What is your Race and Class??

jazzgnat Posts: 35 Member
If you were in an MMO what race and class would you be?
I saw a discussion like this on http://www.nerdfitness.com and enjoyed I thought you guys might have fun with it. Here are the rules:

Your race is based on who you are now particularly your body type i.e. If you are short and stocky you may be a dwarf or if you are tall and wide you may be a troll. This shouldn't reflect your weight as much as your bone structure and build. Your not restricted to a particular set of races like D&D etc. You can pick from a video game, RPG or movie. Whatever you choose just say why you chose it.

Your class is the type of character your training to be. Think warrior, hunter, thief, etc and again explain why.

Here is a link to the NF article which gives a more detailed explanation: http://nerdfitness.com/blog/2010/05/10/real-life-role-playing-what-is-your-profession/

My race would be human because I am very average 5'11 and 218lbs at the moment

I am training to be a Ninja because I am all about agility but I don't want to sacrifice power and Ninja Warrior is awesome. That's right I want to be Batman.

The goal of my training is to be able to do obstacle races like the Spartan race or the Tough Mudder(my sister-in-law and brother-in-law(not related weird right?) did it this year and I'm jealous.)


  • hobbitgrrl
    hobbitgrrl Posts: 67 Member
    Great topic! Thanks for the link! :)

    I'm most definitely a Hobbit, and reading through the comments on the noted article, would have to go with Bard class because my current fitness craze is all about Zumba. Dancing is my favorite form of exercise, and I hope to become confident enough with my Zumba moves to join a fitness class at the local gym. :glasses:
  • emmamcc1981
    emmamcc1981 Posts: 133 Member
    I would be a Liger Khajiit Ninja - bred for my skills and magic!

    I am pretty much a crazy cat lady already (i have 3) and i consider myself to be agile and acrobatic(ish), Quite catty in my demeanour (i'll snuggle in your lap but take a dump on your front lawn), and I take yo' money! An obvious natural in the Ninja world, my disciplines are running and yoga which keep me stealthy, speedy and incredibly bendy and when the claws are out i'm a deadly unarmed assassin

    MEOWWW!! :D
  • tappae
    tappae Posts: 568 Member
    I guess I would have to pick Elf because I have a very small frame (my toddler's wrists are almost as big as mine). On the other hand, I've never had any problem putting on weight (mostly fat, but some muscle), so I'm not sure.

    As for profession, I took a look at the link and I would have to say I'm a scout that wishes he was an assassin.

    Ninja Warrior is the best show! I love the dubious translation. I also want to run one of those obstacle races this year. My biggest concern is that I'll get my glasses all muddy and won't be able to see (I'm like Velma without them).
  • jazzgnat
    jazzgnat Posts: 35 Member
    I guess I would have to pick Elf because I have a very small frame (my toddler's wrists are almost as big as mine). On the other hand, I've never had any problem putting on weight (mostly fat, but some muscle), so I'm not sure.

    The way you describe your build I think you may be a halfling from D&D. They can be totally badass and so can you. Don't let your glasses stop you from running the race. Get a sports strap and carry a bandana or something to wipe them with or get some contacts if that is an option. I have glasses too and I hadn't considered that but I can run without them.
  • cgrout78
    cgrout78 Posts: 1,679 Member
    I think i'm a hobbit. I eat all the time and I'm kind of short and stout? Is that a hobbit?

    and I'd like to be an assasin, but totally not there yet
  • tappae
    tappae Posts: 568 Member
    I guess I would have to pick Elf because I have a very small frame (my toddler's wrists are almost as big as mine). On the other hand, I've never had any problem putting on weight (mostly fat, but some muscle), so I'm not sure.

    The way you describe your build I think you may be a halfling from D&D. They can be totally badass and so can you. Don't let your glasses stop you from running the race. Get a sports strap and carry a bandana or something to wipe them with or get some contacts if that is an option. I have glasses too and I hadn't considered that but I can run without them.

    Thanks for the race advice. I took at look at some descriptions of D&D characters and I think I'm too tall for halfling (and maybe even Elf). I'm going to go with half-elf.

    Thanks also for the bandana idea. I can keep it protected under my shirt and then use it when my glasses get muddy. Now I just have to work on clearing 6-foot walls.
  • LordBezoar
    LordBezoar Posts: 625 Member
    I am going to say that I want to be a Half-Elf Bard (Based on the info in the Nerd Fitness article, this would be a mixture of Ranger and Assassin). Why half elf? Because I have often felt like I am in-between groups, never truly fitting in anywhere specifically. Also, I like my facial hair too much to be a full Elf.

    Also, even though this isn't exactly what the thread seems to be, are there any other Tabletop RPG players here? If so, what do you usually play as?

    For D&D, I typically play as a Half-Elf Bard.
    In Shadowrun, I play as a Dwarf Hacker
  • jenbit
    jenbit Posts: 4,289 Member
    Ok so as near as I can figure it I'm a halfing Monk (big bone structure ) Monk fits as I already have a black belt in tae kwan do and use alot of punching kicking for self training.......
  • almc170
    almc170 Posts: 1,093 Member
    Hmmm, for race, I'm thinking halfling elf? I'm fairly tall with a small frame, but not exactly stick thin. As far as profession, Druid all the way. Right down to the insufficient protein issue. I do a lot of yoga, tai chi, and ballet conditioning, as well as weight training. But the weights are more for the yang aspect rather than performance. And they do help with that whole skinny fat thing...

  • MdmAcolyte
    MdmAcolyte Posts: 382 Member
    I love this! I am a gnome-acolyte... Used to play a lot of tele-arena back in the day (on a 1200 baud modem no less) and that's where my handle MdmAcolyte came from... Lol Here's a link for idea if anyone is interested ~

  • seattle_chick
    Well, if we're going by bone structure alone, I'm an elf all the way. I have a really long and lean frame when I take care of myself.

    I'm training to be a rogue. Nice strong arms for carryng my baby/striking down foes with my mad archery skillz. Wicked stealth for creeping past a sleeping baby/sneaking past the ogre's lair. Plus, last time I checked, unicorns spoke elven and that's pretty bad *kitten* in my book.

    As far as table-top games go, I'm a very casual D&D player. I'm more of a board game nerd. Folks who consider Settlers of Catan or Agricola merely a gateway game know what I'm talking about.

    My true girl geek passion lies within the romance and adventure of Dragon Age. I totally become a giddy, dorkwad whenever I interact with Alistair or Anders. So embarrassing!
  • Pookylou
    Pookylou Posts: 988 Member
    I love this!
    Currently I guess I am a dwarf/human hybrid. I'm only 5 3, and a bit stocky! I'd love to be a Scout/Druid I love running and yoga, and I'm a pescatarian :laugh: I like the idea of being swift and agile with some power there too!
  • nammer79
    nammer79 Posts: 707 Member
    I would have to be a mix of a drawf and hobbit (based on body type lol) and class would be a ninja/warrior im stealthy like a ninja but I'd take one for the team.

    I'm hoping by being on MFP that I can change my race (body type) into something more of a human or plain out drawf I'm not too picky.
  • grrrlface
    grrrlface Posts: 1,204 Member
    I think I would be an elf, I'm 5'2", slim frame, quite agile & people say I look very young for my age!

    My class, I would probably say Bard, I'm musical, love dancing, acting and art! :)
  • Lipodestroyer
    I always get stuck being the healer in my group because no one else wants the job. Before I broke my WoW addiction I was a Tauren Shaman and with my D&D group I am a Human Cleric :(
  • jenbit
    jenbit Posts: 4,289 Member
    I always get stuck being the healer in my group because no one else wants the job. Before I broke my WoW addiction I was a Tauren Shaman and with my D&D group I am a Human Cleric :(

    As a former WOW player (DPS) I thank you for your awesome healing abilities lol ..... Seriously healers are the most important member of the run we would all die without you :bigsmile: :heart:
  • Lipodestroyer
    Yeah healers are the unsung heroes of the raid, kinda like offensive linemen in football. Indispensable but yet little recognition. You're welcome.
  • Aeriesified
    Aeriesified Posts: 206 Member
    I always get stuck being the healer in my group because no one else wants the job. Before I broke my WoW addiction I was a Tauren Shaman and with my D&D group I am a Human Cleric :(

    As a former WOW player (DPS) I thank you for your awesome healing abilities lol ..... Seriously healers are the most important member of the run we would all die without you :bigsmile: :heart:

    Aye, thank you, Cleric!

    As it stands, I'd probably be a halfling rogue or hunter. Can halflings make good hunters? I can't imagine trying to shoot a bow at their height would be easy. xD
  • HowieTwoPointZero
    HowieTwoPointZero Posts: 494 Member
    Half Troll Bard

    I know you're thinking it doesn't make sense, but that's because you haven't met me.
  • TK266
    TK266 Posts: 3,689 Member
    Height: 6'4"
    Weight:192 lbs.
    Workout: kickboxing, grappling, light MMA, Cardio/strenght DVD, weight lifting
    Real Profession: Researcher/Analysis
    Possible stats: Strength: 13 (based on what I can lift), Dexterity: 10, Constitution: 15 (I rarely get sick), Intelligence: 12 (based on IQ), Wisdom: 8 (based upon stupid stuff I've done), Charisma: 13 (based upon lots of years of customer service jobs)

    My guess for race: Human or half-orc
    My guess for class: Monk/wizard .... maybe

    What is your guess for me?