Introduce yourself...



  • 31 year old female from Indiana here...

    BA In Photography/Communications

    Decent camera collection-(My favorites are medium format, with my prize piece being a cherry red Hasselblad 501CM with chrome accents...)

    Really looking to re-motivate myself to get back out and shoot...been missing it severely, but my weight got the best of me and I lost my motivation/energy.

    Hopefully I'll be able to start posting new pics soon!
  • scatmeister
    scatmeister Posts: 2 Member
    Hi, I'm John I am 23 years old.

    I have been interested in photography for about 2 years now.
    I teach photography at my local air cadet squadron and my local Boy's Brigade unit.
    I am looking at joing the RAF as a photgrapher in 5 years time, once my sports centre business can run itself without mine or the girlfriends input.
    I mainly take photographs of aircraft,cars or animals. I take the occasional portrait shot, but I prefer the shots where it is about the split second timing. Being in the right place at the right time.
    I have won a local and regional competition with a photograph of wingwalkers last year. I will put it as my profile picture on here for you to see.

    I am currently using a Sony a230 with a 18-200mm lens, but am hoping to upgrade soon.
  • bigsean72
    bigsean72 Posts: 12 Member
    My name is Sean, I am 39 I have doing photography now for about 5 years. I mostly shoot portfolios, boidoir and what ever else pays. I use photography to relax and bring out the creative side of life. If you would like to be MFP buddies hit me up.
  • Netzie
    Netzie Posts: 107 Member
    Really looking to re-motivate myself to get back out and shoot...been missing it severely, but my weight got the best of me and I lost my motivation/energy.

    Isn't funny how weight can affect ability to be motovated and energy level. :yawn: I have the same problem. I find once I do get out I am fine.:happy: It is the initial getting out that is hard. I am working on it too.
  • LibertyAnn
    LibertyAnn Posts: 8 Member
    Hi! My name is Liberty and have always been drawn to photography. My dad was an amateur with a fantastic eye and I can remember just pouring over his albums as a kid. While interested for as long as I can remember, I am just in the last few years doing something more than just take pictures of my children.

    I am getting ready to get my business legal and focus on boudoir. I am quite excited about that :) Time to embrace the next phase of my life. A life not so centered around my family but rather on my own dreams.
  • JSheehy1965
    JSheehy1965 Posts: 404
    Hi, I'm Jeannette - been doing photography more seriously since 2005. I own a Nikon D50 (now obsolete I believe) which I love (except it doesn't have stabilization technology!). I love to see and photograph abstractish patterns in nature or in man-made stuff. I sell my stuff online and do shows. Would love to do more, but my day job (insurance agent) gets in the way!! Am British, but live in upstate NY.
    I need to get more motivated and I think myfitnesspal is going to be one of the tools to help me get off my butt and do more! If you're interested in seeing my stuff, and I understand if you're not :), you can check out
    cheers! and glad to join this group :)
  • Hi everyone I'm Tan. I've been shooting since 2006. I have a very deep love for photography as I'm sure many of you. I shoot many types however I'm more drawn to lifestyle, engagement, black n white, and street photography. And I love tilt shift and iPhonetography. My website is and my FB page link is I aloso have and online newspaper at

    I look forward to sharing ideas, tips, and general discussions surrounding this wonderful expression of art as well as discussions surrounding weight loss and it's barriers on shooting.
  • MWAC2
    MWAC2 Posts: 7

    I'm Cynthia, I turn 40 this September (yuck) and I started with a DSLR almost 2 years ago (2 years this October). I have been mostly taking pictures of my own children (3 of them) and friend's kids when asked. I am always looking to learn more and improve my skills. Can't wait to get know all of you.
  • pixtotts
    pixtotts Posts: 552 Member
    Hello :)
    Lottie, 23, iv always been interested in arty stuff, and finally went and bought myself a canon 1100d (uh i think) last summer and i love it :D. I like taking pictures of anything and everything :) x
  • EZGruv
    EZGruv Posts: 215 Member
    Hey there. I'm Eric, and I've been a 'serious amateur' for a while. I'm most interested in signage, cars, and landscapes. I do not like photographing people; for some reason it makes me really uncomfortable.

    Anyway, here is a link to my Flickr Photostream, I'd love to make some new contacts (I always contact back) and would love any feedback on my photos. Thanks!

    Also, I just started a photoblog:
  • SPARTA1013
    SPARTA1013 Posts: 60 Member

    I'm Seth and I went back to school for photography and graduated in '05. I majored in product and double minored in color and fashion. I mostly shoot fashion and product with weddings as the money maker. I make my living as a photographer and can't imagine doing anything else. I would go back to my school in a heartbeat given the opportunity. If anyone would like to chat about photo I'd love to talk shop!
  • tatdhousewife
    tatdhousewife Posts: 25 Member
    Hey there! My name's Amanda and I'm 27. I run my own photography company based in Seattle, WA and love my job! My clients mainly consist of pets and families, while my portfolio has more broad topics in it.
  • Earguy
    Earguy Posts: 35
    Hey gang,

    My name's David, I'm an audiologist by profession, but I quite enjoy photography. Shooting with a Canon 60D and a variety of lenses. How much can I spend on a hobby? Sometimes I think it'd be cheaper to just hire a pro to follow me around and shoot what I ask!

    My friends say I could go pro, but I know my technique is nowhere near ready. Heck I still can't figure out lighting! I need to take a class. Besides, the best way to ruin a hobby is to turn it into a job!

    Still, it's fun.

    So here I am at MFP trying to lose weight, and I saw this group.

    I don't have an proper online portfolio, but here's some links to some of my shots. Autumn2012/ 2012/

    Drat, I can't figure out how to make linkable urls. Copy/paste.
  • runninmann
    runninmann Posts: 1 Member
    My first post on MFP. I have a 36 year-old son whose birth inspired me to purchase my first Canon camera - an AE-1. I've shot Canon ever since and currently use a 5D-II and a 40D. I don't consider myself a photographer, just your basic GWC; with much more gear than talent.
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    I'm Jeff. Caught the photography bug as I was preparing to spend a semester abroad in Asia during my MBA program.

    Currently shooting on my old Lumix FZ-30, as my Nikon D80 is broken. Will probably be upgrading to a new body. Also have an old Minolta HiMatic 9 in very good condition, just need to figure out how to get the new battery to connect.
  • WilhelmCF
    WilhelmCF Posts: 96 Member
    I'm Wilhelm, age 58. Started as a kid. Turned pro at 24. I enjoy nature photos, forest, streams etc as well as family.
  • ajs03
    ajs03 Posts: 32
    Hello everyone, my name is Amy. I have always loved taking photos - all kinds. I am the go to person in my family when it comes to get togethers. I prefer taking outdoor photos: portraits or nature. I have done graduation, individual, infant and family photos. I mainly do stuff for family & close friends, but last fall I took photos for a small private school. Basically I just like taking photos, documenting life and events.!/AJSphoto1
  • appletonirvinea
    appletonirvinea Posts: 100 Member
    Hi I'm Alex is love talking get pics as a hobbies certainly no expert
  • Nuccia2012
    Nuccia2012 Posts: 122 Member
    Hi! My name is Shannon, and I guess I'd be classified as a serious amateur. I'm most interested in macro and nature photography,but overall, I just love the art and want to learn and experience as much as I can. I've recently started selling some of my prints, and have been hired for a few portrait/journalistic-style jobs. I'm currently using a Nikon D7000, although my first love was a vintage Minolta SLR. I would love to get to know some other enthusiasts...feel free to add me as a friend!
  • Hi, Ron here! I just turned 72 and am a very passionate photographer. My interest in photography started when I was in the 7th grade, unless you think my Dad, who was a professional, may have sparked it. My first DSLR was a Nikon D80 that I purchased in 2007. I was pretty intimidated with it so I began a photography Meetup group so i could get the help of others. That group has now grown to 425 members and is going stronger than ever. Who do you think has learned the most from this group? I traded up to a Nikon D7000 about 18 months ago and am enjoying it very much. I think I do my best work shooting landscapes and architecture. I'm certainly not opposed to other types, but these 2 are my favorites. I love to travel and take pictures. Recent trips were to Paris, Prague, Lisbon, Nova Scotia. I'm going to Paris for 8 days later this year.