Anyone still losing while on sw and mfp

Hi there. I am becoming a little upset as I have what I determine as GREAT sw weeks on mfp then go to sw and stay the same or lose half or something like that. Then I punish myself and put on the following week. Last night I looked through some pictures of me when I was almost at target and I looked so skinny. Don't remember feeling that skinny. I know when i get to target this time ill look even better as i have exercised this time around. Anyone got any tips? What do you set as your calorie goal? Do you ignore this and eat to your full content or is it usually enough. Cannot post much more as have to continue getting ready for work! Help me please!


  • penny_eclipse
    penny_eclipse Posts: 524 Member
    Personally yes...I did...(before I got to target...maintainance more difficult). but yes, I genuinely did just follow SW and log it on most days I'd be around 1600-1800, but some days I'd be 2200+ (but all on plan).
    The plan is what you make of it, I think it's kinda counterproductive to try and do calorie counting AND I stuck to the SW approach but used this to track my food and exercise as it's such a good tool.
    Have you spoken to your consultant about it? Maybe you're not eating enough superfree? Maybe you're eating too much of rice/potatoes/pasta...or indeed not enough. I know if I eat too much lean red meat with carbs then I need a few high fish/chicken and lots of superfree to make up for it etc...I think tracking on mfp can be great if you use it as a detailed food diary to help you identify trends in hunger etc, but can completely bamboozle you if you get hung up on the calories..

    Does that help?

    Also have you tried mixing it up a bit? Change your breakfast and lunch? Try a few new recipes etc? That always helps me bust through...
  • EmmaShorter
    So Penny, did you go over your cals and not worry about it then? Or did you work out to get some more? I feel bad if I go over cals as it kinda tells you off if you know what I mean but I think this maybe where I am going wrong. I am going to ignore the cals, stick to sw 100% (I have a concert at Hammersmith Apollo tonight so I will try to make that stick to plan) and if I am still hungry I will eat freely on sw until satisfied, if I go over on cals or not!!
    I have half term next week so I am going to try to get some extra exercise in and test out some new recipes!!
  • penny_eclipse
    penny_eclipse Posts: 524 Member
    I just ate over my calories (whilst on plan) IF I was hungry or wanted a carby day or steak or whatever.

    So whereas if I'm following mfp calories I might not go back and have seconds or a large portion of pasta/rice with my food...whilst I was losing the weight I'd go back and eat til I was satisfied even if that meant I ate 500-600cals of rice (or more!)...but it was with TONS of healthy superfree filled chilli or something...I think the reason I'm struggling during maintenance is actually coz I'm not eating enough...

    Right now coz my exercise has increased so much but I'm not going back for the seconds when I'm hungry and worrying about the calories too much I think I've actually caused myself to put on a couple of I've decided I'm going back to plan 100% and not worrying about the calories at all...(still logging, but not sweating the number)

    Tonight try to go for a jacket potato with some gammon and eggs, an undressed side salad...and count the oil they cook the eggs and gammon in as about 5syns, you'll be super filled up, and you'll be on plan. (This is my go to pub meal...but of course pick your own).

    Do you have the SW soup book? And the All in one cookbook...because both are DEFINITELY worth investing in (in my opinion), my bf absolutely loves it all and he's a very *eww no we can't have low fat soured cream with out fajitas* kinda guy...and also I have a SW donner kebab recipe I can send you that I made him with SW chips and he said it was actually better than one from a takeaway...
  • EmmaShorter
    I have contemplated getting the all in one book. They had two last week. Might pick one up. I am weary of the soup book as every soup I have ever made I haven't liked. Seems like using alot of ingredients to then not eat them. Am going to try making a tomato soup over half term though. Any ideas of a free thing to put in that has a similar effect as cream at all? kebab recipe would be good.
  • penny_eclipse
    penny_eclipse Posts: 524 Member
    I bought the tescos lean lamb mince and that was 11 syns for the whole pack – so you could have half of it for 5.5 syns…. Served with a Co-op or Asda Wholemeal Pitta bread (as they are both classed as healthy extra b choice) and loads of salad!!!
    Kebab Recipe

    Ingredients: 1 teaspoon plain flour 1 teaspoon dried oregano 1/2 teaspoon dried Italian herbs 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder 1/2 teaspoon onion powder 1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper 1 teaspoon salt 1/2 teaspoon black pepper 400g pack lean lamb mince
    Method: Preheat oven to gas mark 4/180C/350F

    In a large bowl, combine the plain flour, dried oregano, dried Italian herbs, garlic powder, onion powder, cayenne pepper, salt and black pepper.

    Add the lamb mince and mix thoroughly for 2-3 minutes. Take out all of your aggression on the kebab mixture, punching and kneading until no air pockets remain and the kebab meat is extremely smooth.
    Shape the seasoned mince into a loaf and place on a baking tray (stand on a rack so any excess fat can drain away too).
    Bake in the middle shelf of the oven for 1 hour, turning the loaf half way through the cooking time to ensure even browning.
    Once cooked, remove from the oven and cover with foil. Allow to rest for 10 minutes.
    Slice the donor kebab as thinly as possible and serve with pitta, salad and sauces!!!
  • EmmaShorter
    Sounds good, however, am wondering if beef would work aswell? I don't like to use my syns on dinner (not in such a large quantity anyway 1 or 2 maybe).
    Any ideas on the cream substitute?
  • penny_eclipse
    penny_eclipse Posts: 524 Member
    instead of cream try fat free fromage frais? or quark? or fat free natural yoghurt?

    beef would work aswell or turkey mince, or you could use lean lamb chunks from the butcher and get them to mince it for you (which would be free but more expensive)
  • PottyMrs
    PottyMrs Posts: 55 Member
    Iv found that its impossible to do both SW & MFP, i could have a completely syn free day on SW but go over calories on here! In the early days of SW it really messed with my head as i couldnt get to grips how one form of 'diet' can be healthy yet seem so bad on another 'diet'!! So now alls i do is just use it as my food diary. i dont even save it because if i have gone over on MFP il get loadsa people saying how i can do better next time which isnt what i want!
  • Jo_jo_85
    Jo_jo_85 Posts: 10 Member
    hi everyone ive just found this group, been on here a while and doing sw as well, your right tho they dont really work together i just find it easy to track what i eat and excersice.
    Just wanted to say that you can change your settings so it doesnt pop up that you have saved your food diary and you can make it invisable if you like or even password protect it so only the people with the password can view it.
  • iowrob
    iowrob Posts: 6
    Yep I agree for me MFP is more of an online food diary where I can see what I have had during the day. I'm hoping when I do my first weigh in since I started here I will be able to stick two fingers up at MFP as it keeps telling me I'm going to put weight on and as I have stuck to SW I shouldn't. Stick with SW and you will lose even if its slowly like me.
  • penny_eclipse
    penny_eclipse Posts: 524 Member
    sw works...fact, for losing and for maintenance, just use here as a food diary and don't worry about the cals! x
  • vegigal
    vegigal Posts: 7 Member
    Im following the SW plan and am just logging the info on MFP because I'm interested in what the breakdown of the nutrition is. In general its fine. But I dont get put off if the calorie count is too high or too low due to free foods etc.
  • deex18
    deex18 Posts: 113 Member
    i love here for support and chatting and stuff but ive counted the calories on mfp before and the most i lost was 6-8 pounds and put it back on... ive done sw and lost 16 pound and kept it off and keeps going down.... thats just my personal experience!!! i think the fact of knowing wat i can eat with slimming world helps me feel lik im not caged in!! feel free to add me fellow slimming worlders!!
  • sadowska
    sadowska Posts: 7
    This is the problem I have with sw, if I follow the plan and satisfy my appetite with free foods, I'm hitting around 2000 a day. My net calories after exercise will be less but I still struggle to believe I can lose weight like this. I have 3stone to lose (post pregnancy weight) and I started sw 10 days ago after losing 5 lbs on slimfast.
    Sw is supposed to work by naturally lowering your calorie intake by filling you up on low energy density free foods. But my calorie intake isn't low enough! I checked the calorie count for a coupla days on the sw free 7 day plan from their website and they came out at around 1300 calories plus 200 for syns. I'm coming out at closer to 2000 because I'm greedy and always want more food.
    I know I'm eating loads but it's all allowed on the plan- so how can I lose weight this way? Today was the worst, Had a perfect sw day but a disaster in terms of calories (even allowing for the fact that I went to the gym)
    Not sure whether you can view my food diary so here it is:
    All bran 42g (hexb)
    Skimmed Milk 350ml (hexa)
    Creamy mushroom and tomato pasta (sw recipe but with added tuna and a big serving)
    Half a melon
    Chicken tikka masala sw recipe
    Muller light
    Sw super speed soup
    Alpen light bar (3 syns)
    Turkey Slices
    Petit Filous little dessert (4.5 syns)
    Go ahead yoghurt break (7 syns)
    Total 2040 calories (minus exercise credit)

    Another example:
    Fried egg
    Quorn sausage (1 syn)
    3 lean bacon rashers
    Baked beans
    Toast (half a hexb)
    Stuffed peppers sw recipe
    Cheese (hexa)
    Lean beef
    Sw chips
    2 muller light
    Ryvita (half a hexb)
    Apple Betty sw recipe (4 syns)
    Total 2020 calories (no exercise today)

    2egg omelette with mushrooms, tomato
    45g Jordan's muesli (poured out too much!) hexb plus 1.5 syns
    375ml skimmed milk hexa
    Chicken& mushroom Pasta n sauce
    Salad leaves, tomato and cucumber
    Waitrose pea and mint salad 5 syns
    Sw recipe pastitso (big portion) 2 syns
    Super speed soup
    Muller light
    Weight watchers yoghurt
    2 bananas
    Really embarrassing - a whole batch of sw oat blueberry muffins 5 syns
    2600 calories!

    So again, if sw is based on reducing your calorie intake then I'm in trouble aren't I?!
  • sadowska
    sadowska Posts: 7
  • sadowska
    sadowska Posts: 7
    Today I had 37 (flexi) syns (family party) and 2050 calories - ho hum!
  • chelle866
    chelle866 Posts: 53
    i still have a long way to go but i was loosing 3 or 4lbs every week up untill i lost 2 stone and now its coming off slower, averaging 2lbs per week, bit downbeat but its still coming off slowly but surely :) x
  • tkeers
    tkeers Posts: 8 Member
    im currently counting calories on MFP and was wondering if slimming world will help me more in terms of faster weightloss! i only have 16 weeks left of an 18 week programe that im doing along anouther 80 people for charity so i need fast results i want to be BIGGEST LOSER 2013! MFP or SW???