Introduce yourselves.... go on .... don't be shy!



  • Crystalkmoore
    Crystalkmoore Posts: 10 Member
    Hi y'all!
    I'm 43 and I live in Texas. My youngest is graduating from high school in May and my oldest is giving me my first grand baby in August. I've lost 70ish lbs, put some back on during the holidays and am trying to get them back off. I lack 5 or so lbs. maintaining is way harder than losing. :/
  • mkrbksd
    mkrbksd Posts: 7 Member
    Hi everyone - I joined this group last week as I was getting used to moving around MFP, but I haven't introduced myself yet.

    My name is Mary and I am a full-time working mom with a great husband, a daughter who's a freshman in High School and a 5th Grade son.

    About 3 years ago I was in the best shape of my life - down to within 7 lbs of my goal weight and working out 4 - 5 times per week. Then two things changed. My husband became a community leader, which was much more time demanding that we thought it would be and his mother became seriously ill and eventually had an organ transplant.

    So, my priorities changed fast and eating became a way to cope.

    Now we are at 3 years later, my mother-in-law is doing well; not needing as much support, the kids are 3 years older and more self-sufficient and my husband is just as busy : ) BUT I have committed to taking better care of myself and looking to my future health and well being.

    I have 60+ pounds to lose - it's hard to write that number and face that reality!

    This first week has gone well, I've worked out 4 times and feel good. I'm not expecting to lose weight for a couple weeks while I get used to the program and learn to make better decisions.

    I enjoy reading the posts from this group - we all have a lot in common.

    Good luck to everyone!
  • effieking
    effieking Posts: 11 Member
    :bigsmile: Hi everyone. My name is Effie and I'm 42 years old (43 in July). I've married the same man twice, this time around we've been together almost 12 years. We have two daughters 20 and 11.
    I lost almost 30lbs about 3 years ago. I started working at a job that didn't leave enough time or energy for me to make it to the gym anymore. So long story short, I've gained it all back.
    I'm not doing this for anyone but me; I want to like the way I look! I want to be able to find clothes that look good on me in a size 10 (or less). I'm not looking to be a model. I just want to be happy with myself.
    I look forward to getting to know you all. Good luck and God Bless.
  • Hello my fellow fabulous 40 something ladies! I would love to join your group:ohwell: . I have been lurking your posts and you seem like a great group.:bigsmile:

    About me: I'm 4:sad: 2. Married to the same man for 21 years. We have 2 daughters 17(really soon 18) and 15 yr olds I live in Illinois. I work in a Head Start program children ages 3-5. I have lost 30 pounds following weight watchers but gained 15 pounds back. So here I am trying to get back to the 30 pound loss!

    I look forward chatting with all of you :tongue:
  • irishginger
    irishginger Posts: 33 Member
    Okay - I've been on here for 30 days and instead of losing interest, I'm finding myself addicted and, for once, following through with a program!

    To tell about me I'm just copying and pasting my profile.

    About Me
    I've been married for 17 years to a great guy and we have 3 wonderful kids. I have been on the weight gain/ weight loss roller coaster for as long as I can remember. I'm pretty active and participate in athletic events; anything from 5Ks to half marathons to triathlons, but I would, and have, done better when my weight is under control. I have been hypothyroid for 30+ years and while I can "blame" some of my weight on thyroid level fluctuations, at the root of it is a love of food, inherent laziness and sheer lack of long term commitment.

    Why I Want To Get In Shape
    I want it for myself. I want to look better and feel better. I'm tired of feeling subpar when I'm around my fit and fabulous peers. I have been there and I want it back. I get to be totally selfish in this endeavor and that's okay; this IS all about ME :)

    My Inspirations
    If I've done it once then I KNOW I can do it again!

    Would love to be friends...add me :flowerforyou:
  • Taymay75
    Taymay75 Posts: 630 Member
    Hi, I'm 45 from Texas with two grown daughters and 4 grandchildren. I've lost weight and gained it back so many times. I don't want to diet, but start a healthy lifestyle change.
  • LoopyLaura68
    LoopyLaura68 Posts: 76 Member
    HI all,
    I'm Laura,43 :ohwell: I'm a mum of 7,ranging from 23-3 years old, & studying to be a wedding planner.
    I live in West Wales,UK,though I'm Originally from England.
    I got married to my best friend last year.
    I've tried & failed diets before,so this time it's a case of healthy eating,smaller portion sizes & more exercise! :/
    Stumbled across MyFitnessPal while searching for an app that tracks weight loss,calorie intake etc & gotta say it's great & easy to use.
    I've found this first week ok,bit hard getting the motivation to exercise,was a real effort the first day,had to do 2 x 30 mins of cardio on the kinect,but managed 60 mins the second time,after 2 rest days.have set my exercise at 3 times a week to start because i'm so unfit & having low iron levels i get out of breath pretty weight loss was going good too,i'd lost a pound,but as it's now my TOM,i've put 0.5 pounds back on so it's not showing on my ticker now.i've lost a couple of inches off my waist & thigh so i'm happy :smile:
    look forward to getting to know you all :flowerforyou:
  • swekmom
    swekmom Posts: 28 Member
    I'm Brenda. 48 years old, married 25 years, 3 kids - 22, 17 and 15. Live in Des Moines, Iowa.

    Have been steadily putting on weight and have had enough! Love MFP but still need to get myself motivated for exercise!

    Portion control is one of m huge issues! I am learning to control it but there are times when I fight myself for seconds! LOL.
    Looking forward to having some support and friends on here who are going through the same thing!
  • CRVDiva
    CRVDiva Posts: 98

    I'm 40-year-old Nikki. I was born in Kiddyminster, England. I lived in Birmingham, England as a child and migrated to Canada in my teens. I have two girls aged 23 and 10 and have been happily married for 12 years on March 25th of this years. Before getting married I weighed between 125lbs to 130lbs but then I got comfortable in my marriage and stopped being active and started overeating. My highest weight that I would step on the scale for was in 2001 when I weighed 206lbs. I'm sure I went up from there but I decided I wouldn't step back on teh scale until I lost some weight.

    Since then my weight has yo yoed up and down. I have joined Weight Watchers, LA Weight Loss, Dr. Daniels with temporary success and then I would stop tracking and my weight would slowly start creeping back on. My biggest challenges are my hubby doesn't eat healthy but he doesn't gain the weight I do either and I binge on food late at night when I'm not watching my weight. I guess I should also mention that I have a major sweet tooth especially when my mom or brother come to Canada fo a visit because I send them a list of all the treats I want and hide to eat them all without sharing...greedy I know and it all mounts on to my mid-section.

    I recently joined Weightcare and started seeing a weight loss doctor and dietitian and they told me about this program. I haven't been perfect on program by any means but I have made a huge change for the better since joining.

    I think the key to success is staying in a supportive environment like MFP, make healthier food choices and stay active however you can. Eventually the scale will become your friend and more importantly you'll start to feel more confident in your skin which is a major incentive for me. So far I have lost 12lbs and I have 28lbs to go.

    Feel free to add me as a friend if you want.
  • Hello to all! I joined MFP in February to help my younger sister stay motivated, I never dreamed that I would become as addicted as I have to this website. I live in SW Florida and have been married for 12 years in June. I have two adopted children - my son is 18 and will graduate high school this June and a daughter that is 14 and will start high school in the fall. I have been a mom for 7 years. My weight gain started at a slow-pace about 10 years ago - when I found out that we could not have biological children. So I ate. I believe my highest weight was 195 (from 140). I remember challenging myself to "Go ahead make it to 200, I dare you!" At that point I realized that the warning light was full-on Code Red. I joined WW and celebrated a loss. I was comfortable at 169. When our children came to our family, I started eating again and stopped WW. Although, I taught the children to eat healthy and make the right choices I found myself sneaking food (and not the healthy kind) when no one was looking. So, back up the ladder I went to 185. At that point I joined a gym and got down to business. Took me a year to lose 14 lbs - working out and NOT watching what you eat is a two steps forward one step back relationship! Then came Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years Eve, MLK Day (hey any holiday is a green card to eat to your hearts content, right?) So, back up we go to 179.5! Oh, boy can you say yo-yo! Wow, I have never put this to "paper"... I believe I have just had an "A-HA" moment! So, here I am ready to get serious about getting serious. I am happy to say that since joining MFP 3 weeks ago, I am down 5 lbs and am goal-oriented to a healthier me! Hey, thanks for listening everyone!

    Gender: Female
    Age: 43 - Class of '86!
    Height: 5'4 1/2
    SW: 179.5
    CW: 174.5
    GW: 150 by September 1st!

    NSV goals: To stop cropping my photos at the waist!

    Add me if we're weight-loss twins (or even distant cousins)!

    *SW = starting weight, CW = current weight, GW = goal weight, NSV = non-scale victory
  • aodc909297
    aodc909297 Posts: 86 Member
    Hi, I'm Andrea. I will be 48 years old (OMG) in about 3 weeks. I am the mother of 3 children (22, 19, 14) and have been married for 26 years. My weight history is very odd, to say the least. I was overweight until my mom took me to a place called Kelly Lynn Figure Spa in like 1976. I worked out daily and lost a significant amount of weight. This was between my 6th and 7th grade year of school. I continued to be thin throughout high school and into college. When I got married, I weighed only 110 pounds (I'm 5'4"). Well, I tried to get pregnant with my first child for 4 years. The doctor finally told me I needed to gain weight to get my body ready for conception. Got myself up to 118 pounds and conceived. I have NEVER been back to 118 or less! Steadily gained weight with each child and each year of marriage! This winter I visited my mother in Florida. She is only about 5'2 and shrinking, not only in height but she had also lost a significant amount of weight. I thought to myself... if mom can do this at 76 years old, I can too. I was tired of hiding under big clothes. All my friends where nice outfits - I wear t-shirts (untucked) or sweatshirts and blue jeans. It was time. January 3 of this year my husband and I took a 3 mile walk on the beach. It felt great. It was then that I verbally let it be known that I am going to get myself back into shape. I have not told him how much I had gotten up to - which is about 152 because I'm a little embarrassed I managed to gain 42 pounds from the time we met!! Anyway, started cutting my portion size down, eliminated sugar, cokes, etc. and began walking and exercising daily. I lost 10 pounds between Jan/Feb of this year and then found MFP. Wow, what a great resource!!!! I love MFP. Since joining, I've lost another 4.5 pounds so my current weight is about 137. My short term goal (April 5) is to be at 135. My mid-term goal (May 5) is to be between 130-132 and my long term goal is to be between 123-125 (June 9). I KNOW that I can do it with the support from friends on MFP. Please friend me because I could sure use you and hopefully you can use me! Accountability is a great motivator. Keep up the good work.
  • cawu
    cawu Posts: 1
    I am 40 (soon to be 41). My husband and I have been trying to start a family with not much luck -- decided that to be part of a clinical trial Im ust lose 20 lbs.... so here I am! Loving the help of the whole website but definitely looking forward to reaching my goal of at least 20 lbs!
  • aodc909297
    aodc909297 Posts: 86 Member
    Good luck to you!
  • babareeba
    babareeba Posts: 74 Member
    Hi fab 40!

    I am 45, married for 14 years with one son of 12yo and two step daughter (26 and 19), changing my life style from extremely sedentary to extremely active life style over the year. It just hit me last summer when I ended up with severely high cholesterol (kind of genetic type now treated with medicines) that put my life in danger. It was a wake up call. Changing the life style I unintentionally lost 10 kg and loved it!

    Now I am trying to break a plateau and loose the last 3 kg that will take me back to my weight from 30's.

    Well, I was never fit in my life neither, only smaller or bigger version of me, so now I am doing something that I call "under reconstruction process", wishing to became sexy beast at my 50s.

    Is it mission impossible? I think not, I've already found some muscles under my fat, for the first time in my life. :-)

    Feel free to add me. English is not my first language so do not be impressed with the mistakes I probably make in my writings ;-)
  • Hires113
    Hires113 Posts: 12 Member
    I'm Tracey. Well I joined about 10 months early. I hope you guys don't mind. For the last few years i've had it in my head that when I turn 40, I want to be fit and fabulous:) So I actually began making changes in my diet about 4 months ago. So far i'm done about 27lbs. and I feel great.

    Looking forward to hanging with you all.
  • Summerlove1993
    Summerlove1993 Posts: 102 Member
    I'm a 47 year old married mother of one teenage daughter. I live in CT and teach in an inner city public school. I finished my master's degree last year, and I finally have some time to focus on me. In my head, I'm about 25, but my body is letting me down. I was thin until pregnancy, and even though it has been several years, I don't recognize the woman in the mirror. I look perpetually pregnant with skinny arms and legs. I would like to resemble the real me once again. I'm searching for her right now!

    Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • toagirl
    toagirl Posts: 41
    Hi! I am 42. Married 20yrs, have 2 teenage girls (17 and 14). I live in New Zealand and I teach 5 year olds. I have wanted to loose my excess weight for a very looong time. I even did it once! When my youngest child started kindergarten I thought right, no excuses, it's time to get rid of this 'pregnancy' weight, So I did! I felt fabulous. I loved wearing nice clothes and feeling fit and healthy. Then, I thought yippee, I have my life all under control so I will finally get that degree I have been talking about. Why not? Both my children were now at school. Well I got my degree and piled 30kg of flab on at the same time. In 2009 I vowed that I don't care how long it takes I am going to change my life style and live in a way that is healthy (emotionally and physically). Three years later I have created a lot of good, healthy eating habits that have still allowed me to enjoy all the foods I want to eat and I've lost 15kg. In February 2012 I decided to kick it up a notch and increase my physical activty too! MFP has been a wonderful motivator, I am addicted:happy: i can't wait to see the new me in the mirror this coming Xmas!!
    Good luck every body:flowerforyou:
  • Wellsangel
    Wellsangel Posts: 18 Member
    I'll start then.

    I am 46. I live in Northampton in England, UK. I am married with an 8 year old son.

    I embarked on my weight loss journey with Weight Watchers Online, in September and lost 14 pounds but came on here because I wanted more control and knowledge about the calories and nutritional information about my food. I am hoping to get down to 133 lbs.

    Because we have a child and we are originally from London so don't know many people up here in Northampton, I find we have stopped doing a lot of the things we like doing, and life has become, well pretty predictable really, and mainly revolves round our son and his activities.

    So there was less incentive to dress up, and look good. I still make an effort though. Northampton is very low key compared to London so we find the people we have met so far have different interests to ours. So we seem to have slipped into a kind of middle aged slumber from which we are just beginning to wake up!

    For me,this is not just about clothes, it's about my identity - how I would like my life to be from now on.

    I had no idea you were so close by! interesting story, I can draw many parallels, and YOU DO NOT look 46!!!!!
  • Wellsangel
    Wellsangel Posts: 18 Member
    Hello guys!

    I'm Nicola, recently turned 40, I live in Nottingham UK, with my two girls aged 9 and 7 and our recently rehomed mini schnauzer who is 6 and a half!
    I'm divorced since my ex left me literaly holding the baby some years ago, as a consequence, we live in a pokey little crumbling down victorian house that we like to call home but we're making the very best of it ! :)

    I'm on a mission to improve my health, starting with my weight and fitness, the area we live in is considered to be a less affluent one, and so we tend to see a lot of people who look (to me) kind of like they've just given up, on health and weight and appearence etc.... resigned and so on, so we're not exactly living life on the edge here,
    being surrounded by this,I fear it could be a gradual assimilation for us too if we don't keep it in check and make the effort....this site is a great antidote for that!........ also I think have a bench mark to set for my girls to follow!

    If you want to add me as a friend on here, I'd welcome that, and the closer by you live the better, maybe we could even get together for some excerise some time! who knows!

    I'm pretty rubbish at dieting and excerise regimes, and hoping to change that, but I'll do this anyway I can qute frankly.

    My biggest motivation is seeing gorgeous women and thinking uh oh I used to look just like that :/ coupled with the sight of my naked butt! loosing muscle tone now, and then seeing women who have let it all go and thinking is that where I'm heading?
    Kind of like the three ghosts that visited Scrouge!
  • HoosierMomma1
    HoosierMomma1 Posts: 76 Member
    Hello all, I don't think I introduced myself. I'm a married 45 y.o. Mom of 3; ages 15, 11, 9. I work full time in a sedentary job as a finance mgr for a university. I was always underweight until I started having kids at 30. Then all the weight never came off after each kid.

    I got serious in December and joined the Y and in January I started counting calories. I'm trying to take this slow and make a lifestyle change rather than a temporary diet.

    I've lost 10 pounds and 10% body fat (8 inches overall which is 1 dress size) and really feel this time is different.