30-day-shread = Ripped in 30?

The Jillian Michaels videos that I have are Ripped in 30... is this the same thing??


  • VodkaSalad37
    VodkaSalad37 Posts: 66 Member
    doing my own research, I discovered it's not...
  • amarsh2009
    No, but its another one of Jillian's videos.
  • 1jeaniebeanie
    1jeaniebeanie Posts: 86 Member
    I originally bought the RI 30 instead of the 30DS... because RI 30 had 4 workouts... 30 DS only had 3. I completed RI 30 in December... had amazing results...

    I also am currently on level 3 of 30DS... It is tough too... but I am still getting great results though... I haven't checked this week.. but as of last week I have already lost an inch on each thigh,an inch on my hips, chest, and each of my arms...

    Ri-30 is way more intense on the types of moves.. although very similar to 30DS... I still think RI30 is one step harder than the 30DS...