Important stuff will go here one day.
Hi all! Just started day 1 level 1 today. Definitely felt the burn, seeing as I have not worked out like that in a LONG time. I just wanted to know how you are all doing and what kind of results you are seeing in the different lengths of time. I read on here that some people end up taking a day off here and there because…
calories burned?
I'm doing the biggest loser with my family and so far I've lost 7 pounds! I don't know what to put down for this DVD in the calorie section though? Any thoughts? I'm on level 2
Level three
Completed day 2 level three! (day 22!). The cardio kills me! The sumo squat jumps! my least favorite! The only thing that's keeping me motivated is that It's during these last days that we start to see the results of our hard work! Hang in there everyone! we are almost there!
Level 1 changes?
Did anyone notice any changes doing Level 1? I am on Day 9 today and my measurements are the same but I do feel the exercises getting easier (I can actually do a few knee push ups now!) So I must be getting stronger but I don't seem to be burning any flubber! :( I know most of you started before me so wondered what you had…
HALF WAY APPROACHING- how we feeling??
Well I am coming up to day 11 tomorrow and in my head am going...'THE HALF WAY MARK'!! I am approaching moving up (i went to level 2 on day 4 as level 1 was not quite hard enough to feel the burn) but am thinking do i still just do 10 days in level 2 or as i moved on early carry on till day 20??!! When I think of level 3 I…
REST DAYS- Have you taken any?- How often?
Just wondering about rest days when doing the 30 day shred. I didnt manage to do the dvd yesterday (would of been day 12) this was due to one of the babys been poorly and me and hubby had a constant day of nursing poorly baby while his twin was rather happy and wanting to play. 'TOUGH DAY' Today is very similar but im…
level 1 day 7 complete
Yesterday I finished L1D7! I had noticed that the scale had gone up 2 pounds since I started and was getting discouraged, so I decided to measure myself even though I had told myself not until I finished level 1. I lost a total of 3 inches (1" off right thigh, 0.5" off lower and and hips, 1" at belly button and 0.25" off…
Feb 12th
Day 14 , Day 4 of level 2! JM killed me today!
Moving up a level?
When are you planning to move up? Im on day 5 today and after days 3 and 4 I wasnt sore at all :-( Im thinking I should do Day 5 at Level 1 than go on to Level 2.. I can keep up with the advanced girl for every move and during cardio except for doing push ups I have to do girl ones.. so what do you think?
rest day?
re-posted in exercise - whoops