Official St. Valentine's 2012 Weigh-in Thread (February 14,

ironband Posts: 157 Member
Happy <3 day! Let's see if the scales show us some love!


  • EmmaJade706
    EmmaJade706 Posts: 39 Member
    After the weekend i had, i really dont want to step on the scale tomorrow. Too Scared of what it might say. lol
  • IndianCat3
    IndianCat3 Posts: 158 Member
    im having a great workout and eating plan..not gonna get on the scale either tomorrow...i think im jus gonna start doin it first of the month weigh ins.......scales can be depressing at times....

  • andy_gilfrin
    Start 01/01/2012 - 267 Pounds

    24/01/2012 - 261 Pounds
    31/01/2012 - 255 Pounds
    08/02/2012 - 254 Pounds
    14/02/2012 - 249 Pounds (Down 5lb)

    Under 250 is great, still not shed all the weight I added over the holidays but that should be gone by next week (only 2 pounds). Been working really hard at it the last 2 weeks or so.

    I'd really advise you guys to get on the scale, you might be pleasantly surprised, if not then it should give you the focus to get back on your journey. Good luck with whatever you decide to do.
  • EmmaJade706
    EmmaJade706 Posts: 39 Member
    What is going on???? I have been the same weight for the past two weeks.
  • ironband
    ironband Posts: 157 Member
    Starting Weight (6/15/2011): 260.5 lbs
    Current Goal Weight: Not really sure...
    Last Week's Weight: 204 lbs
    Today's Weight: 202.5 lbs

    1.5 pound loss this week. Not really sure if that's a good thing - I suppose it is, but I am trying to build muscle and eat at maintenance. Clearly I've got a little bit of adjusting to do, but I'm going to continue at this level for another week and if I lose this much again I'll up my calories a bit.

    Andy - nice work getting the holiday weight off - almost there and then you can get back to making "new" progress.

    I think there is nothing wrong with a weekly weigh in - but we should never be depressed about what the scale says. It's just another piece of data which can help us put the puzzle together. If you find that weighing weekly doesn't work for you emotionally because of the occasional ups and downs, then that's totally understandable. It isn't the number that's important, but the state of our health.

    Personally, I think it is good to weigh in after a "bad" week, because it gives an idea of how the bad week affected me. Again, to me, it's just data.

  • xwllflwrx
    xwllflwrx Posts: 24 Member
    SW on 01/31/12: 244
    02/07/12 - Weight: 241 Loss: -3
    02/14/12 - Weight: 237 Loss: -4
    February GW: 236