Phase 1, Week 1 and 2

For all things related to Phase 1, Week 1 and 2


  • charlene_1980
    I did Phase 1, Week 1, Workout 1 today and it felt good. I dare to say "easy" in comparison to some of her programs, but I know she's easing us into it, and "easy" will *not* be a word used to describe this program in weeks to come lol
  • ufedak85
    Did you modify any of the moves to make it harder? I heard that you can either add weights or make the moves plyometric in order to make it a bit tougher. Can't wait to start!
  • charlene_1980
    Did you modify any of the moves to make it harder? I heard that you can either add weights or make the moves plyometric in order to make it a bit tougher. Can't wait to start!

    I wanted to get through it today and see how I felt before modifying them to make them harder (I'm usually the one modifying them to make them easier lol) I think after Workout 2 tomorrow, if I still feel it's 'easy', I'll modify them. She shows you the ways to modify to make them easier and harder, which I think is great.
  • ufedak85
    Great ideal! Since workout 1 and 2 are the only one's used for the first 2 weeks, it'll give plenty of time to adjust to make it just right. :) Have you gotten a chance to use the resistance band yet? I've heard people have been having difficulty adjusting them properly so that you can feel the moves. I think I may take a glance at this section so that I can have the bands to a point where I will be able to use them without fiddling with them while working out.
  • lelasutt
    lelasutt Posts: 165 Member
    I have used the resistance bands (you use them in workout 2). I felt like I didn't have them adjusted right and spend most of my time fiddling with them trying to adjust during the times you use them. The sheet of paper that comes with them on how to adjust wasn't helpful. Hopefully someone else will have some better insight on how to adjust them.
  • ufedak85
    Lelasutt- have you tried any of the beachbody products, like P90x, turbo jam, Chalene Extreme, etc? If so, do you think the resistance tubes that usually come with these workouts can be used instead? I like Jillian's resistance band because the handle rotates which allows for a smoother workout, but if I can't find a way to make it just right, I'm not sure if there's a point in using them.
  • tamdogg54
    tamdogg54 Posts: 1 Member
    I apologize if this is off-topic, but I was wondering how everyone is going to log this in as exercise? I was thinking Circuit Training, but I would love to read everyone's thoughts. I'm very excited to start!
  • roander
    roander Posts: 192 Member
    Day 1 - Who is doing the Kickstart? AM and PM. Since I've been doing Ripped in 30 for three weeks, I'm going to skip it. I don't want two workout sessions a day. I already hate exercise, don't make me hate it twice a day!

    I do notice today that my upper chest muscles are pretty sore today.
  • lelasutt
    lelasutt Posts: 165 Member
    Lelasutt- have you tried any of the beachbody products, like P90x, turbo jam, Chalene Extreme, etc? If so, do you think the resistance tubes that usually come with these workouts can be used instead? I like Jillian's resistance band because the handle rotates which allows for a smoother workout, but if I can't find a way to make it just right, I'm not sure if there's a point in using them.

    i think any resistance tubes would work. I havent watched any of the later week workouts, so i'm not sure how often they are used, but they are only used for one thing in the wk 1 workout 2 and thats sitting on the floor with them wrapped around your feet while you do rowing. (i guess thats what its called, lol). Maybe because i'm short doesnt help with the tubes. I'm only 5'2. I"m going to sit down again tonight and see if i can adjust them. I may check on the facebook body revolution page to see if anyone has any tips.
  • lelasutt
    lelasutt Posts: 165 Member
    Day 1 - Who is doing the Kickstart? AM and PM. Since I've been doing Ripped in 30 for three weeks, I'm going to skip it. I don't want two workout sessions a day. I already hate exercise, don't make me hate it twice a day!

    I do notice today that my upper chest muscles are pretty sore today.

    I'm not doing the kickstart because I'm also trying to do couch to 5k at the same time. I'm trying to do body revolution in the am before heading to work and couch to 5k in the evenings. I noticed I was pretty sore after doing the first couple of workouts, but I'm not sore at all today.
  • lelasutt
    lelasutt Posts: 165 Member
    I apologize if this is off-topic, but I was wondering how everyone is going to log this in as exercise? I was thinking Circuit Training, but I would love to read everyone's thoughts. I'm very excited to start!

    I wear a heart rate monitor when i work out, so i've just created my own 'body revolution' exercise and log it like that. But i think logging as circuit training would be fine.....maybe log the cardio days as something else?
  • valwes04
    I got my Body Revolution in the mail yesterday and was eager to start!! I decided to do the kick start program... But, not two workouts a day. I'll be doing them back to back... Although, I prob won't do the cardio twice.. only once for cardio day. To me, it seemed like it went by pretty fast yesterday, I have yet to do wo2 today- But am excited for it. I also have a new heart rate monitor that I am eager to use again as well! Yesterday, I torched a whopping 934 calories! AWESOME!!!!!
  • ndbex
    ndbex Posts: 61 Member
    Holy cow, I don't have the energy to double up the workouts. I'm just following them as she's lined them out in her program. Today I'm on Week 1, Workout 2 for the second time this week. I'm pretty sore from the last four days but will try to carry through today and tomorrow. I can't wait to rest on Sunday!!

    I'm also not doing the kickstart diet because I didn't have the foods in my house and no money to go shopping. So I've stuck to around 1200-1300 calories. I think maybe I've lost one pound so far this week. I hope to lose 2 pounds a week but my body is stubborn about shedding weight.
  • charlene_1980
    Well, I'm sore today. I haven't played with the resistance bands too much so hopefully they don't give me a terrible time today lol
    I also wear a heart rate monitor for calories burned but before getting one, I logged as 'circuit training'. MFP always had my calories burned as lower than my heart rate monitor... better than estimating higher though!
  • sdsmom
    sdsmom Posts: 62 Member
    Hi all,
    I'm new to fitness pal but am on day 10 of Body Revolution. I have lost 11 pounds so far and am feeling great. I do have a lot to lose so I'm sure that is why I lost so much the first week. I had been doing 30DS and C25K for about a month before getting Body Revolution. I did the kickstart week and either had a couple of hours in between workouts or, did the cardio immediately after the strength. I also followed the kickstart food plan really closely. I gave up diet coke, splenda and coffee. I am basically just drinking water and maybe one glass of unsweet tea a day. Let me tell you, this has really changed my world as far as eating and drinking! I have liked most of the foods (except the non-fat greek yogurt as a meal) and I feel a lot better without all that diet coke!

    The workouts haven't been too difficult. I have had to modify the heel kicks and running man in the Cardio DVD because they aggravated my plantar fasciitis in my heel the first time I tried them. I am slowly trying to add the jump back to them without hurting my foot. I have not looked at the later workouts yet but hope that it won't be too much jumping around as that will definitely make my heel sore.

    It took me a bit to get the bands figured out. I also pause the DVD while I get them on so I don't miss half the workout. I extended the bands all the way (they are wrapped up by the handles) and wrapped them around each foot twice. I might try 3 times next. I only have 3 pound hand weights and am going to try and get some heavier ones so I can add resistance. I don't want to join the jillian website so I'm hoping to find support here. I am also thinking about picking up her metabolism cookbook as she mentions it some and the plan doesn't have a lot of the "why" behind the foods. Good luck to all of you in week 1 and 2!
  • theredcliche
    theredcliche Posts: 233 Member
    I apologize if this is off-topic, but I was wondering how everyone is going to log this in as exercise? I was thinking Circuit Training, but I would love to read everyone's thoughts. I'm very excited to start!

    I wear a heart rate monitor when i work out, so i've just created my own 'body revolution' exercise and log it like that. But i think logging as circuit training would be fine.....maybe log the cardio days as something else?

    I'm starting the program on Monday.. but am curious, how many calories are you burning in Workout 1?
  • theredcliche
    theredcliche Posts: 233 Member
    I got my Body Revolution in the mail yesterday and was eager to start!! I decided to do the kick start program... But, not two workouts a day. I'll be doing them back to back... Although, I prob won't do the cardio twice.. only once for cardio day. To me, it seemed like it went by pretty fast yesterday, I have yet to do wo2 today- But am excited for it. I also have a new heart rate monitor that I am eager to use again as well! Yesterday, I torched a whopping 934 calories! AWESOME!!!!!

    Wow, 934 calories... was that for Workout 1 and cardio 1??
  • lelasutt
    lelasutt Posts: 165 Member
    sdsmom-- MFP is a great place. There are so many people here that will cheer you on. Feel free to add me as a friend if you'd like. As far as the food plan, you should pick up 'Master your Metabolism' it explains alot of the 'whys' for what jillian suggest you eat. I also have the master your metabolism cookbook. It has a short summation at the beginning of the 'whys'. Alot of the recipes in the body revolution are straight from the cookbook. A suggestion to make the plain greek yogurt a little more bearable is to add 1 tbsp of honey.

  • lelasutt
    lelasutt Posts: 165 Member

    I'm starting the program on Monday.. but am curious, how many calories are you burning in Workout 1?

    I burned around 330 for workout 1 and about the same for workout 2.
  • kacmae
    Hello Everyone!! I'm starting on Monday! Good luck!