How often do you weigh (officially)?

Not how many times do you sneak onto the scale and check, but how often do you consider it a "weigh-in" -- something that you would update here?

Once a week for me, but I peek most days. It's funny how much it fluctuates; if it's up a bit on my "official" day (Saturday) even though I was "good," I can take comfort in knowing it may just be a fluctuation. Or if I wasn't so good, I can curse the ice cream and cookies I ate and vow to do better!


  • Every day, second thing in the morning (first thing is using the bathroom). The metric that matters more to me than the daily weight, though, is a 5-day running average.
  • unioncarbide
    unioncarbide Posts: 1 Member
    I'm planning on sunday morning being my official weigh-in day since saturday is the day I'll most likely eat too much.
  • TheJibble
    TheJibble Posts: 1 Member
    I plan to update it every weekday morning after my workout and shower. Seems to consistently be the time I weigh the least during the day.