HALF WAY APPROACHING- how we feeling??

vichm Posts: 174 Member
Well I am coming up to day 11 tomorrow and in my head am going...'THE HALF WAY MARK'!!

I am approaching moving up (i went to level 2 on day 4 as level 1 was not quite hard enough to feel the burn) but am thinking do i still just do 10 days in level 2 or as i moved on early carry on till day 20??!! When I think of level 3 I think OMG!!.... Level 2 has been tough, now I can do all the moves in the higher impact but they still knacker me out... (Cardio on circuit 3 is a push- glad its the last set!!)

So how are you getting on with your levels...?? Anyone on Level 3 already, feedback appreciated>.

Cant wait to see how this works out in the end, Im feeling good and am trying to stay away from measuring too much as want the surprise at the end!! :-) x


  • Jujurenae
    Jujurenae Posts: 15 Member
    Im on level two and have been for awhile...can't say I've completed each piece with excellence...I did however try level 3 just for ****s and giggles...and whoa...horses...I went back and did my regular level 2. So listen to your body and push yourself thats what I say.
  • Fay64
    Fay64 Posts: 49 Member
    I am day 19 today. this is my second rounds and I am using heavier weights this time! I feel awesome! I can see my shoulders shaping up! It is hard work! Level 3 is even harder.. but its worth it!
  • AriadneSnow
    AriadneSnow Posts: 131 Member
    I did L2D2 yesterday - I moved up to 3kg weights (6.6lb) for most of the strength moves, but stayed with the 2kg for the last circuit. I tried as many of the advanced moves as I could, which wasn't many! I was just about ready to collapse at the end, I swear as I was finishing those plank twists at the end I was seconds from fainting! I hope it gets easier!
  • vichm
    vichm Posts: 174 Member
    seems we are all feeling the burn in one way or another. Think i'll see this week through then try level 3.... im sure it will be tough but will it be a 'work through its barable or 'HELL NO TOO SOON??!!!

    Think i also need bigger weights now so will increase weights for next few days on level 2.

    Good luck everyone, we are getting there and im sure the end results will be worth it (im noticing my legs slimming and taking shape) keep me posted, always good to hear how your getting on. x
  • TurtleRunnerNC
    TurtleRunnerNC Posts: 768 Member
    Day 1 of level 2 day. It was pretty tough I had to take two 5 second breaks, more asthma related than anything but had to none the less. The arm exercises are killing me, so weak! ! Only using 3lb weights & dying but I made it through with just the two breaks. I like it better than level 1.
  • Bikini27
    Bikini27 Posts: 1,298 Member
    Tonight will be day 7 of level 2....and OMG it needs to get easier soon! Level 3 may be much further down the road!!

    I am finding that my knees do *not* like this level, the twists and skaters make them very angry so I sub in jumping jacks.
  • AriadneSnow
    AriadneSnow Posts: 131 Member
    L2D3 - I'm looking forward to when this level gets easier. It does get easier right?? Still, I'm seeing good results already. I'm going to practice planks even on days when I'm not doing the shred - I want to increase my shoulder/back/arm strength.
  • MILFaspirations
    MILFaspirations Posts: 108 Member
    I tried level 2, but i went back to level 1.

    I think I will do the levels as I can, until I do it with excellence.. I still struggle with some parts of level 1.

    I will probably do level 1 for a month, then level 2 for a month, then level 3 for a month...

    I have been trying to do 30 min on the elliptical after I do the dvd.

    I missed 2 days of the DVD...
  • vichm
    vichm Posts: 174 Member
    yes level 2 definately does get easier I thought the same when i started it but manage it throughout now on the higher intensity, still get sweaty but does kill me like it did- Level 3 for me is next week. :-)
  • vichm
    vichm Posts: 174 Member
    JUST WANTED TO SHOUT OUT ABOUT MY HALF WAY RESULTS..... if some of you are feeling rubbish/ bored of the shred or generally feeling a bit demotivated hopefully this will make you feel better.

    Today at half way point I remeasured... (i have'nt measured since the day I started the shred) and in the 15 days I have lost 6.5cms.... this is from 4 areas in total.... arms/ waist/bust/ hips! SO HAPPY. I can also see the tummy shrinking and my legs definately look slimmer. This has given me the boost to carry on and work through the next 15days!!!

    LOVE BEING ABLE TO GRADUALLY SEE THE RESULTS....... and i hope everyone has the same success. x