Fit, Fabulous, & Pregnant Graduates Checkin



  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    Hey ladies! Hope you all are doing great! Looks like slowly but surely some of you are making your way to the mommy board (and if not now, very soon!!! yay!)!

    I was just thinking about a few things that I wanted to post as nobody told me these things...

    I'm sure this is tmi but when I gave birth I was lucky enough to not get hemorrhoids but evidently many women who nurse get constipated due to the extra fluids in your body going to produce milk. I drink TONS of water all day, every day but still the constipation hit me (enough to make going to the bathroom very painful and I would even bleed sometimes). After talking to my doctor she put me on Colace, which I still take twice daily. The doc said that sometimes women have this problem the entire time they nurse. I've never in my life had a problem with constipation, including pregnancy. So if you have issues after having the baby, don't hesitate to talk to your doc as this is normal and Colace is safe for the baby. (I still drink tons of water, exercise, and eat a good fiber diet). Just recently has things gotten better and it isn't as painful...took almost 3 months but thank goodness! lol!

    The other thing is that breastfed babies need a Vit D supplement. Vit D is the only vitamin that is not transferred through breast milk. So if you are nursing exclusively you might want to talk to your doc about giving baby Vit D (especially if the baby is born in the winter/spring when you don't get outside for some natural vit d) :)

    Wishing you all well wishes and don't hesitate to ask any questions you have! :)
  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member
    The other thing is that breastfed babies need a Vit D supplement. Vit D is the only vitamin that is not transferred through breast milk. So if you are nursing exclusively you might want to talk to your doc about giving baby Vit D (especially if the baby is born in the winter/spring when you don't get outside for some natural vit d) :)

    Thanks for this tip Heather, my peditrician just told me yesterday that he was putting me on this after I was released from the hospital and would be taking it until I stopped breast feeding.... I had no idea we needed extra supplements!

    Thanks again
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    Denise it is good for you to take some Vit D...but the baby needs Vit D given to them as well as this is not transferred through the breastmilk :)

    Also...I always thought that wipe warmers were unnecessary gizmos that were a little silly since the baby wouldn't be getting warm wipes when they weren't at home. But my tune changed seeing my poor girl get freezing cold wipes every morning on her little bottom! She LOVES the warm wipes. I totally recommend getting one. The one I bought was $25 and it has made her a very happy baby :)

    I also wanted to mention that I had gotten a large swing for Charlee which I bought from a friend, as well as a bouncy vibrating chair...if I knew then what I know now I would have bought a travel swing instead as she loves the swing and I could take it into different rooms of the house. I'm borrowing one from a friend now. I recommend a travel swing as opposed to a large one.
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    Wowzers! 346 members on this board! That is insanely awesome! I started this group a year ago after I had been posting on another pregnancy board and all the women talked about was eating and how tired they were so they couldn't workout... Oh and every time I posted something personal and needed advice or support nobody would comment to me... I started this board with the idea that healthy, fit, like minded soon to be mommies could come and post about their workouts, ask random questions concerning pregnancy, and just be there for each other. This group started with a mere 3 or 4 of us now "Fit, Fabulous, and Pregnant" graduates/new mommies. This board has turned into something awesome and I'm so proud of it and of you all!

    Continue to stay fit and healthy for those me it is SO worth it!

    Hugs to you all! :)
  • svgarcia
    svgarcia Posts: 592 Member
    Here is my little bug at two months old:


    heather--that is so cute!!!

    And I too forgot about having pic taken of all of us....I brought my baby book and i forgot to ask the nurses to take the prints....