Brazil Butt Lift

I started Brazil But lift yesterday! Anyone else doing this program?


  • mariacolumbus
    mariacolumbus Posts: 227 Member
    I just finished my first week of BBL....I'm using it as a supplement to P90X / Turbo Fire Hybrid, so I'm not adhering to the work out calendar...I'm just doing Bum Bum and High & Tight for now. I use weights for an extra challenge - I was surprised at how "good sore" I was!
  • InsaneChic85
    InsaneChic85 Posts: 26 Member
    ME!!! I LOVE IT! I do it on top of my other workouts. Such an awesome program!
  • thursdaythunderstorms
    Im in week 3!!! :) Add me if you want!!
  • sara243
    sara243 Posts: 30 Member
    I just started week 4, great workouts and a fun program. Definitely feeling the difference in muscle tone and shape, but not seeing results yet... Nice to see others are doing it too!
  • radiantlybelle
    I'm going to get started tomorrow! Very excited :)
  • crodz73
    crodz73 Posts: 2 Member
    I love the this workout out!! I'm on week 3
  • sara243
    sara243 Posts: 30 Member
    Oh yeah, and I'm doing the Pear shape program for the first round, think I'll go to classic next.

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  • Savora
    Savora Posts: 25
    I'm starting BBL/Les Mills Pump hybrid Sunday, will post back with my results!!
  • strongnotskinny121
    strongnotskinny121 Posts: 329 Member
    So glad you all replied! :) I'm doing the "too big" schedule this first go, and then I think I"m going to mix it with my TJ and I also want to start C25k next month. Whew! Hope I have can fit it all together into a decent schedule!
  • ajjonah
    I am in my 3rd week now. LOVE IT!!! Just want to work out calories that I burn too add into exercise to make sure its acurate. Anyone know where I can find this info from?
  • lauram_23
    lauram_23 Posts: 141 Member
    I'm going to start it on Monday so that I can follow the callendar and give myself time to get some healthy groceries. I tried the pencil test last night and was pleasantly surprised that it would not stay!!! :)
  • sara243
    sara243 Posts: 30 Member
    I am in my 3rd week now. LOVE IT!!! Just want to work out calories that I burn too add into exercise to make sure its acurate. Anyone know where I can find this info from?

    I use a Heart Rate Monitor and think its the easiest to track because you just strap in and go for it. A great investment because even on the same workout I can vary hugely in calirie burn depending on the day and my energy/intensity level.
  • sara243
    sara243 Posts: 30 Member
    Anyone still in this group? I finished with the first round of Pear Shaped program, lost 5 lbs and 2 inches off my waist and an inch off my hips so far. Did the first week of Classic last week, but missed a couple workouts so I'm going to start over with that again next week. Sometimes it's hard for me to get multiple workouts in in one day, I need to MAKE the time. I feel like I need to complete the one week before I can move on, like a level in a game. So... long story short, here goes to starting round two again tomorrow. I hear the second month is where you start to see BIG results anyway. I've bumped up my weights and going up a level in resistance bands too. Bikini season's just around the corner, Who's with me????
  • vallesmines
    vallesmines Posts: 23 Member
    I am doing this program in combination with Insanity, and P90X. I have als.o lost an inch off my hips, and about 1/2 inch off each thigh. Be careful going up in weights, I actually started gaining inches and went back to no weights. Now I intensify
    the moves by really focusing on the muscle being worked and squeeze. It has made a big difference:) Good luck!
  • Alycra
    Alycra Posts: 88 Member
    I am thinking about this program. I have done P90X (well most of it) and I am doing Insanity now, so just debating between this or Turbo Fire next.
  • strongnotskinny121
    strongnotskinny121 Posts: 329 Member
    I ordered mini bands off Amazon and I think they work so much better than the longer resistance bands for BBL. It actually looks like the band they use in the video. :smile: Also, I just started C25K since I signed up for a 5k in August so I'm going to work on a schedule to mix BBl, TJ, and C25K. Whew, I'm worn out just thinking about it! lol :wink:
  • brghtrside
    I just joined MFP today (I have been using a different app for the last month). I saw this post and got excited, lol! I just started BBL last week...sorta. I started over again this week. I'm following the "Too Big" plan. I'm not in near as good of shape as it seems everyone else in this group is, but I am chipping away at it nonetheless (125 to lose...wish me luck). Even in the short amount of time I have been following the program, I've already lost 1" off my waist. Love the Cardio Axe!!! That in combo with the High and Tight is my fave work out.
  • Scarlettdawn764
    Scarlettdawn764 Posts: 856 Member
    Yay! Just finished week 1 of Brazil Butt Lift and I love it! I swear after just one week I'm already noticing a bit of difference. I'm doing the pear shaped plan and will decide where to go from there after the month is up, because I intend to restart my C25K to get ready for two races coming up and also am dying to try Turbo jam!!!
  • strongnotskinny121
    strongnotskinny121 Posts: 329 Member
    I tried doing TJ on my off days from C25K and ended up hurting my leg, soo......I'm only running and doing the Sculpt video from BBL. Once a week after my last day of running I will do High and Tight, but I will start back up with BBL after I graduate C25K. :) everyone keep up the awesome work!
  • aninyang
    aninyang Posts: 3
    I got it for my birthday on sunday, and as soon as i get home.... I am on it! then onto yoga before hitting the bed! I just can't wait!