Introduce yourselves!



  • Hi I'm Link , 28 years old. I work for an emergency service and work different shift patterns. I rarely excerise although I did use to excerise (walk to work, cycle etc) But have become lazy. I really want to shred weight and become physically fit. My goal weight is around 126lbs and I would love to be fit enough to race for charities.
    I am vegetarian and trying to follow a low-carb diet. I have lost some weight on this but my main goal food wide is to make more homemade meals and eat less processed foods.
    I have some of Juilian Micheals DVD's that I wish to start soon. I suffer from social anxiety disorder (I only just found this out but it explains alot of my actions). I find leaving the house on my own a stuggle and at any social gathering I feel the need to drink to boost my self confidence.
    weight - 156lbs
    height - 5ft 4
  • Name: Kayda
    Age: 19
    Height: 5'3"
    Weight: 225lbs
    Body Fat: 40%
    Goal Weight: 110lbs
    Goal Body Fat: 15%

    Activities: Running, Elliptical, Treadmill, Weight Lifting, Swimming, Dancing, Zumba, Horseback Riding, Xbox 360 Kinect.

    Why I want to lose weight: I want to lose weight because I am going to university in August and I want to be healthy, fit, and slim. I am going to Hawaii in 2013 on a vacation with my best friend and I want to look sexy in a bikini.
    I want to be able to go shopping for clothes and enjoy myself as well as find clothes that I like, that fit. Those are just a few small reasons but they are mine none the less. I do have more but I didn't feel like listing them all.
  • Hi my name is Tisha, I am 36 years old. I am married and have three kids and a Great Dane. I work as an executive Assistant in CITI Bank but up until recently I use to be a stay at home mom. I am origanally from Turkey and came to the states in 1996. I am trying to raise my kids, be a good wife, take care of my home, have a career and finish my college degree simultaneously. As you can imagine this causes some stress and weight gain:) lol. I want to loose weight because I have a hard time recognizing myself in pictures and mirrors. Plus I live in Florida and having to wear something over my bathing suit constantly at the beach gets kind of old!
  • LilysMom28
    LilysMom28 Posts: 236 Member
    Hello everyone! My name is April. I live in IL. I have been married for 5 1/5 years and have a 2 year old daughter. I work at a bank and have a pretty boring desk job. I dont really have time to get to the gym but I try to get my workouts done at home. I have been working on the Jillian Michaels 6 week 6 pack. My ulitmate goal would be to feel comfortable in a 2 piece swimsuit this summer. I'm afraid I may not make it but I'm sure trying to stay positive!!!
  • Is my "twin" out there? I'm in the central Pennsylvania area. I'm a few months away from 43. I'm short at 4'11" and almost at an all time high with my weight now at 181, considered obese and I hate the way I look and feel. Never been married, don't have any kids. I live with / take care of my Granny who is completely dependent, can't be left alone. Can't have a job for this reason, she is a full time responsibility. I don't get to leave the house unless I have someone else to stay with her, which doesn't happen often. My stress level is high. I am depressed and always exhausted. Truthfully I hate exercise but know I need to do it, trying to eat healthier foods and less calories isn't enough to make a difference it seems. Last year I managed to lose about 20lbs from January to June but gained it all back by year end. Need to do better this year and keep it off.

    I was a skinny thing when I was young, didn't hit 100lbs til college and must have had high metabolism because I could eat anything and not gain weight. Had some health problems in my 20's with a hiatal hernia repair and an emergency hysterectomy within a year of each other before I turned 30. My weight ballooned up to 190 and I've been fighting to lose it ever since, without much success.

    98-124 lbs is the range the BMI charts say I should be in although I don't know that I can get that low. My lowest weight as an adult was about 135, I was fitting into size 6/8 pants and Mediums in 2007. I would be happy if I could get back down to that size again. I still had a bit of a belly and wasn't tight and toned so I'd love to do better once I get there. I don't wanna be stick-skinny and starving all the time. I do like my feminine curves but want to be healthy and fit and look nice in cute sexy clothes.
    I'd love to rock a bikini this summer.

    GOAL - lose somewhere between 45 and 80 lbs.

    Checking in again, haven't heard from anyone so I guess there is no twin for me :(
  • for_the_prophet
    for_the_prophet Posts: 3 Member
    age: 22
    location: Vermont, USA
    occupation: itinerant research fellow (applied math)
    passions: dance, running, mathematics, classical studies
    why I need to lose weight: because I'm heavier than I've ever been, and it's really uncomfortable.
  • erikahand
    erikahand Posts: 11 Member
    Hi everybody. My name is Erika, I am 28. I am 5 foot 4 inches tall, I weigh 198. I am a mother of 2 boys, Liam 8 and Patrick 6. This is the heaviest I have ever been so I would love to have someone like me to relate to and help keep me in line. Looking forward to hearing from you all.
  • Greeting everyone! I'm anxious to be a part of this group. I'm in need of some motivation and accountability. I'm 35 years young. No children and going through a divorce. I'm trying to get myself together and enjoy life again. Focus on me! I'm 5'2 and 203lb (the heaviest I've ever been).I recent;y went to my doc and she prescribed me some blood pressure meds. I've never had an issue with presure before. She beleives in due to my weight gain. So, I'm on a mission. I want to loose about 50lbs in total and get to a sexier me. I have the means to do so, just lack drive and encoragement. I hope this group can help me!
  • Hi ,y name is Natasha. I am from Florida but I reside in Louisiana now. I am a wife and a mother of 4. I am 30 years of age. I weight 157.6 and I am 5 feet 4 inches. I am a mail carrier and I am looking to loose about 15-20 pounds. My ultimate goal is be healthier and look healthier!!!
  • meeshpoet
    meeshpoet Posts: 1 Member
    Hi everyone, my name is Michelle. I'm 28 years old, I'm a child/family mental health counselor, I'm in nursing school, and I'm planning a wedding. I have been attending the 12 step program overeaters anonymous. I'm 5'5 and 255 pounds, having lost 10.5 pounds in the last 5 weeks. I have no desire to be the weight the charts say. I would be thrilled to get down to 180 pounds and be healthy (and fertile!)
  • DocNikki7
    DocNikki7 Posts: 24 Member
    Hello, Im DocNIkki7

    I live in GA, from NY. I am 5'5". I weigh 366.00. My goal is 160. I would love to be paired with someone. It would be encouraging and challenging. I am new to site and this group. I have a long journey but I am really ready this time. My first goal is to lose 10% of my body weight. I have already lost 6 lbs and moving forward. I am member of a gym. I have good support in my church as well but I really like this site and welcome to make a lovely pair.

    Warm regards,
  • wonlife
    wonlife Posts: 14 Member
    Hi, I'm Debbie. I live in the St. Louis area. I'm 44 years old, divorced, no kids (except the furry kinds!), and have been in a committed relationship with the best man ever for 1.5 years. I work as a Supervisor in an Accounting department. I'm originally from Chicago.

    I've always been heavy except for twice in my life. When I was 25, I got down to 155 lbs but quickly went back up to 230 due to a number of factors - bad marriage, laziness, apathy, food addiction, and so on. When I moved to St. Louis, I separated from my husband. Grieving and depressed, I decided to try and walk a half marathon. During the 6 months of training, I lost 60 lbs. and gained a whole new life. I managed to keep the weight off till last year, when I quit smoking. I gained 20 lbs. which I'm struggling to lose.

    I truly believe exercise is the key to so much of our health: physical, mental, and spiritual. I unfortunately got out of the habit of daily exercise due to an issue with one of my feet and the holidays. Walking in marathons no longer seems to be a viable option and that has thrown me. But I am determined to find an exercise program that works for my limitations and to lose this 20 lbs.! Hoping to find someone to buddy up with!

    Have a great day! :)
  • birdsbod
    birdsbod Posts: 5 Member
    This is such a great idea! I'm 36, a single mom, and have been in a rut. I'm getting out of it by starting with improving my body and mind. I was very athletic growing up, but got lazy in my late 20s. I gained 70lbs with my pregnancy, and did lose some, but I am ready to take charge and reclaim the body and the life I really want. I want to be fit, healthy, and confident. Looking great in a bikini would be awesome too! I have 40ish lbs to lose.
  • Hi, I'm Victoria and I live in New York. I'm 21 and I'm not sure exactly how much weight I want to lose, but I know that I've never been good at keeping up with exercise and i tend to mindlessly snack, so I figured a little bit accountability would be great!

    Right now I'm at 126 lb (my starting weight was about 130) and I'd like to get to at least 120, maybe even 115 if I can still maintain the proper nutrients at that weight.

    Is there anyone else out there who's sort of going at this website from that viewpoint? If so, let's talk!
  • mysteasa
    mysteasa Posts: 4 Member
    Hello all.. My name's Christina, I am 31 years old and live in a suburb of Chicago, IL. I am married with no kids (yet). Ever since high school, I've had weight issues. At my skinniest (for my height) I was 128lbs. Currently I am 220lbs in which 50 of those pounds I gained last year due to all of the stress from my last semester at school, taking care of my father, and towards the end of the year, losing my father to cancer. I have also quit smoking (again) which also contributed to the weight gain. I've tried many diets in the past from various pills to VLC diets which worked for a couple of months but ended up gaining again. I decided that it's time I do things the right way. No pills and no fad diets. I started eating better, calorie counting and just recently, I started being more active. Would love to find my "fitness twin" so that we could help each other out and keep each other motivated.

    My stats:
    Current weight- 220
    Goal weight- 140

    Message me if you have a similar story or feel like we could help each other out.
    Thanks in advance and good luck everyone on your weight loss goals :)
  • simpleart1977
    simpleart1977 Posts: 13 Member
    Hello! My name is Tara. I am 34 years old, and I live close to Chicago and Lake Michigan, although I am in northwest Indiana. I am married with 2 boys, one age 9 and in 3rd grade, the other is 3 and at home with me. I work at home full-time as a medical transcriptionist. I have also have a degree in psychology, but switched to medical transcription to work from home so I could be with my kids.

    I started gaining weight after my dad died when I was 7, and quickly became a chubby kid. I have yo-yo dieted most of my life, my high being 278 (size 26/28), my all time low 135 (size 3). I am 5'7. I have learned a lot on the way, I know a lot about nutrition and healthy choices. I actually ran cross country when I was in high school. I have not been under 200 pounds since my early 20's.

    My wake up call recently, was that I randomly checked my blood sugar (I had gestational diabetes with my 3 year old, so I still have some test strips to check every once in a while) and my fasting blood sugar was 155. I really do not want to be diabetic and on medication. Since then, I have not lost much weight, but I have added exercise and have been making better food choices. I have been able to keep my blood sugar below 115 in the morning.

    My interests: I like to read either religious/spiritual or self-help books, I just ordered a harp and am going to start taking harp lessons, and I am forever trying to learn to get and keep my house somewhat organized. :) I like to cook, and one of my favorite cooking shows is Iron Chef America. I also watch Dexter, Shameless, Nurse Jackie, White Collar, Burn Notice, Cover Affairs, Homeland.

    Exercise right tv is usually property of my kids, so I listen to music on my ipod while I use a step and look out my back sliding glass doors. Works for me!
  • CherryRCee
    CherryRCee Posts: 4 Member
    Hello, I'm Cherry!

    I am 23 years old. I am in the education field and love working with kids. I want to lose weight and be healthier for myself and to be a role model for my students. I've gained a significant amount of weight in my adult years and am ready to work to lose that weight! I sometimes have difficulty with having the motivation to work out, so I am trying to implement a set exercise schedule. I enjoy reading, writing, and sports.
  • Hi i am Noureen. I am looking to lose about 22 pounds in the next few months. I am currently a student in college studying early childhood education. I lost a little weight around 5 pounds a while ago and i can feel it creeping back. I am 21 years old and turning 22 very soon. I have a really hard time sticking to my goals which i why i am seeking out support.
  • gardsmeister
    gardsmeister Posts: 73 Member
    Good morning!!! I'm Ian, a 43 (nearly 44) year old man who's always carried a bit of extra timber around since my teens!!
    In the last few years however, middle aged spread has taken hold with a vengeance and at my biggest around 18 months ago, i weighed as much as 244lbs!!
    Since then, i've had sporadic periods where i've been careful what i eat, without ever making a definite plan to lose weight and have yo yo'd between 224 & 238lbs. At the turn of the year i made a resolution to lose 79lbs by the end of the year and get down to my ideal weight (well, according to the doctors' charts anyway!!) and get properly fit!!!
    This site has been brilliant for me to monitor my daily calorie intake and as of yesterday i'd lost 23.5lbs and can now fit into my 36" waist trousers!!! So, just another 55.5lbs to go, but i'm determined to get there and, as importantly, stay there!!!
    Looking forward to the new slim, fit and healthy me!
  • genene111
    genene111 Posts: 365 Member
    Hello everyone:) love the twin thing!!
    My name is Genene , I'm 28 years old and a manager at a restaurant:) I just found out that I was accepted to the university I applied for, so I'm a soon to be student as well. I love Zumba and hot yoga and I can't wait to be back feeling supercharged and super fit! Let's do this thing:)