What about fruit?

Hi! I am new to the Paleo/Primal diet & I am wondering about the sugar in fruit.

When I track my sugar on MFP it is always over even though I have taken all the grains, flours, & processed foods out of my diet.

Do I have to give up fruit too?

I really do not miss the "bad stuff" but I would really miss eating fruit. I know that all foods aren't created equal, so what kind of fruit do you all eat in your daily diet?


  • loulou0612
    loulou0612 Posts: 69 Member
    I am new to Primal also, I have about 50lbs I need to loose so I am watching my sugar intake from fruit, and limiting to one a day...more of the berries, apples or pears and trying to avoid more of the fruits with the higher sugar intakes....

    I dont think there is a right or wrong answer, If you are making this a lifestyle and you love fruit than you should incorporate it in your diet....

    Good luck on your journey
  • Jenbtech
    Jenbtech Posts: 21 Member
    I make sure that Im eating fruit in the beginning of the day. Its a natural energy boost and a great way to recover from working out. I limit my fruit intake after lunch since that is when I spend the most my time sitting at a desk.

    I have a berry smoothie in the morning with almond milk and whey protein powder. I may have an apple at some point in the day to keep my energy level up. But that is about it for now.
  • Frankenbarbie01
    Frankenbarbie01 Posts: 432 Member
    I've had to really limit my fruit intake to 1-2 MAX servings per day (thats just ME) because I find the sweet stimulates cravings for more which contributes to me making bad choices!! LOL
    When I want something really sweet and that feels decadant and a huge splurge I have fresh pineapple and dark chocolate
  • angijunbug
    Thanks for your suggestions! It's appreciated :flowerforyou:
  • GalaxyDuck
    GalaxyDuck Posts: 406 Member
    I've had to really limit my fruit intake to 1-2 MAX servings per day (thats just ME) because I find the sweet stimulates cravings for more which contributes to me making bad choices!! LOL
    When I want something really sweet and that feels decadant and a huge splurge I have fresh pineapple and dark chocolate

    This is what I do also, for the same reason. Anymore than 2 and I have a hard time fighting sugar craving after that. And pineapple is a super sweet treat that would be my only fruit of the day haha.
  • cavemancop
    cavemancop Posts: 42 Member
    I use the food tracker but I dont pay attention to any of the calorie/macro "suggestions" MFP gives, it is based on the typical FDA BS diet and not based on Paleo. If you are loosing weight or at least working toward your goal you shouldn't be worrying what MFP says
  • GalaxyDuck
    GalaxyDuck Posts: 406 Member
    I use the food tracker but I dont pay attention to any of the calorie/macro "suggestions" MFP gives, it is based on the typical FDA BS diet and not based on Paleo. If you are loosing weight or at least working toward your goal you shouldn't be worrying what MFP says

    To be fair, the macros that MFP sets when you first sign up are just the standards. They can be easily edited to reflect different macros. When I was still tracking my food, I manually edited Carb/Protein/Fat ratios until they worked for me. I also adjusted my daily sodium limit to 1500 (default was 2500) and my daily sugar limit, just so that I could keep an eye on those things which cause issues to me.

    If you're tracking your food, I highly recommend going in to your Goals and manually setting some of these things instead of using the MFP standards.
  • sethandjane
    sethandjane Posts: 74 Member
    Everybody's suggestions above are great - I just wanted to second them -

    I try to choose fruits that are lower on the Glycemic Index scale - such as berries as somebody mentioned above. If I do want pineapple or another fruit that's sweeter, I have it - but again like someone suggested, I'll try to have it in the morning.

    And in the end (in my personal opinion) - even choosing a fruit that's higher in natural sugar is a much better choice at the end of the day than reaching for a twinkie, a cupcake, etc.

    Good luck! :)
  • ganesha303
    ganesha303 Posts: 257 Member
    I try to choose fruits that are lower on the Glycemic Index scale - such as berries as somebody mentioned above.

    And in the end (in my personal opinion) - even choosing a fruit that's higher in natural sugar is a much better choice at the end of the day than reaching for a twinkie, a cupcake, etc.

    Agree with this. I do not worry about time of day on fruit at all. I had fruit in a evening salad lat night in fact.