Day 9 Kick plus Recovery Upper

Just finished it (11pm)... almost had myself talked out of doing the recovery but I have come this far and decide now wasn't the time to slack.... so it was a good workout, feel tired, but not to sore yet. Good night everyone! Have great workouts tomorrow!


  • AnastasiaMarieA
    AnastasiaMarieA Posts: 27 Member
    I did the cardio kickboxing and then due to time issues I did the abs instead. I am going to add another arm recovery to another day to make up for it!
  • lablovr108
    lablovr108 Posts: 576 Member
    I've been getting up early to do the recovery workouts and then I did kickboxing last night. I actually added bonus abs as well because I still had energy, and that is my weakest area.
  • mamakate3
    Good job ladies! I did the recover upper first, went to pick up my daughter from dance, then did cardio kick. I think I will up the weights for the next recover upper...when it was over i thought 'wow is that it?' :wink: getting stronger!!