
I'm Kasey. I just joined this group. I'm actually a Zumba instructor! I love it sooo much. I teach on monday nights, but looking to possibly add the Zumba Toning and the Zumba in the Circuit when I have the money to go for the training.


  • Myschelle
    Myschelle Posts: 101 Member
    Welcome. I've never worked with a message board before, so I'm very new on how to moderate this, so thank you in advance for your patience with me.

    Where do you teach? I love our instructor, she is so much fun!

    Zumba is amazing! I'm completely challenged and uncoordinated, but I love it so much! It's hard not to have fun with the music. If I've had a rough day, I feel so much better after class. I have a room I'm going to convert to my "Zumba Studio" for fun. I have the DVD's but prefer class. I may add a game version for days when I don't go to the gym or a class.
  • traycee3
    traycee3 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi! I just joined this group myself. I'm not a Zumba instructor, but I LOVE LOVE LOVE to do it. I am glad to find people with the same passion as me. All my friends think I am crazy :)
  • Myschelle
    Myschelle Posts: 101 Member
    Welcome Tracee3! My friends think I'm nuts too! I've TRIED to convince my hubby to come to a class (we actually have about 3 or 4 hubbies that come from time to time).

    Our Zumba Class is in the Mardi Gras parade tonight downtown Leesburg, Florida.

    Do you go to a class or use home videos/games? I think I want a video game version, just for fun....looking for someone who has used it to get their opinion of the game.