
Welcome to the group! Question: Why do you want to get in shape???


  • I suppose most simply I want to get in shape because I'm out of shape. There is the whole health aspect (I'm an RN so I see how living unhealthy can have its negative aspects) but I think mainly I want to feel good about the way I look. Might sound shallow but I haven't been thrilled with my body since high school.
  • I have my class reunion coming up there real. I want my class to see my buff, trim not the pudgy kid with glass i was back in the day! Also i want my wife to be all over me. She really digs my new energy!
  • HardyGirl4Ever
    HardyGirl4Ever Posts: 1,017 Member
    I was on a good track and got semi close to my goal weight. I was finally feeling comfortable with myself. Then December came, I started a high stress course, and I've gone bad from there, gaining almost all the weight I had when I started Jenny Craig in May. I've been trying on my own, but I cheated too much in the Christmas season, during our flood, and then for my birthday.
  • It's okay! Atleast you know what you have to do and what patterns work best for you to lost weight again. Make one day a week a "faturday" a day you can look forward to eat your guilty pleasures or not work out. Mine is saturday. For me if i know a bad meal is coming like a party I go light on main meals and add low calorie fruits to my inbetween snack meals.
  • HardyGirl4Ever
    HardyGirl4Ever Posts: 1,017 Member
    Thank you very much for letting me in the group, and for the help. I really need it!!
  • First and foremost, I want to get healthy so I can be around for my kids and (eventual grandkids)

    Second, there's this guy at work who's annoying the heck out of me with his basketball talk. I want to get back into high school shape and dunk on his sorry butt :)

    Let's do this!
  • I really need the motivation as well, I do feel like if I splurge once then the whole diet/exercise is ruined. I'm trying to treat this more as a lifestyle change than a diet, since apparently the semantics of it can help you feel like one 'cheat' doesn't set you off course. So far not bad, splurged a lot one day (but it was my birthday which I totally think shouldn't count). My real test is coming up over the next couple of days...back to back night shifts. No time to exercise (although running around after patients counts somewhat) and the overwhelming temptation of quick unhealthy foods/snacks as a pick me up....
  • helenmc40
    helenmc40 Posts: 117 Member
    I sick and tired of being sick and tired all the time. I want to be happy with the person I see in the mirror. I want to fit into a size 10-12 jeans and lose my "belly fat".

    I just want to be a healthy person for myself, daughter and hubby!
  • jane_e_lane
    jane_e_lane Posts: 7 Member
    I want to get in shape bec same as helenmc40 said, "I'm sick and tired" of being sick and tired. I hate being depressed and now I am trying to really focus on feeling better. I started this past Monday Feb 20. So far so good. 4 months ago I fit in a size 12/10 jeans now I fit in a size 14/16. I binged alot but that is over. I am ready and would appreciate the support.
  • jane_e_lane
    jane_e_lane Posts: 7 Member
    Lifestyle change, that's exactly what I want now
  • kati37
    kati37 Posts: 61
    I am wanting to get healthy and lose weight so no matter where I am I can look as pretty on the outside as I feel on the inside. I spend way to much time telling myself I am no that fat, so I don't pay attention til i see the pictures. I just want to cry. I am ready to feel good all the way around, have energy. Increase my self esteem and self worth. Plus just bought a Harley and would love to look good on that bad boy this summer... :)
  • StephTink76
    StephTink76 Posts: 318 Member
    Honestly... I want to look in the mirror and hear that voice in my head say "Great hair!" or "Nice shirt!" instead of "FAT!"
  • I joined Weight Watchers Jan. 2011 and lost 35 pounds. Then came Thanksgiving and Christmas I gain 15 of those pounds back in a 7 week time span. I am so sluggish and tired all the time. I want to get in shape to increase my self confidence, have more energy for my young son, and to feel and look good for my husband but most of all myself. I am tired of being unhealthy and ready for a new start I turn 30 this year and I want to be super sexy in my 30's ! Thanks for letting me join
  • joyfulnoise100
    joyfulnoise100 Posts: 56 Member
    Hello everyone!
    I was part of a group that ended on Valentine's Day. I lost about 23 pounds and have been in a hold/maintain pattern these past weeks due to stress/major exam situation. To be honest, I will probably maintain for another week or so - sometimes you just need a break from focusing on losing weight - but something about this group really grabbed my attention, so I wanted to join. This past year I was in the worst physical condition I've ever been in - 65 pounds overweight, WAY out of shape and dangerously lethargic/sedentary. On this journey I've already run my first 5k race on 1/1/12 and will be running a 4 mile St Patrick's Day Dash here in Seattle in just about 3 weeks. I am feeling so much better, but I still have about 30 pounds to go before I'm back to my healthy/slim weight. My motivation is a combination of health lifestyle (which really includes trying to focus on natural foods as well as calories) and wanting to look good too. Must confess, although I'm not in the military (active or otherwise) I always wanted to join and was envious of my brother who served 12 years in the Navy. Okay, not envious of all the things that come with serving, but there are some great pluses too! My weight/physical fitness kept me joining out of high school and my age kept me from joining once I was in a better place physically, so it obviously wasn't meant to be... but there's a little military enthusiast hiding inside of me! :)

    Looking forward to getting to know everyone. I think that was the thing missing from my last group. We didn't really get to know each other. So supporting one another was much more challenging. I realize this is an online social forum, not as prone to real meaningful relationships as face to face, but I am hopeful that we can create a genuine, caring community.

  • Spiritual1
    Spiritual1 Posts: 1 Member
    I just don't want to be fat anymore!
  • KarensCanDoIt
    KarensCanDoIt Posts: 190 Member
    I want to get in shape because I have no energy and feel really bad about myself right now. It's a vicious cycle and I want to break out of it. I want to quit blaming my surroundings for my failure to control my eating habits. No one is putting the food in my mouth for me. No one is forcing me to sit on my butt. They may continue to offer me calorie laden meals and treats, but it's solely up to me to say "no thank you". And, it's up to me to get up and exercise.
  • searlesa1
    searlesa1 Posts: 3 Member
    I am tired of being ashamed when I see myself in pictures. I want to be sexy for my man and be healthy and fit for when we want to start a family. When we have a family I want to be able to play with my kids and not get out of breath just by walking down the street to the park with them. I need additional support for when I get discouraged (which happens to me SOO easily).
  • Welcome, welcome! I intend to be that annoying guy that get on you when you don't log in!
  • Keep an eye on your nutrient progess as well as the calories. You don't have to cut your favorite foods off just the portion sizes. i still have chocolate, ribs, and candies all the time. As for exercise try parking your car as far away as you can from your workplace everyday. Small things like that help!
  • Use playtime with your kids to workout. me and my wife do insanity works and walks in the park. Get your kids involved by playing games like basketball or soccer for and hour at a time. 60 minutes 3 times a week over 60 days will take care of that out of breath. The elliptical is also a good tool!