Leaving the 190s FOR GOOD

Jessie43082 Posts: 171 Member
Hello everyone

After a sluggish January, I finally left the 190s today, hopefully for good! How is everyone else doing?


  • chell53
    chell53 Posts: 352 Member
    Hi! there

    I am out of the 190's and now trying to get to 185...........will know better tomorrow when I weigh in...............
  • 1jeaniebeanie
    1jeaniebeanie Posts: 86 Member
    Me too!!! I am currently around 187... trying to hit my first weight goal for 2012 by Valentine's Day... I want to be at 185. We will see how it goes... If not by that date... Hopefully by next week sometime...
  • I'm still stuck @ 195;((
  • Yesterday morning my scale read 189.8 but this morning it was right at 190 again. I'm just at the edge, but I'm hoping I can say that I'm leaving the 190's for good by next friday!! :D
  • kelly_gelinas
    kelly_gelinas Posts: 137 Member
    Now that I have left the 190s and am 185.5 I can't wait to get out of the 180s. it is such a vicious cycle lol. here's to the next milestone
  • radial
    radial Posts: 11 Member
    Fresh meat here! I just got out of the 200s today, so I guess I'll be hanging out in this group for a while.
  • Tann33
    Tann33 Posts: 101 Member
    Hang in there. Getting out of the 190s weight range, for some reason is a struggle and has been for me BUT I'm offically out of the 190s. After 5 months but I did cheat here and there too. Now I need to join a 180s group.