RALLY CRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Let's get pumped

slsmoot123 Posts: 98 Member
DMV are yall seriously this boring!!!!???? :noway: I'm joking and I'm serious. Lets get some activity going here, lets get pumped up and excited!!!! Whooo hooo. We are all trying to do the same thing for our health and for our futures. We have each other to depend on, lets not get so busy that we're bumps on a log....SO everybody what's something positive your doing to help your weightloss? A new exercise? A new recipe? What's up????????????:tongue:


  • garlic7girl
    garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
    I agree so did they decide if meeting Feb18th or not?
  • horror_hamster
    For the month of February i'm doing a "fab ab february" challenge. It's pretty easy but i'm doing it on top of my usual exercises. You can find the calendar i'm following here: http://friedgreenpickles.blogspot.com/2012/02/fab-ab-february.html

    I make a new recipe whenever possible and post the best ones i invent on my blog here: myfitnesspal.com/blog/horror_hamster

    what are YOUUUUUU up to?
  • slsmoot123
    slsmoot123 Posts: 98 Member
    I am sick of oatmeal for breakfast, so I tried a new recipie for this week. A Mushroom Wildrice frittata from EatingWell.com Its a delicious change of pace. However since it calls for proissuto(sp) I think its a little high in sodium. I think next time I'll cut back on the proissuto or use turkey bacon.
  • GFreg
    GFreg Posts: 404
    I am trying to recover from this weird lower abdominal thing. It hurts when I inhale deeply, cough, sneeze, bend at the waist so working out has been minimal, walking the dogs but nothing strenuous.
  • Calorie_Killa
    Umm yeah I kinda hinted at how dead this group was in one of my posts too. Glad I'm not the only one that thins so. So here's what I've been doing to try to change things up.

    1) Eating more & exercising less - Yup, you read right. I know it sounds crazy but it's working. Let me note that I'm eating more good stuff not more bad stuff. I was burning crazy calories (working out for 2hrs burning about 1200- 1400 calories on average) and not eating enough so I began to gain weight. No bueno! I now eat around 1600 - 2000 calories a day and knocked my workouts down to one hour burning about 500 - 700. So I'm netting between 1100- 1500 calories per day. I never thought it'd be hard to eat more but it is. I'm still trying to figure out how to eat enough calories and still stay under on other stuff like fat, carbs, and protein (I LOVE ME SOME PROTEIN).

    2) Skinnytaste.com is the bomb.com. I think I've made about 7 or 8 recipes from this site since discovering it in November. I got so bored with the food I was eating that I needed a change. Came to MFP, did a search and Skinnytaste.com came up. Gina (my friend in my head) takes some of your favorite recipes and makes most of them lower in calories, and fat. I say most because not all of the recipes on there are good for you. I would suggest, if you're going to use it, putting each ingredient into a recipe here to see the exact contents. There are a lot of the recipes already in the MFP database but not everything is tracekd. I pay close attention to sodium and that's not tracked in the recipes that are already on the database. Before making anything I create a recipe to find out if it's good or not. Gina's been a life saver! I think my family was a little perturbed when I brought a healthy dish to Thanksgiving dinner *Kanye shrug*.

    3) Workout DVD's - Chris Freytag (10lb Slimdown) and Jillian Michaels (Banish Fat - Boost Metabolisn) make it easy for me to get my workout on when I can't make it the gym (my gym has funny hours) and when I'm on travel. No excuses! Yeah my hotel usually has a gym but these DVD's make it easy to just hop out of bed throw on some sneakers and get my workout on in my PJ's. And them my workout for the day is done! Plus I get the same kind of burn I'd get if I were taking one of my Kickboxing classes at home.
  • Calorie_Killa
    For the month of February i'm doing a "fab ab february" challenge. It's pretty easy but i'm doing it on top of my usual exercises.

    Oh and how could I forget, I'm also doing Fab Ab February on top of my regular exercises as well (but I don't log it) . I'm going to adjust to crunches though, the sit up hurt my bottom.
  • Calorie_Killa
  • horror_hamster
    i really wish it would notify us when people comment :( i'm sorry i go MIA quite a bit!

    the fab ab feb thing is starting to suck, 70+ sit ups? i get SO bored doing them!
  • VanishaDawn
    Well I'm here now, so let's get it poppin......who's serving the sparkling water?!?! Lol, just kidding....where is everyone from? I'm in Laurel, MD!
  • garlic7girl
    garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
    LOOOOOOOL!!!!!!!!!!!! I am cracking up! Okay well I stopped coming because no one else would come...do folk forget?? Don't care?Not sure what the issue is.....I know one thing TRAFFIC is a killer on my stress hormones! Raaaaaaaah!!!!!!!!!
  • Calorie_Killa
    Notifications would help tremendously!
  • Calorie_Killa
    Vanisha, I'm in Upper Marlboro, MD.
  • VanishaDawn
    I used to live in Upper Marlboro...I even went to Douglass for a few seconds lol.....and I agree, notifications WOULD help!