Charlene_1980's Body Revolution

Hello all! This is where I'm going to post about my journey with this program. I'll check in after workouts and post before, during, and after photos. Feel free to tag along and follow me in this =)


WEIGHT: 163 lbs


  • I completed Phase 1, Week 1, Workout 1 today and am feeling good. I can feel it in my arms and am excited to have finally began this program. I'm not going to do week 1 as "kickstart your metabolism" but I will add the cardio in whenever I can. Since I'm feeling extremely motivated right now, I'll probably do the cardio CD after taking my little guy to school this afternoon.
  • Glad to hear you are feeling it! :) I'm starting mine on Monday so I can match the schedule. I won't be doing the kickstart your metabolism plan either, but I will be adding in extra cardio, just not Cardio 1. That way I don't get tired of it. Are you following the meal plan? I'm not, the foods are not really appealing to me, however, I am eating fairly well already so hopefully I'll see some results. I may just have to kick my workouts up a notch or two! :)
  • Glad to hear you are feeling it! :) I'm starting mine on Monday so I can match the schedule. I won't be doing the kickstart your metabolism plan either, but I will be adding in extra cardio, just not Cardio 1. That way I don't get tired of it. Are you following the meal plan? I'm not, the foods are not really appealing to me, however, I am eating fairly well already so hopefully I'll see some results. I may just have to kick my workouts up a notch or two! :)

    I won't be following the meal plan. I may try some of the recipes but that's about it. Like you, I generally make good food choices as it is and don't want to have to change a way of eating that I'm comfortable with and that's working for me. Now, if I didn't know how to make good food choices, I may follow the plan while doing the program.
  • Well, I had extra time today and was excited to check the program out, so I did Cardio 1 today as well. I didn't find that as easy as Workout 1 lol I managed to get through it but I found it tough. I know as the next 4 weeks go on, it will get easier and I'll get stronger.
  • lelasutt
    lelasutt Posts: 165 Member
    Well, I had extra time today and was excited to check the program out, so I did Cardio 1 today as well. I didn't find that as easy as Workout 1 lol I managed to get through it but I found it tough. I know as the next 4 weeks go on, it will get easier and I'll get stronger.

    I agree, the cardio 1 was tougher. I got thru all of it, but i can't for the life of me get the 'running man' down pat, lol. As for the workout one, I definitely felt it in my muscles the next day. I'm not following the meal plan either.
  • Well, I've completed Day 5. I've been doing cardio for extra on some days. I've simply run out of time today so just stuck with the regular workout. I'm feeling good and have realized that I need to buy some more weights as I only have 3 lb weights and I could use more weight for some moves.
  • theredcliche
    theredcliche Posts: 233 Member
    Well, I had extra time today and was excited to check the program out, so I did Cardio 1 today as well. I didn't find that as easy as Workout 1 lol I managed to get through it but I found it tough. I know as the next 4 weeks go on, it will get easier and I'll get stronger.

    I agree, the cardio 1 was tougher. I got thru all of it, but i can't for the life of me get the 'running man' down pat, lol. As for the workout one, I definitely felt it in my muscles the next day. I'm not following the meal plan either.

    Cardio 1 was more challenging than Workout 1. I've decided to do the kickstart so I hope it gets more tolerable as the week progresses and I do it 5 more times, haha... I had trouble with the kick out arm circle things.... my arms felt like they were going to fall off after doing those punching bags or whatever she calls them (I totally can't remember right now!) However, I burnt fewer cals with the cardio workout than I did with workout 1, which surprised me. How is everyone else doing with their cal burning??
  • roander
    roander Posts: 191 Member
    I don't have a HRM so I don't know exactly how many calories I"m burning. For now I just have to use the MFP exercise log estimated calories.
  • a_ryder12
    a_ryder12 Posts: 4 Member
    I burned less with Cardio 1 and I was ver surprised at that also. I "only" burned about 256 (I think) with Cardio 1. I follwed up with a treadmill run and watched her Disc 3 while I did it.
  • Well, I've completed Week 1. Today is supposed to be my rest day (I did it this way because I *always* work Wednesday and am often short changing into Wednesday morning from Tuesday evening... damn shift work) but since my daughter has pinkeye and can't go to daycare, so I can't go to work, I think I'm going to get a workout of some sort in at some point today. I'm feeling good. The scale says I've lost 3.8 lbs. Not huge but my biggest 1 week loss since starting my weight loss journey. It was definitely welcome after gaining a few lbs on my trip to Cuba lol
  • lalfaro01
    lalfaro01 Posts: 60 Member
    Awesome!! I've been cheating and weighing myself everyday. So far I've lost 2 pound so probably by the end of my week I'll have a similar weight loss. Keep up the good work :)!
  • Ooh... shift work and I got lost in my days of the week... TODAY was 1 week since starting... Week 1 total loss = 5 lbs :D !!
  • lalfaro01
    lalfaro01 Posts: 60 Member
    Yay!! Awesome work!
  • I did Week 2, Workout 1 this morning. I still think I'll be up for some cardio later (I'm trying to get extra cardio in when I can). I'm missing running so I might do that instead of the cardio DVD BUT the DVD is made to go with this program and promote weight loss while on this program so it may be more effective for me at this time? I don't know what to do wahhhhh! LOL!

    I had to buy heavier weights the other day as I only had 2 and 3 lb weights. I bought 5 and 8 lb. I struggled with the 8 lb but did well with the 5 lb. Enough that I can feel it but still keep proper form. I'm confident I'll work myself up to the 8's :)

    I did a few quick measurements yesterday and I lost quite a few inches the first week. I didn't do anything 'official' and I wasn't too picky about the measurements, nor did I write them down. I told myself that I wasn't going to measure until the end of the 12 weeks but it's oh so tempting. I may have to tell my daughter to hide the measuring tape from me LOL!

    I never did take official before pictures. I have some from about a month and a half ago and since I hit a mini plateau I was within a lb or so from those pictures when I started this. I can't imagine my body changed drastically if my scale didn't move so I may just use those as my 'before' pictures, even though I don't like them. I'll take some pictures at the end of each phase to see progress. I don't want to take pics now as before pics as I've lost weight and inches. I wish my other 'before' pictures showed more of me (I was wearing a sports bra and capris) as I'm losing in my legs as well... oh well, live and learn!
  • I'm half way done week 2 now... workout 1, 2, and cardio... feeling good, but my scale has stalled. Actually, went up 1 lb but that was after a big drop so I'm hoping that I'll see another big drop... I seem to be 2 steps forward, 1 step back through this weight loss and fitness journey. I'm feeling good though.

    I've been eating well but tonight I'm cheating and having a 'tornado's club'... still staying within my calories as long as I don't snack tonight at all, but I probably will :s That's ok, I've been doing awesome the last 2 weeks :)
  • Well, I was sad to see my weight go up 1 lb from last week. I know that I'm working hard and eating well though, so I'm on the right track. Knowing that, though, doesn't make it any less discouraging when I watch the scale go UP...

    I did Phase 1, Week 3, Workout 3 today... I honestly had to stop and take few second 'catch my breath' breaks, amongst trying to figure out the moves lol My HRM says I burned 355 calories though, and it was definitely a step up from last week!

    Let's see how 'good' my arms feel tomorrow... ouch! Proud to say I could do 5 real pushups before giving in to 'girly' pushups... I don't know if I've ever done more than 2 pushups before =)
  • Ok, well, a few crazy overtime shifts at work this week combined with my daughter's birthday and some other troubles, has led me to fall off the wagon. I missed 2 workouts and a cardio (though I did do Zumba) Today should be Week 4, workout 3... but I'm technically back on Week 3, workout 3 (for the 2nd time of the week). I don't know if I should adjust my workouts and continue from week 3, workout 3... or just jump ahead to where I should be, had this week not gone crazy, and do week 4, workout 3... same workouts, but I'll be 'missing' 2 if I do it that way... Hmmm