
Write what courses you are doing, why you want lose weight and how much you want to lose!!!

My name is Jenny and the mom. I am doing Medical Engineering in university and I want to lose weight because obviously I need to be healthier and I need to admit I am getting bad influences from the media and my stick thin friends and I want to lose 25lbs.

My starting weight is 146lbs!!


  • cbreukerhernandez
    I am in accounting and my double major is Englishand I am a sophmore. I eat lean cuisines three times a day and eat 4 snacks that include fruit and I drink lots of water. I try to I.corporate my work out to what fits my schedule of two jobs and every night evening classes...which I don't work out too often but changing my diet helped dramatically...
  • innocenceportrayed
    innocenceportrayed Posts: 569 Member
    Hey everyone,

    I'm a junior in a private college in Florida. I'm majoring in Psychology and thinking about double majoring in business. I've had an eatind disorder for 9 years and I struggle with it a lot lately, I've never weighed this much in my life and I'd like to get down to 130, so 25 pounds. Starting tomorrow I'm going to get back on track, keep up with my food diary, my feelings and what i'm eating. I'm hopefully going to hit the gym tomorrow at school and meet some new people and I'm looking for zumba classes near my town as well, I hear it's a great workout.

  • blaquesouldier
    Names Brandon... Freshman, Pre-med/Bio-Science Major... At university of wisconsin-Milwaukee. I'm a husband and a dad so between work, homework, family time, i work out however i can. P-90X, running, early morning at the university gym. Whatever it takes. Unfortunately food is my down fall love the taste of it can't get enough. My goal is in stages so i'm starting with the first which is 15lbs with no yo-yoing.
  • nicolasgaze
    Hi guys!

    I'm a junior at a private art college in Chicago. I was a photo major up until about two weeks ago when I switched to Early Childhood Education.

    I have a number of reasons to lose weight (listed in a notebook I take everywhere for a little extra personal support throughout the day) but I think the main reasons are that I have pretty low self esteem and have some extra stress eating around people. For example, anytime I'm out with friends I always wait for them to finish their food first even if they order more than I do. Oh, and when friends come over I won't ever lean on them if I'm tired or rest against them in any way with my full weight on them (like putting my legs on their lap, I always make sure I'm not relaxed so I can keep some of it off of them...) Also, I want to stop having to shop in the plus size section. It's not somewhere I personally want to be, especially because I'm only 19.

    Like I said though, a lot of reasons (and a lot that I don't think other people have. Maybe they do? It'd be nice to know I'm not the only person who does stuff like this!)

    I joined MFP about a month ago and since then I'm down about 15 lbs somehow (I think my starting weight was overestimated a little because the scale I started with was pretty old/faulty.) Since then I've been watching what I eat and trying to exercise at least 15 minutes a day and hopefully for 30. I've heard/read that an hour a day is best but I have asthma which makes things like that more difficult than they should have to be.

    I'm 5' 9" and my starting weight was (cringe!) 240. I'm down to 225 now and am not sure where I'd like my goal weight to be...somewhere below 150 for a rough estimate.

    Oh! And my name is Jackie. Nice to meet you! :)
  • monasul
    monasul Posts: 39 Member

    Im in college at the moment and studying biology, chemistry, psychology and sociology.
    i weigh 65kg (143 pounds) :( and want to get down to 53(116 pounds).

  • hbm616
    hbm616 Posts: 377 Member
    Hi my name is Hannah and I'm a nursing student at Northeastern University in Boston.
    My goal weight is 170 right now but it all really depends on how I look and feel. I want to lose weight so I can feel better physically and mentally. I also want to be able to set a good example for my patients one day. How can I take care of others if I can't properly care for myself?
    Any other nursing majors here?
  • ks007248
    Hello :) My name is Kayla, and I'm currently in my last semester of online classes until I graduate. I'm majoring in English, with a focus on literature.
    I've struggled with my weight and self esteem for as long as I can remember, and when I booked a cruise for May, I decided that I wasn't going to be ashamed to put on a bathing suit again. I've found that my weakness is Starbucks, so I've switched to the light versions, and watched my other foods as well. I also joined a gym with my mom, so we keep each other motivated.
    I'd like to lose 25 pounds, but as long as I look good I'll be happy with any number!
  • HuntingArpegius
    HuntingArpegius Posts: 41 Member
    Hey! :tongue: My names Brittany and I'm a sophomore studying biomedical engineering. I've been overweight basically since the 5th grade, but have stayed really active by playing varsity basketball and track in high school and then a year of college track. This past year my course load got to heavy so I had to let sports go :frown: . As a result my waistline has become very unhappy with me. I'd like to be healthier and lose the weight so that I can feel good about myself and hopefully inspire my parents (who are also overweight) to change their ways. I'm 5'10 and hope to lose about 40 lbs.
  • tamplestiltskin
    Hey my name is Tam. This is my first semester of college, going for an associates in applied science ( to be an R.N)
    put on so much weight the last few yrs. just joined this site today, started out at like 300 lbs, down to 279. goal weight being 170 or less. my exercise consists of 20 mins-2hrs of dancing via xbox 360 kinect. it kicks my butt. i need to be down 80 lbs by the end of the yr. per the pact i made with my bff. its my real motivation, otherwise id probably just say screw it. im hoping i dont fail, but i have been working really hard, sometimes the scale reflects it, sometimes not so much
  • mexcat50
    Hello! My name is Megan and I am a freshman at Miami University (of ohio). I signed up for my first ever warrior dash this summer so I joined mfp so I can try to eat better and get back into shape! I have started weight lifting and plan to start running as soon as the weather starts to warm up again :flowerforyou:
  • KaleidoscopeEyes1056
    KaleidoscopeEyes1056 Posts: 2,996 Member
    Hi guys! I'm Amanda, I'm a Social Science Education major. I recently added a Political Science minor. I might be psychopathic, not sure yet. Basically the thing that has been challenging for me is being lazy. I'm lazy anyway, but college opens up a lot of opportunities to make excuses for my laziness. And, I think that's it.
  • racharla
    racharla Posts: 92 Member
    Hey Guys .. I am Teja , Recently received my 'Doctor' tag .. and planning to get that changed to ' Surgeon ' soon :D .. Have been overweight most of my age .. I have actually started to lose some after getting here on MFP ( yeah..Me losing some pounds never happened before ) .. Planning to shed more than 60 lbs ..And Why do I want to lose ?? .. C'mon ..I am a doctor now..and people expect me to be in shape ..:D
  • jaymee4647
    My name is Jaymee I am a student at College of the Desert. I am in the Nursing program. I gained 25 pounds my first semester... I didn't even think that was possiable. I guess it is. I weigh 195 as of today, I am 5'9 and I have never weighed this much in my life! Last year at this time I was 165... I am ashamed ... But I figure with small changes and being accountable for the food I stick in my pie hole, my weight should start going the other way...
    I have 3 kids, 2 exchange students, I work fulltime on an ambulance and a fulltime student. Not much time to work out. So here I am!
  • neff_burgz91
    My name is Steph. I'm a Graphic Design student in UK. I want to lose weight to be healthy and to look like a 20 year old should! Im a mum to a 2 year old little boy and and since getting pregnant I've gained 4 stone! I'm here to lose it all! Good luck everyone! xx
  • mortimer745
    I'm finishing my PhD in Archaeology. It sure is hard digging when you are fat! So that's one of my main motivators. Also, Lara Croft looks great...why shouldn't I!
  • irishasian05
    irishasian05 Posts: 26 Member
    Hi! I'm a first year Ph.D. student in New Jersey, and I'm studying Criminal Justice. I also work part-time (in addition to full-time studies and research), so my schedule is a bit crazy. I've been doing Zumba for Wii and the Brazilian Butt Lift workout program at home to burn calories. :)

    Feel free to add me for support!
  • HuntingArpegius
    HuntingArpegius Posts: 41 Member
    Does that Brazilian butt lift thing really work? haha
  • mishele41
    Hi I just started posting today. I'm a first year university student at the University of Toronto (Canada). I'm going for a bachelor of arts in the social sciences. I'm looking to major in sociology with a minor in anthropology and religion. But after my four years, I have no idea what I'm going to do.

    Question, do any of you use the gym at your school? I occasionally go, and the set up at my school is a cardio centre up stairs, and weight machines downstairs with a few cardio machines as well. I find that all the girls go upstairs to the cardio area, but I like to use weights in my workouts, to gain some lean muscle. But then I end up being all alone surrounded by a bunch of guys. It can ge a bit awkward, and then I become a bit self conscious. (I think I'm the queen of the world, and obviously all the guys in the gym would be looking at me because I'm hot:laugh:). And because of my self consciousness, I don't workout as hard as I can because I don't want to get sweaty in front of all these guys (stupid, I know). So I was just wondering, How other people handle the gym situation.
  • hlandry6
    hlandry6 Posts: 230
    Senior Nursing student here!! Graduating in May with my B.S in nursing and I am so excited =) I commute 50miles each way to school a couple times a week so this weight loss thing has been a major challenge for me..
  • Pandadora
    Pandadora Posts: 8 Member
    Hi guys, I'm Andrea

    I'm a full time Industrial Engineering student also working for a minor in Mathematics. I also work full time 34 hours a week or more. Its tough trying to stay healthy with so much stress and such a hectic schedule.

    I'm looking to get in shape to keep up with my super fit boyfriend. He's supported me through some extremely stressful and difficult times this last year. He's taken such good care of me it's time I started taking care of myself.