Jessica Simpson’s Daisy Duke Workout Secrets Revealed

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Jessica hit the gym hard for three months before shooting, exercising six days a week, an hour and a half a day, of grueling fitness workouts to develop those legs and that booty.

According to her personal trainer, Mike Alexander, Jessica was a model client, doing everything asked of her and working hard.

Her workout routine varied from week to week.

Most of her weight training sessions focused on higher reps (20-24) per set, which is very effective for lower body work.

Jessica Simpson’s legs make that clear. She did incorporate more traditional sets of 8 to 10 every so often for a change of pace.

Let’s take a look at one of Jessica Simpson’s leg routines:

Jessica goes through a light warm up on the treadmill, a walk increased to a slight jog for 5 – 10 minutes.

Jessica would start with three sets of dumbbell rows while in the squat position for 20 – 24 reps per set.

This would be followed by 3 sets of bodyweight squats.

Jessica Simpson’s Dukes of Hazzard workout routine would continue as follows:

Lying Dumbbell Triceps Extension: 2 – 3 sets of 20 – 24 reps

Reverse Lunges: 2 – 3 sets per leg, 12 reps per set (per leg)

Treadmill – 8 minutes at 6.5 mph

Bicep Curl from a Lunge Position 1 set of 18 reps. This is supersetted with

Lateral Raise from a Lunge Position (switch leg position) 1 set of 18 reps
This superset is done for 3 sets

Treadmill – 8 minutes at 6.5 mph

Incline Crunches: 15 – 20 reps

Prone Kneeling Leg Extensions: 2 – 3 sets per leg x 18 reps per set

Treadmill: 5 – 8 minutes of cool down

Forward Lunges: 2 – 3 sets x 10 – 20 reps

Traveling Lunges: These are just lunges but instead of staying in place you walk across the room. If this is too easy, try doing it holding a pair of dumbbells at your side.
As you can see, the sculpted Jessica Simpson legs came from a workout emphasizing leg and glute work.

She wanted to look good in those short Daisy Duke shorts.

What are these secrets? She used weights to get in such great shape, not long low intensity cardio sessions.

So what about the Jessica Simpson diet?

Whenever I get asked about nutrition (and it’s not a client for which I am formulating a plan), I try and keep things very simple.

My best advice is always ‘if man made it, don’t eat it.’

That’s pretty simple to follow, right?

In other words, you’ll make great improvements in both your health and fitness just by staying away from processed foods.

Jessica Simpson’s personal trainer gave her very similar advice. He told Jessica “if you think something’s not good for you, don’t eat it.”

He dubbed this the “Don’t Eat Crap” diet. Good advice.

Jessica did follow some good basic advice by eating mostly grilled chicken, fish and green vegetables.

Jessica Simpson, in a bikini for the Dukes of Hazard “These Boots Were Made For Walking” video and on the big screen in those Daisy Duke shorts, is pretty good proof that this isn’t bad fitness advice to follow.


  • southerngirl89
    southerngirl89 Posts: 96 Member
    Awsome!! I am def. gonna have to try this..thanks for posting
  • MommaSherryB
    MommaSherryB Posts: 79 Member
    I like to toss things up a bit, so my body doesnt get used to my usual workouts. I have STUBBORN HIPS so that is where my focus is right now (and butt). I have been doing a workout 3 times per week called Gilad's fitness and he is very good at working the problem areas. He said during leg lifts (while lyiing on your side) to point your toes downward. I have been doing this and it really works the outer thighs! It hurts at first. I am noticing a difference after just over a month. I love finding out neat little tips like that to help give me a boost!
  • southerngirl89
    southerngirl89 Posts: 96 Member
    My legs (thighs mainly) and hips are the main things iam working these workout will be great to try
  • scubacat
    scubacat Posts: 346 Member
    Thank you for this, legs are a problem area for me as well
  • MommaSherryB
    MommaSherryB Posts: 79 Member
    I found a short video on the leg lifts:

    I dont ever use ankle weights while standing but like to wear them loosely while doing floor exercises for added boost.

    I dont have any Gilad DVDs yet but watch him free on Comcast on demand Fitness series (Total Body Sculpt). He is very easy to follow and really knows how to work on womens problem areas. I think most women will like his workouts. He sounds like count Dracula...haha but knows his stuff.
  • southerngirl89
    southerngirl89 Posts: 96 Member
    I am gonna have to try those..thanks!