Freezer Friendly Meals

shander7 Posts: 613 Member
Hey everyone!
What are some recipes that you like to make well in advance and freeze?? I'm going to be making my grandmother (who cooks for my grandfather and not herself!!) a bunch of meals to keep in her freezer for easy preparation and I need some ideas! So far I'm planning::
Baked Eggplant Parmesan
Lasagna Roll-Ups
Vegetable Stir Fry

These recipes don't need to be 100% healthy (she's 5'0 and probably 100lbs or under, she could use some extra meat on her bones!!)

I appreciate all the help and can't wait to see your ideas!!


  • Ali_TSO
    Ali_TSO Posts: 1,172 Member
    bump so i can see too!
  • Nikkie_too
    Nikkie_too Posts: 495 Member
    Anything saucy - soups and chilis and jambalaya will all freeze well and portion well.

    Sweet of you to cook for your grandma!
  • idrewacat
    idrewacat Posts: 42 Member
    Most casseroles freeze well! If they eat meat, you can make pre-cooked burger patties that bake up really fast, perhaps with fravy and potatoes on the side?
  • dmf711
    dmf711 Posts: 141 Member
    Try this, it's a family recipe:

    Brascilettini (lovingly referred to as "braschies" by my italian family)

    Boneless Chicken Cutlets
    Mozzarella Cheese

    Pound out with a mallet or use a soup can to flatten out boneless chicken cutlets till they are very thin.
    Dip in egg and milk mixture, then into breadcrumb (italian, plain, whatever you like).
    Place a slice or two of salami and a slice of mozzarella in the center, and roll tightly.
    Place on aluminum foil-lined pan and slide a toothpick into each piece to keep it secure while baking.
    Bake in oven or toaster/convection oven on 350 for about a half hour until cheese begins to bubble out and the chicken looks cooked.

    These freeze great when cooked, and can be thrown right back into the oven for reheating. Enjoy!
  • shanalivee