So happy!

Pattie74 Posts: 85 Member
Hi guys!

I'm so happy there's a group for Type 1's ! I started with MFP back in August, but didn't keep it up. Now I'm back to do it for real this time. I'm glad there's others who understand the unique issues of JD. Anyway, was diagnosed at age 14 and now I'm on humolog before meals and lantus before bed. I've already been able to reduce my insulin due to eating better. I look forward to chatting with some of you along this journey :happy:


  • angel2874
    angel2874 Posts: 59 Member
    Welcome to the group and good luck with your journey friend me if you need or want some extra support.
  • wannabthin65
    wannabthin65 Posts: 92 Member
    Hi Pattie!!

    Welcome aboard,,,Hope you have a great journey with awesome results!! Ive bn a Type 1 for 39yrs. If u want to chat, ask ?'s or need encouragement or support friend me. You can message me anytime.

    God bless,
    Diane :happy:
  • tlbyaya
    Hi Pattie,
    Welcome! I too have been Type 1 for 39 yrs and just started using a pump. So like the others if you have any questions, need support, just want to chat, you can friend me as well. The support is great and this tool helps to keep us on track.
    God Bless,
  • Pattie74
    Pattie74 Posts: 85 Member
    Thanks for the welcome everybody!