powdered peanut butter, anyoine else use it??

If yes, what do you use it with, I have it like in my shakes, but I am sure there are other uses for it...


  • freakingenius
    freakingenius Posts: 40 Member
    oh I L-O-V-E PB2!!! it makes tasty pb when you mix it with water. I use pb2+water instead of regular pb on apples & bananas. Its yummy in protein shakes, oatmeal & mixed into granola too. I've even put it into pancake mix to boost up the protein in my breakfasts.
  • Oh, I am in love with PB2 as well. I use it (mostly) mixed in with my chocolate protein shakes. It makes it taste like a liquid Reese's Peanut Butter Cup.
  • risskie
    risskie Posts: 203 Member
    Where can I get some powdered peanut butter??? I'd love to put it in my shakes too???
  • mfisher16508
    mfisher16508 Posts: 269 Member
    I got mine at the home healthcare store here, its called PB2 and it is amazing!!! heres a link to the manu
