Fat Moms to Fit Mamas Progress Report



  • tsornoza
    tsornoza Posts: 68 Member
    i did my weigh in this am. in one week, lost 1.9lbs.

    yippy!!! i'm excited.

    Awesome! :-)

    Thank you for your support!
  • MountainMia
    MountainMia Posts: 242 Member
    I am down 0bs despite working out 6 days a week and 2 of them with the trainer and eating healthy foods soooo frustrating!!!!! I set my goal at 1lb a week and thought it was possible but apparently not :(

    Don't stress it yet. 1lb a week is possible and I know you can do it. Just remember that there are several factors in weight loss and some of them are deceiving. If you have built muscle with your workouts, your body composition has changed for the better even though the scale hasn't. Every good choice will eventually reveal itself on the scale, but it isn't always on our timetable.

    I overheard a gal at the gym extatic about her body composition. She had been working out for 6 weeks with a trainer and thought it was a total waste of time and money because she only lost 2 lbs. Today, her body comp test revealed she lost 10 lbs of fat and gained 8 lbs of muscle... (which, by the way, burns more fat). She looked it too. I would have bet she'd lost 20 lbs.

    My bet is that next week or shortly after, your muscle will do some serious work for you and you'll see the numbers drop on the scale. Keep at it and give it a chance to help you reach your goals. Did you by chance take measurements when you started MFP? I strongly recommend doing that. And pay attention to how your clothes fit. Those are subtle changes, but they may pull you through the "sticky scale" weeks.
  • moms0211
    I am sooo proud of everyone - keep up the good work!!! I am so glad we can all be here to support each other!!! Just this past week I had two people who didn't know I was dieting say to me have you lost weight? I said yes with a smile ear to ear! Best feeling in the world!!! :)
  • mommy2ajs
    mommy2ajs Posts: 1,319 Member
    I am down 16 pinds since i started yeah, I can't believe I am now looking forward to excercising today. that is a big change for me. looking forward to tomorrow when I do my measurments and see if I lost any inches.
  • bed2883
    bed2883 Posts: 92 Member
    It's so encouraging to hear about everyone's success. I lost 1.6 pounds since upping my calorie count to 1500. :-)
  • ThisisMiss
    ThisisMiss Posts: 187 Member
    So I've lost almost 4lbs so far and apparently it is starting to show because relatives have mentioned how I look slimmer and like I am finally starting to lose the baby weight.

    My main problem is my will power to stay away from temptation. i am able to for the most part, but when it comes to certain carbs and chocolate, I am like a kid.. I just can't help myself! Logging everyone on here *kind of* helps because I don't want you guys to see how bad I've been, but I know I can do way better. I lessened the number of breastfeeding calories I log also just to keep myself more on the safe side. I've also been trying to make up for it by doing one last work out before bed. Usually just some toning or light pilates or yoga. We'll see how it goes!
  • moms0211
    Keep up the good work everyone!!! :)

    I have that same problem with temptation....but what has really been helping me is when I exercise and I see how much I did say on the treadmill and the same amount of calories it burned. I think to myself that barely burned that damn can of pepsi. I have been trying to look at it that and say is it really worth it. If I say yes I eat it if I say no I don't.