Hi everybody! New to the BFC! Hopeful

Hi everybody! New here and on the fast track although pulling some recipes from the back of the book. I am hopeful but scared. Finially REALLY looked at myself in the mirror after for the first time in many years...what happened? Have 56lbs to loose. Been on fast track for 5 days. My mind is clearing; my body is stubborn!


  • Welcome!

    Be patient I am not loosing weight as fast as I would like. But I know my body is adjusting to the change.

  • brynandmaddie
    brynandmaddie Posts: 6 Member
    Hi there! I have not attempted FT but do the original BFC. It's Day 35 for me, and I am down 11.3 pounds - you can do this! This is one of the best plans I've ever tried and I love that I can still have french fries, mayonnaise, bacon, and sandwiches. It is just about portioning those things and loading up on the stuff that is belly friendly! Hang in there!!!
  • plaz58
    plaz58 Posts: 17 Member
    Keep at it! Since August I have lost 35 lbs and went from size 40 to 36 pants. I agree, this is a good change in the way I eat - minimal sugar now! Just had a sugar-free carrot cake for my birthday made by my wife with almond flour and xylitol - it was great!!
  • Hi and welcome! Hope you are having a good week!!! :)
  • VAgal123
    VAgal123 Posts: 35
    Hi all! Starting BFC today and glad to see there are others on here....seems like a very doable lifestyle change. Excited!
  • scorpionqueen72
    scorpionqueen72 Posts: 13 Member
    Hi! This is my 3rd week and I've lost 8.5 lbs. I indulged on my anniversary...so my loss for this week was just 1.5, but I'm back in action and know it will be better next week. Monday the 1st will be my 1 month..and I do my measurements. I'm very excited to see how many inches I have lost. My pants are already baggy...so it better be good! :)
  • VAgal123
    VAgal123 Posts: 35
    I'm down 3.2 for week 1 on regular BFC. Haven't seen a change in inches yet although my daughter says my ARMS look slimmer LOL! Not exactly what I was looking for but I'll take anything. This is the easiest eating plan I have found yet.
  • Sadiyyah70
    Sadiyyah70 Posts: 38 Member
    Hi everyone! Happy I found this group; have lots to learn. I am down 1 inch at waist and 4.8 lbs in week 1. I LOVE the carb swap recipes-they are so good. I am having a hard time wrapping my mind around how the yummy stuff I am eating can lead to losing belly fat & overall weight. I have 50 lbs to lose and am starting week 2 today.

    Two questions for the group...
    Any tips to reach the projections in the front of the book (would be 10-13 lbs for me based on my wlg)?
    Has anyone successfully made the outrageous brownies on page 213? I tried making the brownies on Saturday and after I tasted, they "slipped" into the garbage, lol!