Week of 2-3-12

jennmoore3 Posts: 1,015 Member
Sorry to post so late in the day! Don't forget to weigh in!


1. Make a point to eat only until you're satisfied this week. I'm sure I'm not alone in often finding myself stuffed rather than content. Try to eat until you're almost full, and then wait about 10 minutes- after the rest of your food hits your stomach, you should feel perfectly content. Put your fork down between each bite, sip on water throughout the meal; you can do this!

2. Jumping jacks part 1! Count how many jumping jacks you could do without stopping in order to compare to a later date. Record how many you can do, and tune in for part 2 to see how much you're improving over time!

3. Try a new workout this week! It doesn't have to be entirely new, but try to at least add something you have not done before. Doing the same thing every day gets boring, not to mention that working the same muscle groups all the time allows them to become more efficient making your workouts less effective. So get creative and daring today!

4. Take time today to appreciate the beauty around you. Stop periodically and actually look at all of the beauty you're surrounded by; a world full of such beauty is nothing short of inspiring. Also, take today to appreciate the beauty in all of the people around you. It's easy to write off that annoying girl at work, but today really look at her and try to understand her. Every person has worth; don't ignore that or you risk others doing the same to you.

5. Winter comfort food is so good, but I am sure it is high in sodium. Let’s keep track of sodium this week and shoot for all green numbers! If you haven't been losing well, maybe sodium is the cause!


  • kristennwinter
    kristennwinter Posts: 100 Member
    I already have challenge number 3 done!! I went to the gym with my friend on Sunday, and she showed me her full-body workout. My full body is now hurting, even 2 days later!! I've been in a hugeee plateau over the last month. I knew it would happen eventually, but I didn't know it would catch up to me so soon!!
  • brandynicole28
    brandynicole28 Posts: 102 Member
    These are great challenges!!! Had some issues with my knees so I really though Jumping jacks were out. I've read a lot about learning to landing softly and how to do it safely!! I started my Turbofire that has sat on my closet shelf for nearly a year and on the HIIT days there is some plyo, which includes a lot of jacks and jumping. Decided to try them and I did it!!! Was so excited....my hubby was watching me and was just as excited...."OMG YOU ARE JUMPING!!!!!!!!!!!" We enjoyed my victory during the small rest period!! LOL Had a loss of almost a pound this week, the weight seems to be crawling off slowly. I am 2.5 lbs away from my absolute lowest weight since starting this journey (234)! When I hit 234, that will put me 10 lbs away from losing 100lbs total!!!!! I will probably cry! lol

    Anyway, thanks again Jen for your hard work and great challenges each week for the group!!