Introduce Yourself & First Team Challenge



  • 1. Hello everyone. Im the late comer. My screen name is Faith is Fabulous which is also the name of my business but you can call me Riga. I am a wife, a mother of 3, a student and a business owner.

    2. My starting weight was 210 but I am now 200 (I cant wait til I hit that 199.9 mark) My goal weight is between 160-170. The pictures you see of me on my page is when I was at that weight.
    3. My fitness plans has already started. I stay within or less than my MFP calorie limit. Since I am a candy junkie, I dont eat ANY candy. I work out M-F for at least 1 hr and eat pretty healthy. I want to be able to eat without tracking my meals and for the diet to actually become my lifestyle.
    4. And I will definitely tell my friends to join!
  • kimistry35
    kimistry35 Posts: 203 Member
    Hello Ladies

    I'm Kimistry and i'm a oral surgey asst. a mom of four teenagers so i have a very busy work week. My weight right now is 246 and i'm working toward 176 since i have started i have lost a total of 13lbs with much more to lose so good luck ladies on new goals.
  • Hello Lady s... My name is Kat.. I live in Atascadero Ca. I care for developmentally disabled adults. After I gave birth to my beautiful boy (L.J.) I gained 200 pounds, I vow to myself to get back to my pre baby weight of 170 pounds. A friend told me about this app for my phone... I LOVE MY FITNESS PAL so far in the last week and a half, i have lost 13 pounds simply by watching my calories...
  • AUNique24
    AUNique24 Posts: 52 Member
    1. My name is Dominique and I live in the Atlanta, Ga area. I'm 28 years old and I'm a juvenile probation/parole officer.

    2. I weigh 234 lbs and my goal is to reach 175 lbs (for now).

    3. My plan includes walking on my treadmill for the month of January for 3-5 times a week and then start Couch to 5k in February. I also will be dancing with my Wii to the Just Dance series and The Michael Jackson Experience throughout the week! I plan to get a bike soon to start riding some trails with my boyfriend on the weekends.

    4. Just told my mom!
  • Hi all I'm Geia. I'm a mom to an adorable 9 month old. My goal weight is 155 or maybe even smaller!. This year I plan to do a mixture of Zumba, kickboxing, and maybe a little belly dancing. Good luck to everyone on their weight loss journey ^_^
  • kimistry35
    kimistry35 Posts: 203 Member
    Hi all I'm Geia. I'm a mom to an adorable 9 month old. My goal weight is 155 or maybe even smaller!. This year I plan to do a mixture of Zumba, kickboxing, and maybe a little belly dancing. Good luck to everyone on their weight loss journey ^_^

  • plusdivanva
    plusdivanva Posts: 26 Member
    Hi Everyone!
    I'm Tamika and I live in VA. The end of 2010 I had lost 35 lbs and needless to say I put about 20 back on and finally I'm focused to really get it together. My goal is to loose 50 lbs for now. Then I'm sure I will set another goal. I love working out on my wii fit. Right now I'm trying out a new diet, so I get on my wii about 3 times week, not too long because I'm on a low calorie diet. I have proven to have willpower before so, 2012 is mines! Looking forward to the support.
  • Hello all, I ust started my weightloss regimine on the 16th. I am 5ft9 and a whole lotta women,,lol.
    what I am doing is coun tig my calories working out shrinking my porportions nd using braggs organinc acv to naturally supress my appetite, Iam also excersising, stetching, and walking with my spouse, hopefully soon I will be able to run. But I have been coming under my calories thus far, so, i am hopeful, slow and steady. I don't just want to loose weight for the summer, I want to lose weight and keep it off long term. Good luck to you/ us all and feel free to send advice and tips my way.. Thank you. Have a blessed day.