Introduce yourself

maura5880 Posts: 346 Member
Hi Bostonians :)

I live a little north of the city, but I love going into Boston. Love Faneuil Hall, Newbury St. I just finished law school & was in the city every day, and now I rarely go but I'm hoping to get a job downtown!


  • seventwenty
    seventwenty Posts: 565 Member
    Howdy! I'm a transplant from Colorado living in Brookline. I'm currently in grad school and just trying to stay on top of courses and life. So far... so... well so far so good enough, lol.
  • _Sally_
    _Sally_ Posts: 514 Member
    Hi there!

    I live in the South End neighborhood of Boston and work for a software company downtown (but I'm not technical!).

    I'm originally from NJ and lived in Michigan and Oregon before landing in Boston 2 years ago. Still exploring my new city!

    Love running along the Charles.
  • Hi there!

    I'm Lauren. I'm originally from Los Angeles but I live in Brighton now. I came out to Boston 5 years ago for college and decided to stay. I work at an ad agency downtown and I absolutely LOVE life in Boston.
  • ishapeme
    ishapeme Posts: 213 Member
    I'm Chris, I live in Somerville but I'm looking into moving the South End or the Fens. I'm finishing my undegrad and I looooovee Boston. I love taking different routes through the city and getting know it better.
  • movemaker11
    movemaker11 Posts: 7 Member
    Hey, I'm Jami and I live in Cambridge. I moved here to start my career and have been trying to settle into the city for the past two months. I'm originally from the midwest, but came out east to do graduate school. I have been trying to explore the city more and am excited to see what this place has to offer.
  • fzia
    fzia Posts: 68 Member
    Hi all,
    My name is Zia, I live in Hyde Park. Work in Wellesley as computer helpdesk for Partners.
    My workout: Insanity, P90X, Boxing, spin, member of work out world in West Roxbury. I can bring a guest to my gym, so any one here would like to visit the gym let me know.

    I'm happy to found this group, I dont see a lot of bean town user in mfp lol
  • Rags2Righteous
    Rags2Righteous Posts: 200 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    My name is K. I'm a native New Yorker who just moved to the Boston area a year ago. I have a great community, and I'm looking to meet new people. I'm glad this group was started because I need fitness support, and I also want to improve my social life! (Working and going to grad school eats up a lot of a girl's time :wink: ). I hope we can encourage and hold each other accountable.
  • Toyya
    Toyya Posts: 25 Member
    Hello! I live in Cambridge. I am looking forward to meeting people on this group. I made my weight goal about 6 weeks ago, and looking into new and different fitness goals.
  • kskaare
    kskaare Posts: 21
    i'm Kate, 34, live in Newton... grew up in the metro Boston area. I'm trying to lost a lot of weight, but i'm taking it 1lb and 1 day at a time to get down to my goal!
  • Hello,
    My name is Dan and I live in Newburyport.
    It appears as though I am the elder statesman of the group ... I'm 52.
    That said I'm looking forward to any and all support that a group of like minded people can provide.
    If any of you are Planet Fitness members I'd love to meet for a workout.
  • laurabeth326
    laurabeth326 Posts: 124 Member
    Hello Everyone.

    My name is Laura. I live and work in Cambridge. I work full time as a restaurant manager and I'm a very busy momma to one little boy.

    I love the MFP Community and am now so happy I can look to a local community too! I'm glad that we can use each other to keep ourselves accountable, and maybe to meet up or host local ideas.
  • DosMama2Baybee
    DosMama2Baybee Posts: 1 Member
    I'm Adrianna. I live in South Boston and came here from Mississippi quite some years ago. I'm a college student and full time mommy/wife! I look forward tro supporting and getting support from my fellow Bostonians.
  • Hey everyone! I'm Kristin, I live in Quincy. Feel free to add me! :)
  • pa_jorg
    pa_jorg Posts: 4,404 Member
    Hi all! I live in Newburyport and work in Boston. Unfortunately, my long commute takes too much time away from fitness!
  • Hello. I just joined MFP 2 weeks ago. I live in levington,ma.
  • DAM5412
    DAM5412 Posts: 660 Member
    Hello all! I'm a Boston native who joined MFP a few months ago. I love the food and fitness tracker, and am starting to explore the boards and reach out to build a network here. Looking forward to making new friends from my area!
  • tracyface399
    tracyface399 Posts: 83 Member
    Hi There!

    I joined MFP a while ago but just recently started to really use it like it should be used! It has been working great for me! I live about an hour from the city but work in Down Town Crossing! Would love to chat with people who are in the same area! Good Luck everyone!
  • Hey there!

    My name's Mike. I am originally from Poughkeepsie, NY, but came to Boston for undergrad and decided to move back after a year back home with the 'rents.

    I'm now living in Brighton working as a supervisor at a credit union in Brookline and studying for the LSAT's.

    Looking to keep going with my weight loss by any means necessary.
  • bltrexler
    bltrexler Posts: 180 Member
    Hello All,

    I am Brandy and live in Dedham and work in Billerica. Hoping to get fit and trim so I can be a beach bum in scituate
  • Hey I'm Jamie, originally from upstate NY, I mean wayyyyyy upstate, think 1980 Olympics area...Anyways been living in Boston for about two years now and in that time I gained 20lbs...time to make up for it and then some! My goal is to get back to the healthy weight I was at in undergrad. Also I'm taking a trip to Europe with my Mom this summer and I'd really like to be happy with all of the pictures we take, so there's another incentive for me. Here goes nothing!