new to your group

calicat40 Posts: 37 Member
Hi all, I've been banded for three years and while my success is slow I still consider it success. I wanted to jioin your group since there are so many in MFP that are against lap band or any other surgeries for weight loss. I figure this is a friendly environment to get help and support. Recently had my band deflated for surgery and gained a few pounds back but am back on my way down. I go my refill on the 11th and am actually looking forward to getting tightened back up! Glad this group is here.


  • risskie
    risskie Posts: 203 Member
    Glad you feel safe in this group. You are very welcome to share your thoughts, desires and concerns. There is a faction of the group who are many years out of surgery. I'm sure they will share things that can help also. I am only 2 weeks out of RNY and struggling through a bout of dermitis and this liquid diet. As they say, good things come to those who wait. Welcome. :flowerforyou:
  • loribenfield
    loribenfield Posts: 120 Member
    Glad to have you. Some people will never understand our decision for surgery. We seem to encourage all with out discrimination. I have only been banded since Jan 3rd. I seem to be doing ok. Still have trouble some times getting my mind under control to match my stomach. This group helps to keep me on track and motivated and they are very friendly.
  • wendyseddon
    wendyseddon Posts: 8 Member
    Hello all! I am new as well and I am having Gastric Sleeve surgery on Tuesday Jan 31st! So excited and just wondering if there is any advice for a newbie?:happy:

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  • skatermom503
    Welcome! You will love this group. So much support. Don't feel guilty for having the band. You have done a great job with your weight loss so far. And people need to realize having WLS isn't for the feint of heart. It's a tough road to choose. I am 3 1/2 months post gastric bypass. We all do what we have to do.

    Best of luck, Bonnie
  • mfisher16508
    mfisher16508 Posts: 269 Member
    Welcome, I have not had surgery yet, but it is scheduled for march 15th, and I am super excited. I will be having the gastric bypass.
    I just joined about a week or two ago, and everyone is super nice.
    add me as a friend if you desire.

    Welcome and much success to you and everyone for that matter

  • calicat40
    calicat40 Posts: 37 Member
    thanks for all the welcomes. i had my band refilled a week ago and i think it needs a bit taken out or i'm needing to remember to chew, chew chew. i appreciate the support here.
  • tessanne10
    tessanne10 Posts: 99 Member
    Welcome to the group. There are a lot of nice people here who can help you out when you need it, but they are always there for support.