Weight ins

Sorry to bug again, but when do you weight yourselves, once a week or more and whats the best time of day to weight yourself? I dont have scales so i use my wii fit board, im thinking of weighing myself twice a week is this a good idea or not? i dont wanna set targets and then feel im letting myself down when i come to the weight in if that makes sense?

Thanks X


  • I weigh myself every Monday morning. The best time to weigh is first thing in the morning because that is when you are your lightest.
  • Thank you, think i'll do mine on a friday that way im hoping i'll be good for the weekend X
  • itd be a good idea to measure yourself to, the biggest loss from what people have said is in inches due to body fat loss.
  • emberin
    emberin Posts: 56 Member
    Friday morning, after the bathroom, before my cup of coffee, in my birthday suit. It always kills me when I go to the doctors adn they weight me after lunch, in my heavy boots when I need to pee. Adds 10 lbs right there.
  • lmkelly679
    lmkelly679 Posts: 102 Member
    I'm a nut, i weigh myself every morning but only log my friday weigh ins.
  • qnbeezzz
    qnbeezzz Posts: 13 Member
    I weigh myself first thing in the morning and then again about an hr after breakfast. It comes out to be only 1/2 a lb difference for me. Sometimes I check at various times throughout the day (the scale stares at me beckoning, ok not really), and then I go with whatever the scale said most of the time during the day. I'm looking for the most accurate total, otherwise I feel like I'm only fooling myself.
    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • fashionista954
    fashionista954 Posts: 98 Member
    I'm on level 3/Day 3. I weigh in once a week on Wednesdays. I really wish that I would've taken measurements before I started because I do see a major difference especially in the waistline! Hopefully I'll get the guts to share my pictures at the end. My recommendation would be to also take measurements. I've seen posts where people didn't lose much and at the end the results were amazing from the inches they lost.
  • I have measured myself too and have lost some inches, and half a stone so far xxx
  • porffor
    porffor Posts: 1,210 Member
    My body has been ultra stubborn the last 6 months but I've lost inches and 3.5lb since starting this.. hoping to see the scale move a little more. The most important thing is inches and BF which has decreased 2% in two weeks of measuring it. :)

    I can also feel a difference and even see my left (lazy) bicep has strengthened up.