Weightloss for cosplays 2012?



  • taigaclaw
    taigaclaw Posts: 7 Member
    I'm hoping so anyways xD; have to get him ordered pronto OTL he is! He's so lovable <3
    I will definitely be keeping an eye out for your Mephisto! He's so epic xD
  • aimeemusic
    aimeemusic Posts: 73 Member
    Thank goodness! My sewing machine is fixed!!

    I am so behind in my cosplay!! eek!

    As for weight lost.....I think that by the time I go to the con (about 6 weeks)....i will be down about 20 pounds :)

    Wish me luck...I have make my cosplay first!

  • SnakeDarling
    SnakeDarling Posts: 352 Member
    I'm hoping to do Vocaloid IA at this next convention in June :p

    If I'm not small enough to do her, though, I'll settle for Rumi from Perfect Blue.
  • Improvised
    Improvised Posts: 925 Member
    I'm hoping to do Vocaloid IA at this next convention in June :p

    If I'm not small enough to do her, though, I'll settle for Rumi from Perfect Blue.
    Oooooo, nice. I thought about being Miku, but I haven't decided. Too many awesome characters to choose from!
  • SnakeDarling
    SnakeDarling Posts: 352 Member
    I'm hoping to do Vocaloid IA at this next convention in June :p

    If I'm not small enough to do her, though, I'll settle for Rumi from Perfect Blue.
    Oooooo, nice. I thought about being Miku, but I haven't decided. Too many awesome characters to choose from!

    That'd be cute, but it seems like everyone does Miku :p
    Not that that's a bad thing! Miku is great and recognizable :3

    Who else have you considered? :D
  • Improvised
    Improvised Posts: 925 Member
    For myself, the only 4 I'm really interested as cosplaying right now would be Torhu Honda, Yuki Cross, Tamiko (character from a manga I'm making), and Miku. My two oldest want to cosplay as Rin and Len, it'd be beyond cute, since they are still just in preschool. We're big Vocaloid fans over here. Except for my husband, who doesn't give a bean about Anime. Would looooooove to get him to go as Kaito.
  • woou
    woou Posts: 668 Member

    As for weight lost.....I think that by the time I go to the con (about 6 weeks)....i will be down about 20 pounds :)

    Wish me luck...I have make my cosplay first!


    Good luck! You better post pictures! We wanna seeeee. :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • EmilyMae12
    EmilyMae12 Posts: 61 Member
    Fuko Ibuki from Clannad!
    Sailor Mars
  • SnakeDarling
    SnakeDarling Posts: 352 Member
    I think my 8-year-old brother was planning on being Sora from Kingdom Hearts, too....
  • _HeathBar_
    _HeathBar_ Posts: 902 Member
    I really want to cosplay "adult" Nel from Bleach, I think I have the physique to pull it off now. I'm just nervous about revealing that much skin at a con.

  • Emabo
    Emabo Posts: 125 Member
    I would love to be Sailor Mars
  • SnakeDarling
    SnakeDarling Posts: 352 Member
    I just discovered Katawa Shoujo

    Misha. Misha is within my convention-goal.
  • aimeemusic
    aimeemusic Posts: 73 Member
    I would love to report that since I posted this thread in November...I have lost 25 pounds!

    My cosplay is 95 % finished and its 2 days before the con (I am going to anime boston April 4-6). I will post some pics up this weekend.

    I was also wondering if anyone was planning to go to this con. I would love to meet some of MFP peeps who are on this wellness journey with me.

    Anyways....I need to finish painting props...:)

  • aimeemusic
    aimeemusic Posts: 73 Member
    once I get a pic of cosplay I will post one up for you all :)
  • CannibalisticVegetarian
    CannibalisticVegetarian Posts: 1,255 Member
    Cosplay question!!

    Do all of you cosplayers actually MAKE your own outfits? I've only ever been to like.. two conventions in my lifetime and nearly everyone cosplaying usually tells me that they do. Is it like.. taboo NOT to? O_O; I wanna try my hand at it whenever I hit my weight loss goal, but I can't sew a damn lick. Lately there's been this urge to put an outfit together.. just to see what it looks like when that time comes around. Where do you all find hair and things like that? School me! Show me the way of the eager 'someday-cosplayer'.
  • If I did cosplay...I think I'd definately go as Kyoko from Skip Beat in her bright pink LME uniform. That would be so fun :bigsmile: But baring that my second choice would actually be Ciel Phantomhive when he's in the pretty pink dress. I think I just like pink maybe. :glasses:
  • MrAllia
    MrAllia Posts: 60 Member
    I'm thinking Sabastian from black butler but I'm open to any suggestions.
  • loneworg
    loneworg Posts: 342 Member
    I think I would love to do a cosplay next year when I am down alot more weight. I just dont know what to go as lol
  • LadyVivica
    LadyVivica Posts: 84 Member
    You don't have to make your costume, there are plenty of great seamstresses that need models for their costumes. I have someone that is willing to hire me next year as her model for all of her anime and video game designs. As well as go to conventions and show it off to promote her business. I just have to lose this weight though.

    You tend to get more "street cred" if you made the outfit yourself. If you just bought it off ebay, you will just get an, "Oh well that's nice" because a lot of pride goes into cosplay.

    If i was skinny and still in high school, i would cosplay EVERYDAY! lol

    -Credentials: Ran a hugely successful Anime convention for almost 10 years.
  • scunningham2012
    scunningham2012 Posts: 159 Member
    I'm just nervous about revealing that much skin at a con.

    Depending on what con you go to there is no such thing as showing off "too much skin."