Apart from weight loss, what other goals have you set for yo



  • nsbmom1
    nsbmom1 Posts: 6 Member
    Be more organized! Try new recipes and variety!
  • saffronblue
    saffronblue Posts: 79 Member
    1)Choose something for my career (I've never chosen!) I have a job now, but I would like to get more in-depth in it, or do something else.

    2)Create a five-year plan. My husband and I need to come up with a strategy and also figure out where we want to be in five years. By then, our kids will be 1)finished with college and 2)halfway through college.

    So what do we want to do for the rest of our lives?

    I feel like taking better care of myself now, through eating better, exercising a bit more (not pushing it too hard yet), and just in general, I'm preparing myself for What Comes Next.

    My kids are still in Jr and High School....I love that you are starting FRESH for the rest of your lives!
  • tami1373
    tami1373 Posts: 5 Member
    Great topic, I have been thinking alot about my goals recently. Besides losing weight and becoming healthier, I am trying to decide what I want to do when I grow up.

    I am half-way through working on my Bachelors degree in Nursing. I am in the process of transfering schools this semester. I am trying to decide if I want to go on for Nurse Practitioning or what discipline I would like to pursue.

    In the past few years I have lost my organization and am going to get that back somehow.

    I need to find the top of my dresser
  • HealthyChicana
    HealthyChicana Posts: 26 Member
    My goals besides losing weight are:

    1. By the end of 2012, cut our debt by 1/3
    2. Build a stronger and closer relationship to God
    3. Decide my speciality for my advanced years of MSW program
    4. Read books that I start but never finish
    5. Learn to embrace myself
    6. Feel empowered through meditation and inner peace
  • SlinkyNewMe
    SlinkyNewMe Posts: 213 Member
    Some fantastic goals there ladies! Let's keep our goals firmly in our minds. I have my main one on the wall in my office. We need to think about the things we would like to do with our lives. We are mid-way through our time here and this is our time to make choices about what we want to do. How do we want to define ourselves?. There is a whole world of possibilities out there and I am sure we all have our special "thing" that we can do/have done/want to do. We are in our 40's now - it's a fabulous time.

    We are old enough now to know what works and what doesn't work for us - and hopefully have gained some more confidence to try things out and not let people hold us back, with their opinions, judgements and misconceptions.

    Sure we have our regrets, about things we wish we had done - but we can't live in the past. We can learn from those regrets and plan for our future and make it better this time. Think about some of the things you might regret, like your educational or career choices, relationships, financial situation, etc - should we just sit here regretting all those things - goodness what a waste of time that would be!

    We need to accept ourselves, accept that we did not know then what we know now, accept that we might not have had the supportive relationships that we needed for our growth and that ultimately we tried our best with the knowledge, resources and support that we had at the time.

    Self-acceptance is what will help us all to continue on our journeys, make better choices and achieve our goals. :flowerforyou:
  • susanb573
    susanb573 Posts: 111 Member
    Find a different job that fulfills me at least a little
    Be healthier in all my choices
  • sherrirb
    sherrirb Posts: 1,714 Member
    Aside from losing weight and feeling good about myself...

    My husband and I want to "retire" early from secular jobs and go into full-time ministry work. Right now we work another couple from our church running a Christ-centered addicitons program. We would eventually like to travel to other small fundamental churches and help them get addictions programs started at their church, train their lay-people and preach and teach.

    We hope to get all our bills paid off and buy a 5th wheel trailer to live in where we can either park it in the church parking lot or at a cheap state or county park near the church we would be working at.
  • blessmy5
    Great topic. My hubby and I are new empty nesters and new grandparents. We are LOVING the freedom it has brought us and the blessing of falling in love all over again with our sweet grandbaby. Here's a few of my goals this year:

    Strength training - I'm a total weenie!

    Finding new healthy recipies for hubby and me & putting together our own personal recipe book that includes them all.

    Hubby and I would like to travel to new towns for little weekend get-aways and start running 5ks and 10ks. Hopefully do the race and then explore the new town, cuisine and history, etc. We'll see if it happens, as neither of us have done much running for years. Hopefull the knees will hold up!!!

    Continue building a closer relationship with God and inner peace. I'm loving working out to Christian Rock at the gym. Talk about leaving a workout and feeling completely uplifted mind, body and spirit!!!
  • prekteacher2
    Great topic!
    Lose my pre diabetes diagnosis.
    wear a sleeveless summer dress on vacation
    Help my daughter off to college without drinking way to much wine!!!
  • TotalTiger
    My husband and I have a goal to try and pay our house off before our eldest starts high school (about 6 more years). With the cost of living here rising dramatically without wages increasing (I'm in Australia), it's a challenge. Part of wanting to lose the weight is that it will make me more employable (I've been a stay at home mum for 6 years) and I want to find at least some part-time work in a year or so to help us achieve this goal.
  • TotalTiger
    I'd also love to be able to run. I haven't been able to run since I was in school.
  • melonsss
    melonsss Posts: 144 Member
    My main goal is too loose weight, I would however like to
    1. find a job closer to home as the long commute is making me very tried.
    2. take singing lessons as I am totally off key, however to sing in tune for fun would be wonderful.
    3 to stay at the beach club hotel, Disney world for 2 weeks and walk to Epcot every day.
  • Crystalkmoore
    Crystalkmoore Posts: 10 Member
    I want to learn to walk in heels without looking ridiculous.
  • SlinkyNewMe
    SlinkyNewMe Posts: 213 Member
    I want to learn to walk in heels without looking ridiculous.

    :laugh: Great goal!