30 day Shred

I know I could have looked through other posts to find out this info, but thought I would just start a new topic and I figured there would be some of you NZer's who could answer my questions.

do you have to do the 30 day shred everyday? and how long is each workout.
I realise I would have to have hand weights, is there anything else I need? And how do you log it in the exercise diary?

How hard is it (honestly)...............



  • aimeelouwhite
    aimeelouwhite Posts: 181 Member
    I've heard some people do it every other day. I got to Day 8 and then being back at work made timing difficult for exercise so I just do it when I can....will probably take me 90 days!

    Hand weights..... I got mine from No. 1 fitness (you can buy on trademe or go instore) I got 2kg weights but they are really a smidgeon too heavy.... 1.5 would be good but I couldn't find any. In fact I did a couple of days using 2L milk bottles with water in...... not perfect shape wise but okay. The workouts are supposed to be 20mins.... but I think they are actually about 24mins. I'd advise you to wear shoes - seems to make it easier on the joints for me....but I am on concrete floor. I also have a foam pad for the floor exercises (payless plastics or plastic box or warehouse) but you don't have to have one. IN regards to logging, I log it as general circuits. I guess if you have a heart rate monitor that would give you a better idea of calories burned :-) I got my dvd's off trademe but if you want to have a looksie or try....here is a link to PART 1 of the Level 1 workout -
  • tycusjay
    tycusjay Posts: 103 Member
    I have ordered this, just waiting for it to arrive! I won't be doing it everyday....prob 5 days a week, then something else on the weekends. I can't wait to start it! I have 1 kg hand weights....hope these are ok??!!
  • tycusjay
    tycusjay Posts: 103 Member
    Oh and Annaspanna.....look how similar our tickers are! looks like we have the same goal :)
  • annaspanna10
    annaspanna10 Posts: 18 Member
    thanks for link to the you tube clip. i think I will get myself organised and give it a go. I guess the general idea is to do each level for 10 days.
    am hoping to tone up my arms a bit before being bridesmaid in February (as well as tone everywhere else too!)
  • bexxgirl
    bexxgirl Posts: 260 Member
    Hi Anna!

    I just started it last week and I"m going with the one day on, one day off approach - to give the muscles time to recuperate in between!

    I use 2kg hand weights and it's pretty hard with those. I'm struggling a bit but hopefully it will get easier as I go along - apparently that's the idea. ; P

    It is REALLY hard if you're trying to do everything. I can't quite get through all the reps of each exercise, but I'm trying my best because, as she says in the video, you can't expect to work out for 20 minutes, get to rest and still get the results you're looking for!

    I'm loving it, though, and a lot of people have seen really good results from it. : )
  • AMummysLife
    AMummysLife Posts: 264 Member
    I started this yesterday. Is anyone else still doing it? How did you find it?
  • emmab0902
    emmab0902 Posts: 2,337 Member
    I have done it before - took a few rest days esp in level 2 which I hated.

    Have just restarted and am on day 3 of level 1. the entire level 1 is on youtube (dont have link handy atm)

    I mainly use 4kg weights apart from front shoulder raises which I SUCK at!
  • emmab0902
    emmab0902 Posts: 2,337 Member

    this is the full level one workout
  • AMummysLife
    AMummysLife Posts: 264 Member
    I have all 3 levels on DVD thanks Emma. It's day 3 for me today. Hoping to get 1kg weights for it next week but feeling sore enough without them at the moment. I find the push ups are the worst as I've never really been able to do them.
  • mellygates22
    Thanks for the link, I tried it yesterday - ouch today! Was going to do it every day but Im SORE, not sure if I should push through and do it every day, or have a break in between?
  • mellygates22
    Well I sucked it up, and Ive done it!
  • mellygates22
    managed to get through day 3! Hows everyone else getting on?
  • AriadneSnow
    AriadneSnow Posts: 131 Member
    Just started this today - thanks for the link. I've ordered the DVD from the library but it'll take a couple of weeks. I started the C25K yesterday and I plan on alternating - Mon, Wed, Fri C25K and Tue, Thu, Sat 30DS - Sunday will be my rest day.

    The first workout was really hard in places - my dumbells are 2kg - and a few of the arm exercises I couldn't finish all the sets. Hopefully I'll get better though!
  • AriadneSnow
    AriadneSnow Posts: 131 Member
    managed to get through day 3! Hows everyone else getting on?
    Well done Melly!
  • mellygates22
    Yes, I feel really proud of myself, walking the dogs most days, and doing the shred. Did day 5 today, but was a bit difficult, every time I lay down the kids decided they wanted a cuddle! I prefer to do it in the morning though, then its over for the day so I dont have to think about it anymore!

    How did you get on?
  • AMummysLife
    AMummysLife Posts: 264 Member
    Woohoo I'm up to day 15! It's starting to get a lot easier now that I know what to expect. I'm sure level 3 will throw me again.
  • AriadneSnow
    AriadneSnow Posts: 131 Member
    Day 2 done! It was much easier than day one, my endurance is getting better, the strength exercises kill me though. That second set of side lunges and forward arm lifts really got me, I had to rest for about 10 seconds and then made myself finish them. But that was the only time I stopped - so I'm really proud of myself!

    So far alternating this with C25K is going really well. Tomorrow is my rest day - yay - Monday is C25K so it'll be Tuesday till I do this again. That'll give my aching arm and shoulder muscles I chance to rest hopefully.
  • w3nch
    w3nch Posts: 23 Member
    Anyone still doing this? I'm up to Day 13 tonight. Am loving it!
  • Werglum
    Werglum Posts: 378 Member
    I've just done day 3 of level 2. I much prefer level 2 to level 1. I don't know if it is because I was REALLY bored of it or if it is just that I find I can actually do the exercises in level 2 while some of them in level 1 were soooooooo hard (those front arm raises with a side lunge ones = killer!! I had to do one arm at a time until about day 7).
    I'm trying to do it 30 times in 30 days. I've done 13 days without a break so far. Today I almost didn't do it, but I managed to talk myself into it.
    I'm also doing a Mums and Bubs bootcamp on Tuesdays and Thursdays, I've only gone once but am going again tomorrow. I found that I could keep up easily (which I wasn't expecting) so Jillian must be doing me some good!! I also measured myself after 10 days, my measurements were pretty much the same, except my waist which was down by 6 cm!!
  • w3nch
    w3nch Posts: 23 Member
    Well done werglum, that is awesome! I did day 4 of level 2 tonight. Is it just me or does time just fly by now? I am finding that my stamina has increased, but still sweating like a piggie lol. Am resisting the urge to measure, even though I'll be half way through tomorrow :)