Hello New To Group

pjbercot Posts: 30 Member
I started a 6 week challenge at a local Crossfit gym that includes converting to a Paleo diet. Today is day one and boy did I not bring enough food to work to substitute my yogurt and granola snack. Nor did I eat enough for breakfast. My initial assessment is that I need to substitute some of my fruits for veggies. Or just bring more veggies. Also a meat source for lunch would of been nice :) Thinking about a lettuce wrap or three for tomorrow :) First of many future questions. Do fruits and veggies provide the same stuff?


  • monkeydharma
    monkeydharma Posts: 599 Member
    Not sure what you mean by the 'same stuff', but if you mean nutrients, no. Fruits and vegetables serve different functions in a plant's life.

    Vegetables (the parts of a plant that aren't it's fruit) manufacture the vitamins, minerals and other nutrients a plant needs to remain healthy. Most of these are also of nutritional benefit to the animals who eat the plants.

    Fruits (the flesh surrounding a plant's seeds) are the reproductive cycle of a plant. The flesh is designed to decompose and provide a fertilizer bed for the seeds to germinate in and start a new plant. The primary benefit of fruit to us animals is that they are calorie-dense and enable us to bulk up and put on weight for wintertime - when food is scarce.

    Our diets should contain far more plants than fruits, and the fruits we eat should not be solo, but combined with animals and plants so that the sugars trigger less of an insulin response.
  • pjbercot
    pjbercot Posts: 30 Member
    That is what I was thinking. Felt like crap last night. Prepared food and have a plan for the rest of the week.
    What are some good sited\s to get nutritional info for individual foods that I combine, i.e. 2 egs with ground turkey, onions, green peppers, jalapenos and tomatoes?
  • monkeydharma
    monkeydharma Posts: 599 Member
    You can start here. Create a recipe using those ingredients in the MFP food section - it will provide the nutritional info you are looking for.