4 hour body 2012

DMCNR Posts: 4 Member
I all!
Happy New Year!

Just joined the group. Have been working out and losing inches since September. Just starting the 4-hour body. What are your goals for 2012? Tim says we need friendly competition in total inches or bodyfat %. What can we create here?

Looking forward to getting to know you better.



  • bridall
    bridall Posts: 45 Member

    Happy New Year.

    I've been watching my calories for the past 3 weeks but only got back into slow carb. eating this week and finally I got some results in the right direction.

    So my goal for 2012is to stick with the slow carb. diet until I am at my goal - a size 12 Australian. I think that is a size 8-10 in the US.

    What is yours?
  • AY2011
    AY2011 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi there,

    I have just started the slow-carb diet this morning following the 4-Hour Body. I had been counting calories before with slow success. I had not planned well this morning and found it quite hard to get going. My goal for 2012 is to lose the weight and keep it off, no excuses! But with this I would like to do it in a way that I can maintain the weightloss and keep a healthly lifestyle from here on out. I like that I can have an off day that will keep me from feeling deprived and I'm thinking this will give me the power to stay on track to succeed!

    Tell me what obstacles have you ran into so far? Any good pointers when going low carb? Recipe Ideas?

    I've been told that low carb diets are quicker with results than that of low calorie diets. Any thoughts?

    Best Wishes!

  • FireSwan
    FireSwan Posts: 170 Member
    Hi Everyone, happy new year. I actually eased myself into the 4hour diet/lifestyle change a couple of weeks ago and finally started hard core this past week.

    I'm looking forward to participating in this group where we can help and encourage each other. I'm determined not to let this be a diet, but a lifestyle change. I know that lower carb plans work better for my body but I can't ever stick to it because I feel like I'm missing out. I am finding with having the cheat day (aka Calories be Darned Day) I am not missing out.

    The only issue I'm having problems with is getting the 30g protien w/in 30 minutes of waking up. I usually have 2 eggs with 1/4 to 1/2 cup of beans, but it still doesn't come out to 30g. That's the one obsticle that I'm still fine tuning.

    One thing to note: this is a lifestyle change not a diet. If you do this just to get down to your goal weight, then start eating like you did before, you WILL gain it all back.

    Good Luck everyone!!! :)
  • AY2011
    AY2011 Posts: 11 Member
    This morning I tried 1 egg and 2 egg whites with spinach scrambled. And had half a protein shake. That brought me to 27 g protein. I suggest the Syntha 6 Ufc Vanilla Protein Shake, 22 g protein, 13 carbs, and 100 calories. or I have heard there are keto shakes at the GNC or Vitamin Shoppe. Just starting out so I have some more testing to do! :smile:
  • FireSwan
    FireSwan Posts: 170 Member
    I'm going to finish up the whey powder I have then try one of the egg white protein powders. I don't use them that often, but on days I work out late at work, I usually have a protein shake after because I don't have time to take a regular lunch. Or if I need more protein or a "snack" I may use a 1/2 scoop of powder and some instant starbucks coffee and make a quick "frappachino". Not sure how the egg white powder will do with that!
  • AY2011
    AY2011 Posts: 11 Member
    oohh!! I'm going to have to try out the frappachino idea!! Sounds delish!! I'm having a hard time getting in all my protein before I get a headache in the afternoon. Last night I had such a bad headache that I skipped working out because I couldn't even stand to focus on the tv screen. :frown:
  • FireSwan
    FireSwan Posts: 170 Member
    "Frappachino" Recipe:

    1 to 2 packets of the Starbucks Via coffee (not the iced cofee, the regular one)
    1/2 to 1 scoop of chocolate or plain protein powder
    Cinnamon (to taste)
    Stevia or Truvia if desired

    Mix the packets of Via coffee in a little bit of hot water to dissolve it. Then put everything in a blender with ice and water, blend. I usually start off with a little water and add more until I get to the desired thickness. Enjoy!

    I have a little magic bullet style blender at work that I use for this.
  • Flynnwd
    Flynnwd Posts: 9 Member
    For breakfast, I suggest: 1/2 cup of egg beaters (scrambled), 1/2 can of chopped spinach and 1/2 can of refried black beans (no fat). For me, that's 32g of protein. It cooks easily in the microwave, and with a little bit of seasoning, I find that I like it a lot for my breakfast.

    Hope This Helps,
  • FireSwan
    FireSwan Posts: 170 Member
    For breakfast, I suggest: 1/2 cup of egg beaters (scrambled), 1/2 can of chopped spinach and 1/2 can of refried black beans (no fat). For me, that's 32g of protein. It cooks easily in the microwave, and with a little bit of seasoning, I find that I like it a lot for my breakfast.

    Hope This Helps,

    Thanks, I'll try that. I ended up making an egg & egg white casserole with spinach and a little cottage cheese. I then just microwave 1/4 of it with 1/4 - 1/2 cup of beans.
  • zippo32
    zippo32 Posts: 1,407 Member
    I think I can say I have incorporated this topic as a lifestyle change...................
  • bar403
    bar403 Posts: 28 Member
    Hello! I'm not new to MFP but I'm new to 4HB/SCD and I'm so glad to have found a group of people also following this lifestyle! I have almost completed my first week and so far I am loving this!
  • FireSwan
    FireSwan Posts: 170 Member
    Hello! I'm not new to MFP but I'm new to 4HB/SCD and I'm so glad to have found a group of people also following this lifestyle! I have almost completed my first week and so far I am loving this!

    Welcome to 4HB! Yeah, I'm on week 3, so far I really like it. I'm finding that mentally taking notes on foods I really want, then having them on my cheat day is working great. Although, today is my cheat day and I really find I don't want most of those things I was caving earlier! It is hard getting used to eating within 30min of waking up. I think I've got it down, finally!
  • mjbrenner
    mjbrenner Posts: 222 Member
    I should share that I began slow carbing last spring but fell off the wagon late in the summer for a variety of reasons. I resumed in October and have been going strong since. My experience is unique to me, but I am happy to share if anyone has any questions or wants to send a friend request.
  • crise40g
    crise40g Posts: 60 Member
    Hey gang,

    Been on MFP for a couple weeks now and finally decided to check out the message boards. Glad to have found a 4HB group. Been doing it for a couple of weeks now. Maybe a month. Started off by changing one meal, then two and so on and so forth. So far I've been liking the results. Not as strict as I want to be but getting there.

    Have a good one.
  • malibukaty11
    malibukaty11 Posts: 35 Member
    I did this late last year and had some success. I have been experimenting with different diets, but this was really easy to follow so I pulled the book out again last night and will be starting over.

    I'd love meal ideas, I am getting burnt out on chicken, eggs, and protein shakes! Good luck everyone!
  • zippo32
    zippo32 Posts: 1,407 Member
    BEANS...........................oh how I eat them.....................leads to success!
  • crise40g
    crise40g Posts: 60 Member
    Rosarita Vegetarian Refried Beans are pretty much a staple for me. 8 pack from Costco is a good deal. And they have big bags of fresh baby spinach. Fresh or sautéed. They also got a ready to drink protein shake from Premier that has 30 grams for that quick morning meal. I know, I know protein shake but it's so convenient to just pop the top and chug when you wake up.
  • FireSwan
    FireSwan Posts: 170 Member
    If you would like some really great 4HB recipes, check out this 4 hour people site. There are great recipes here for the 4HB diet. I just made the Beans and pork loin slow cooker recipe...delicious!

  • jmach002
    jmach002 Posts: 113 Member
    hey! im just starting 4HB. been watching my calories but the scale is just not moving! this program seems doable. any words of advice? how has everyone success been with it?
  • Flynnwd
    Flynnwd Posts: 9 Member
    I'm at 18 pounds lost after 6 weeks. This week's been slow, but I've lost every week.

    Hope This Helps,