Your daily Calories? LC 20-50 net only please :-)

mebuthalf Posts: 167 Member
So I've done my research, know about good carbs bad Carb ... just wondering if anyone will share their daily calorie intake.

Some days when i hit 25-30 net carbs (good carbs) my calories at the end of the day can be over 2000. Granted, I'm still losing weight, but wondering if high calories can counteract my low carbs? (I also understand about body using store fat for energy..ect ... don't have to sell me on LC)

I know we aren't low calorie here, I'm just curious at numbers here. :-)


  • I was just checking out my charts today, and since I've been staying between 20-30 carbs, I am not generally even getting to my MFP-recommended 1200. When I stick to my carb count, I average around 1000 calories netted each day. I know that's low -- should be noted I also tend to burn about 200-300 calories each day with exercise. Most days.
  • Kksd605
    Kksd605 Posts: 74 Member
    I'm doing the Ideal Protein diet. I am generally around 50g carbs, 30-40g fat, 120g protein, and usually less than 1100 cals.
  • Justforthebacon
    Justforthebacon Posts: 61 Member
    I am set at ~ 1500 calories. I tend to go over a bit though. I net 20g carbs. I am doing keto so my fat is about 65 - 75% (125g) and the rest is protein (75g).
  • dennydifferent
    dennydifferent Posts: 135 Member
    I guess it will depend on a person's height and frame, how much they want to eat at a certain weight. At the moment I'm around 1700kcal, down from 2000 when I was 30lb heavier.

    If you're losing weight, don't worry about the calories. If you stop losing weight, you can try lowering them, or take up a new or different kind of exercise, or even try eliminating certain foods. But really, for now, do what you're doing, and enjoy it!
  • mebuthalf
    mebuthalf Posts: 167 Member
    Thank you!

    carrie: thats similar to what I'm doing, and for the most part I find myself around 1500 cals .. but there were a few high days that got me to thinking :) ... but I was losing better at 1500 than 2000 ... so definatly going back down today.

    denny: thank you, I was wondering about losing and if I should lower calories when I do :)
  • GB333
    GB333 Posts: 261 Member
    I'm in induction and am at 20g carbs or less, which is coming out to about 1000 to 1200 calories a day. (I was at 1200 calories or less a day when I was doing the standard calorie restriction diet and I lost 20lbs that way - so my body has already gotten used to so few calories a day.)
  • grinch031
    grinch031 Posts: 1,679
    High calories can certainly counteract your weight loss efforts. Just remember the purpose of LC is to increase the satiety of your diet and improve hormonal problems such that you can more naturally avoid overeating and create a caloric deficit. However if you stuff yourself with high calorie foods (carbs or no carbs), you will gain weight. One trap people fall into on LC diets is eating too many nuts, because they are extremely calorically dense and have lots of hidden carbs also that can add up)
  • Alisha_countrymama
    Alisha_countrymama Posts: 821 Member
    My calories are all over the place. Some days I have a hard time getting 1200 and other days I'm pushing 1600...
  • mebuthalf
    mebuthalf Posts: 167 Member
    I checked the Atkins website and they suggest 1500-1800. Perfect :-)
  • crimsontech
    crimsontech Posts: 234 Member
    I'm on a doctor-supervised diet which is only 500-800 calories a day and less than 20 carbs. This is just my first week, though. This weight-loss clinic is supposed to be adding in a couple servings of fruits and veggies when I go back in on Wednesday. Can't wait. I'm not sure I'm going to stay on this plan... I will probably alter it to fit my experience and taste buds better and go up to 50-80 carbs and 1200-1500 calories.
  • I am set at 1700 cal a day which leaves a significant daily deficit already, (700 calories). If I work out, I try really hard to eat back as many of those calories as possible to not further my caloric deficit. I started at 296, currently 272. I do induction style eating on a daily basis trying hard to stay true to between 20-25 carbs a day. Sometimes I go over a little, most of the time I'm well under. This will be my last time I'm going to lose 100 pounds, having already made this trip twice before. Each time I've had success with doing low carb/Atkins diet.

    I'm always looking for friends.
  • Laura_beau
    Laura_beau Posts: 1,029 Member
    I go with how I feel, I stay 1200+ every day. MFP reccomends 1700 for my height/weight I choose to shoot for 1500. Sometimes I go over 2000, but its no biggie if my carbs are within range.
  • rotnkat
    rotnkat Posts: 393 Member
    I have mine set at 1690 cal. per day w/ 30-35 net carbs. Somedays I go over and somedays I don't.

    I am consistantly losing (inches more than pounds). I have lost a total of 21.75" and 6.4 lbs.
  • Supermel
    Supermel Posts: 612 Member
    I'm not sure- so i have begun to log again. Yesterday i was a few cal's short of 1200 and felt like i ate a lot.
  • mncardiojunkie
    mncardiojunkie Posts: 307 Member
    I don't count net carbs. I count carbs, so I don't reduce my tracking of carbs because of fiber or anything.

    Currently, I've been trying to get closer to 30 whole carbs a day, but I'm so carb phobic I'm having a difficult time. Also I haven't much of an appetite and I'm having set my Blackberry notification to remind myself to eat.

    When I do eat, I'm around 1000 to 1200 calories a day, bu that's net after exercising. If I don't add my that I'm around 1200-1600 a day.

    I follow the 1972 Atkins diet. It kills my desire to eat.
  • SmartWhatever
    SmartWhatever Posts: 718 Member
    I don't count net carbs. I count carbs, so I don't reduce my tracking of carbs because of fiber or anything.

    Currently, I've been trying to get closer to 30 whole carbs a day, but I'm so carb phobic I'm having a difficult time. Also I haven't much of an appetite and I'm having set my Blackberry notification to remind myself to eat.

    When I do eat, I'm around 1000 to 1200 calories a day, bu that's net after exercising. If I don't add my that I'm around 1200-1600 a day.

    I follow the 1972 Atkins diet. It kills my desire to eat.

    I too find myself feeling carb phobic and have hardly any appetite. Some days I find it difficult to get up to even 1000 calories. I will say however that the high protein/low carb makes me have a lot more energy!