Knee Quats or kneeling squats

Z_I_L_L_A Posts: 2,399 Member
Has anyone tried this before? I saw it on youtube. Sorry about that posted before I saw my mistake, Knee quats, lol.


  • littlebigsteve
    littlebigsteve Posts: 75 Member
    i use them sometimes usually every other month ill toss em in for like two weeks..they are excellent for posterior,and abdominal development..alot of cuys have knee and calf pain when doing them but if you use a towel and set your form properly its a very useful tool
  • busywaterbending
    busywaterbending Posts: 844 Member
    are you talking about these?

    not sure what you mean by quats. The above exercise is awesome, but requires some inner thigh flexibility. If you keep your chest and shoulders over the hips it's a great leg exercise. Modify it by standing at a wall bar / stall barres for support.
  • littlebigsteve
    littlebigsteve Posts: 75 Member
    Options no these are it you can go quite heavy i have don 605 for reps several occasions ..they are phenomenal for core, posterior and pretty good on hips ..also your calves get sore from stretch ..not that cossacks arent a good tool either
  • busywaterbending
    busywaterbending Posts: 844 Member
    oh. Those are called hinges! :)

    In gymnastics, the athlete does about 25 reps of these, then moves on to variations with weights, and also adding a leg lift to the front, side or back between hinges.

    They are also performed with bodywaves by gymnasts of the Alexander technique, but that's getting complicated. Cool to see with a bar and weights. I've only seen hinges performed with a weight vest or tire tube filled with sand on the collar bone.

    gymnasts use them to warm up and lengthen the quads, and in preparation for toe rises or landing into a sitting position. (jumps down through a kneeling squat, hinge and toerise up) (toe rise through kneeling squat)

    so you can see it takes allot of strength to control the body weight!
  • littlebigsteve
    littlebigsteve Posts: 75 Member
    cool to know that if im not mistaken it origonates from people with disabilitys in rehab clinics or what not then the russians got a hold of it and the rest is history.. very neat to see it without weights lol
  • Z_I_L_L_A
    Z_I_L_L_A Posts: 2,399 Member
    I remember guys back in the day would dig a hole in the ground that would come up to the knee and they would do squats out of them. Something about rehabbing the quads or hamstring. This knee squatting reminded me of that.
  • littlebigsteve
    littlebigsteve Posts: 75 Member
    hince why louie loves the belt squats ..which im currently building a box to do so off of