www.parkrun.org.uk I joined mine a few years ago and it's a great way to get fit and meet other people in your community. Theres " proper" runners but I just let them pass me, there's a real mix of levels- I stick to my own pace, there's no pressure. You get an email afterwards with your time so you can go back the next to improve your time. There's an opportunity to go for coffee afterwards (and cake if you need to consume your exercise calories) so you feel like you belong in no time. They're all over the country so its likely there'll be one near to you. It's 5k (I'd never ran an inch in my life before my first parkrun) but you can walk/run/crawl in whatever time you can :-)

    Ps, Im in south London- formerly from Teesside
  • Deka61
    Deka61 Posts: 74
    South Shields here
  • penmosha
    penmosha Posts: 132 Member
    Penmaenmawr - just outside Conwy on the beautiful North Wales coast
  • TeeferTiger
    TeeferTiger Posts: 136 Member
    Penmaenmawr - just outside Conwy on the beautiful North Wales coast

    The big stone head :) And just between us is one of the most beautiful places around- Sychnant Pass!
  • taliesyn_
    taliesyn_ Posts: 219 Member
    I'm not far from Windsor castle - and it appears from the places listed in this thread that fat people (sorry if the term offends folks, but that's why we are here!) either don't live near me, won't admit to living near me, or don't care about their size!).

    Shameless friend trawl: feel free to add me, or not, as you wish.
  • C1aire80
    C1aire80 Posts: 48 Member
    im from stoke on trent in staffordshire. feel free to add me, the more the merrier! :)
  • stewartgreggallan
    stewartgreggallan Posts: 20 Member
    A market town between Durham and Newcastle ;)
  • mrsrice86
    mrsrice86 Posts: 79 Member
    Just joined this group today.
    I'm in Cleethorpes, Lincolnshire.
  • loosetorideagain
    loosetorideagain Posts: 32 Member
    I'm in Warwickshire...

    You can add me if you like :)
  • phoenixoncemore
    phoenixoncemore Posts: 196 Member
    Just joined this group today

    I'm in Cornwall

    Feel free to add me, I just started MFP up properly after a failed attempt last year. Looking to do it properly this time! :wink:
  • I just joined this group today and the whole MFP experience yesterday.

    I'm in the Shire of Devon.

    If you want to add me please feel free.
  • I'm in Lancaster :)

    Started on here 2nd January but no friends yet! Feel free to add me :)
  • JulesKilvo
    JulesKilvo Posts: 61 Member
    I'm in Hull, East Yorkshire
  • kellyhenly
    kellyhenly Posts: 11 Member
    Im in freezing cold Swindon in Wiltshire.. Feel free to add me :p
  • YcatsFursworth
    YcatsFursworth Posts: 273 Member
    Just below Plymouth in Cornwall!!
  • iojoi
    iojoi Posts: 378 Member
    norfolk here
  • pboroaddick
    pboroaddick Posts: 29 Member
    I'm from Peterborough
  • FoxyMcDeadlift
    FoxyMcDeadlift Posts: 771 Member
    Im from Basingstoke. Someone kill me now :(
  • I'm from London *waves*
  • solarpower03
    solarpower03 Posts: 12,161 Member