WoW Servers?



  • I'm now officially Area 52.
  • Noravus
    Noravus Posts: 10
    Currently I am on Norgannon-US on the Horde side. I was on Eredar-US for from Vanilla until Ulduar in WotLK, also Horde.
  • Merc71
    Merc71 Posts: 412 Member
    Six years of playing & seven 85s later , I am proud to say that I'm over my Warcrack addiction.

    Should I fall off the wagon (or get bored with SWTOR), my server is/was Argent Dawn US (Alliance).

    Caynon -- Human, Holy paladin
    Myyst -- Night Elf, BM hunter
    Pepperfoot -- Gnome, Demo lock
    Alurr -- Night Elf, Combat rogue
    Hayght -- Human, Frost DK
    Oryonn -- Spacegoat, Arcane mage
    Eromund -- Undead, Demo lock (I felt so dirty playing Horde.....)
  • Williamj
    Williamj Posts: 199 Member
    I was on Burning Blade alliance all through vanilla, TBC, and WotLK. Moved to Earthen Ring horde side to be on a good RBG team.
  • Operation_Me
    Operation_Me Posts: 869 Member
    I was on mok 'nathal when I played
  • kalepowered
    kalepowered Posts: 76 Member
    Whisperwind Alliance is my main server, and I have a Horde character on both Bronzebeard (from when I first started playing) & Wyrmrest Accord (my attempts at roleplaying were rather awkward, though!).
  • Williamj
    Williamj Posts: 199 Member
    my attempts at roleplaying were rather awkward, though!.

    Did you find yourself in the Deeprun Tram?
  • I'm on Grizzly Hills (Alliance side), but am on hiatus while I play SWTOR :)
  • cthoma70
    cthoma70 Posts: 228 Member
    Lothar, Alliance.
  • kalepowered
    kalepowered Posts: 76 Member
    Did you find yourself in the Deeprun Tram?

    Thankfully no, nor the Goldshire Inn! Blood elves were always rampant everywhere, though. :(
  • _Ben
    _Ben Posts: 1,608 Member
    I do private servers, I am on Molten Wow
  • shady81x
    shady81x Posts: 290
    Barthilas, Alliance.

    Played on Dreadmaul Alliance as well, during WoTLK days.
  • Karazhan EU - Orc Unholy DK (Horde)
    Ghostlands EU - Night Elf Disc Priest (Alliance)
  • Aeliyah
    Aeliyah Posts: 247
    Alexstrasza, Alliance... since vanilla! I remember waiting in queue with 1000+ people ahead of me... ahhh those were the days :drinker:

    I'm currently Guild Master and Raid Leader... and I'm finding now that we're towards the end of an expansion, no one wants to do any more raiding. That's okay with me though... gives me a chance to focus on school work again, haha!
  • melianne125
    melianne125 Posts: 90 Member
    Ghostlands US :)
  • josho655321
    josho655321 Posts: 110 Member
    Shattered Hand - mostly horde - 4 tanks.... What what
  • kayleesays
    kayleesays Posts: 564 Member
    Sentinels US. I know, you probably haven't heard of it... we're kind of... the crappiest weaksauce RP-but-not server out there, haha.

    85 Belf Paladin
    85 Troll Shaman
    85 Troll Druid
    85 Undead Priest
    85 Human Warlock

    and on Scarlet Crusade US, I have a 69 Draenei Paladin :)
  • johnnythrash
    johnnythrash Posts: 19 Member
    Dalaran US! I have:
    85 BE Lock
    85 BE Pally
    85 Goblin Priest
    85 Orc Hunter
    84 Goblin Mage
    82 Goblin rogue
    80 Tauren Druid

    and a DK that's like lvl 62

    I'm in one of those "terribly bored with WoW" phases right now though so I only log on to talk to people sometimes and that's it
  • xaniza
    xaniza Posts: 250 Member
    I was horde on The Fail... I mean Underbog.
  • TNoire
    TNoire Posts: 642 Member
    Icecrown tho I have toons in a few spots